PressureDependMultiYield-Example 2

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Elastic Pressure Dependent Dry Level Pushover

Input File

#Created by Zhaohui Yang (
#elastic pressure dependent material
# plane strain,  single element,  
# push over analysis (Applied load linearly increases with time),  
# SI units (m, s, KN, ton)
#         4     3
#         ------- --> F  (loads applied to node 3)
#         |     |
#         |     |
#         |     |
#        1-------2   (nodes 1 and 2 fixed)
#         ^     ^
#some user defined variables

set massDen  2.000      ;# mass density
set massProportionalDamping   0.0 ;
set stiffnessProportionalDamping 0.001 ;
set fangle 31.4         ;#friction angle
set ptangle 26.5        ;#phase transformation angle
set E1      90000.0      ;#Young's modulus
set poisson1 0.40 ;
set G [expr $E1/(2*(1+$poisson1))] ;
set B [expr $E1/(3*(1-2*$poisson1))] ;
set press   0        ;# isotropic consolidation pressure on quad element(s)
set loadIncr 1       ;# Static shear load
set period   2       ;# Period of applied sinusoidal load
set deltaT   0.01    ;# time step for analysis
set numSteps 2000    ;# Number of analysis steps
set gamma    0.5     ;# Newmark integration parameter
set unitWeightX 0.0                     ;#unit weight in X direction
set unitWeightY [expr -9.81*($massDen)] ;#unit weight in Y direction

#create the ModelBuilder
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 2

# define material and properties
nDMaterial PressureDependMultiYield 2 2 $massDen $G $B  $fangle .1 80 0.5 \
                                        $ptangle 0.17 0.4 10  10 0.015 1.0
nDMaterial FluidSolidPorous 1 2 2 2.2e6
# define the nodes
node 1   0.0 0.0 
node 2   1.0 0.0 
node 3   1.0 1.0 
node 4   0.0 1.0

# define the element      thick  material      maTag   press  density  gravity 
element quad  1  1 2 3 4  1.0   "PlaneStrain"     2   $press  0.0    $unitWeightX  $unitWeightY  

updateMaterialStage -material 2 -stage 0

# fix the base in vertical direction
fix 1 1 1 
fix 2 1 1

#tie nodes 3 and 4
equalDOF 3 4   1 2

# GRAVITY APPLICATION (elastic behavior)
# create the SOE, ConstraintHandler, Integrator, Algorithm and Numberer
system ProfileSPD
test NormDispIncr 1.e-12 25 0
constraints Transformation
integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1
algorithm Newton 
numberer RCM
analysis Static

analyze 2

# switch the material to elastic pressure dependent 
updateMaterialStage -material 2 -stage 2

analyze 1


# rezero time
setTime 0.0

# create a LoadPattern with a Linear time series
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
    load 3 $loadIncr 0.0    ;#load applied in x direction

# create the Analysis
constraints Transformation ;  # Penalty 1.0e18 1.0e18  ;# 
test NormDispIncr 1.e-12 25 0
algorithm Newton 
numberer RCM
system ProfileSPD
rayleigh $massProportionalDamping 0.0 $stiffnessProportionalDamping 0.
integrator Newmark $gamma  [expr pow($gamma+0.5, 2)/4]  
analysis VariableTransient 

#create the recorder
recorder Node -file disp.out   -time  -node 1 2 3 4 -dof 1 2 -dT  0.01 disp
recorder Node -file acce.out  -time  -node 1 2 3 4 -dof 1 2 -dT 0.01 accel
recorder Element -ele 1 -time -file stress1.out -dT 0.01 material 1 stress 
recorder Element -ele 1 -time -file strain1.out -dT 0.01 material 1 strain 
recorder Element -ele 1 -time -file stress3.out -dT 0.01 material 3 stress 
recorder Element -ele 1 -time -file strain3.out -dT 0.01 material 3 strain 

set startT [clock seconds]
analyze $numSteps $deltaT [expr $deltaT/100] $deltaT 10
set endT [clock seconds]
puts "Execution time: [expr $endT-$startT] seconds."

wipe  #flush ouput stream

MATLAB Plotting File

clear all;


fs=[0.5, 0.2, 4, 6];

%integration point 1 p-q
for i=1:size(s1,1)
    qo(i)=(s1(i,2)-s1(i,3))^2 + (s1(i,3)-s1(i,4))^2 +(s1(i,2)-s1(i,4))^2 + 6.0* s1(i,5)^2;
figure(1); clf;
%integration point 1 stress-strain
subplot(2,1,1), plot(e1(:,4),s1(:,5),'r');
title ('Integration point 1 shear stress \tau_x_y VS. shear strain \epsilon_x_y');
xLabel('Shear strain \epsilon_x_y');
yLabel('Shear stress \tau_x_y (kPa)');

subplot(2,1,2), plot(-po,qo,'r');
title ('Integration point 1 confinement p VS. deviatoric q relation');
xLabel('confinement p (kPa)');
yLabel('q (kPa)');

%integration point 3 p-q
for i=1:size(s5,1)
    qo(i)=(s5(i,2)-s5(i,3))^2 + (s5(i,3)-s5(i,4))^2 +(s5(i,2)-s5(i,4))^2 + 6.0* s5(i,5)^2;

figure(4); clf;
%integration point 3 stress-strain
subplot(2,1,1), plot(e5(:,4),s5(:,5),'r');
title ('Integration point 3 shear stress \tau_x_y VS. shear strain \epsilon_x_y');
xLabel('Shear strain \epsilon_x_y');
yLabel('Shear stress \tau_x_y (kPa)');

subplot(2,1,2), plot(-po,qo,'r');
title ('Integration point 3 confinement p VS. deviatoric q relation');
xLabel('confinement p (kPa)');
yLabel('q (kPa)');

figure(2); clf;
%node 3 displacement relative to node 1
title ('Lateral displacement at element top');
xLabel('Time (s)');
yLabel('Displacement (m)'); 

Displacement Output File

Stress-Strain Output File

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