I took the TCL Example 8 provided in OpenSees website, and played around with it to learn more.
https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/inde ... _W-Section
And I changed the Node ID in line 32 and 33 in file Ex7.Frame3D.build.RCsec.tcl as,
set Dlevel 100; # numbering increment for new-level nodes ___ Old value 10000
set Dframe [expr $NBay + 1]; numbering increment for new-frame nodes ___ Old Value 100
Hence the order of nodes is from 10101, 10102 .... 40404 to 105,106,....420.
The result is different such as DBase.out is slightly different. What could be the reason for different result. Node/element/constraint tag should not have changed the result. Am I incorrect?
Note: I only ran Ex7.Frame3D.build.RCsec.tcl.
Thanks and Regards,
Sanish Bhochhibhoya
Changing Node ID in OpenSees Example
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Re: Changing Node ID in OpenSees Example
It is likely because the node numbers used in the base shear recorder need to be updated as well.