PFEM Analysis

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analysis( 'PFEM'[, dtmax, dtmin, gravity[, ratio]])

construct the PFEM Analysis object.

Parameters: * regTag (int) - a predefined or new region tag.
* '-ele', e1, e2, ... (int) – the region is defined by elements e1, e2, .... If no tag is given, then all elements are added.
* '-eleRange', e1, e2, ... (int) – the region is defined by elements in the range [e1, e2].
* '-node', nd1, nd2, ... (int) – the region is defined by nodes nd1, nd2, .... If no tag is given, then all nodes are added.
* '-nodeRange', nd1, nd2, ... (int) – the region is defined by nodes in the range [nd1 nd2].
* '-rayleigh', alphaM, betaK, betaKinit, betaKcomm (float) – arguments as in rayleigh command.
* '-getNodeTags' (str) – return all node tags in the region.
* '-getConnectedEleTags' (str) – return all elements that connect to all nodes in the region.
* '-getEleTags' (str) – return all elements that are added by mesh/remesh commands.
* -mass', m1, m2, ...' (float) – set the nodal mass for all nodes in the region.
Returns: a list of node or element tags if ‘-getNodeTags’, ‘-getConnectedEleTags’, ‘-getEleTags’ are specified, otherwise, returns None.
Return Type:

list(int) or None