NDFiber Section

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This commnand allows the user to construct an NDFiberSection object. Each NDFiberSection object is composed of NDFibers, with each fiber containing an NDMaterial, an area and a location (y,z). The NDFiberSection works for 2D and 3D frame elements and it queries the NDMaterial of each fiber for its axial and shear stresses. In 2D, stress components 11 and 12 are obtained from each fiber in order to provide stress resultants for axial force, bending moment, and shear (N, Mz, and Vy). Stress components 11, 12, and 13 lead to all six stress resultants in 3D (N, Mz, Vy, My, Vz, and T).

The command to generate NDFiberSection object contains in { } the commands to generate all the fibers in the object. To construct an NDFiberSection and populate it, the following command is used:

section NDFiber $secTag {

$secTag unique tag among all sections
fiber... command to generate a single fiber.
patch... command to generate a number of fibers over a geometric cross-section
layer... command to generate a row of fibers along a geometric-arc


  1. The command to generate an NDFiberSection contains in { } the commands to generate all the fibers in the section.
  2. The patch and layer commands can be used to generate multiple fibers in a single command.
  3. In an element recorder you can ask an NDFiberSection for its 'deformations', 'forces', 'forceAndDeformation', 'fiber $fiberNum $matArg1 ..', 'fiber $yLoc $zLoc $matTag $matArg1 '

<uml> NDFiberSection o- NDFiber </uml>

Code Developed by: Michael H. Scott, Oregon State University