Simply supported beam modeled with two dimensional solid elements

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Example Provided by: Vesna Terzic, UC Berkeley

This example (adopted from the old OpenSees Examples Manual) considers a simple problem in solid dynamics. The structure is a simply supported beam modelled with two dimensional solid elements (quadrilateral elements). The beam is first exposed to static load (two nodal loads) and then to free vibrations caused by removal of the static load. Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the beam and the static load. Units adopted for this example are: kip, inch, sec. Fig. 2 shows the global coordinate system, finite element mesh, and nodal numeration.

Instructions on how to run this example

To execute this ananlysis in OpenSees download this file: DynAnal_BeamWithQuadElements.tcl

To run this example, place the OpenSees.exe to the same directory with the downloaded file. By double cliking on OpenSees.exe the OpenSees interpreter will pop out. To run the analysis the user sholud type "source Example6_1.tcl" in OpenSees interpreter and hit enter.