Backward Euler mothod in template3Dep

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Backward Euler mothod in template3Dep

Post by hxh169 »

Does Backward Euler mothod in template3Dep works at all? I cannot find an example which would call this function. Can anyone give me a valid input file? Thanks.

Also, between template3Dep and newTemplate3Dep, which one should I use?
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Post by rjaeger »


Looking at the source code, it looks like you can add -Algorithm # to newtemplate3dep material commands where # depends on what algorithm you want to use. According to the source code, here are the algorithms:
# = 1 is forward Euler
# = 2 is semi-implicit
# = 3 is backward Euler

I believe newtemplate3dep is faster than template3dep but I'm not one of the developers so I'm not positive. Try searching the forums if you haven't already since I think this has been asked before.

Hope that helps.
