Dear opensees user/developer
I have a problem when defining beamclumn joint element in a 3D problem for dynamic analysis..
First, how to model interior or even exterior joint in 3D, I know load is transferred only in plane, so, does that mean I have to model two joint element for each connection, one in XZ and one in YZ plane? this means I will model the element twice..
How to connect other beams perpendicular to joint plane?
Then, I encountered some issues when defining the bar-slip material such as the str parameter of "damag1" or "damage2" instead of "damage"
,and the number of parameters included in the bar-slip material to be either 13 or 15 . . .
I searched about any example for modeling joint in 3d, but nothing..
there is a single example that written in tcl to model joint in 2D, and apply static loads, but even this example is not up-to-date, and suffer some issues
any recommendations?
problem in "beamcolumn joint" element in 3D
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