Hi All,
I got a question about how to set a recorder to output the force-deformation relationship of the ZeroLength Element.
The OpenSees Wiki only mentioned that "The valid queries to a zero-length element when creating an ElementRecorder object are 'force,' 'deformation,' and 'material $i matArg1 matArg2 ...' Where $i is an integer indicating which of the materials whose data is to be output (a 1 corresponds to $matTag1, a 2 to $matTag2, and so on)", while no example is provided. I also checked many other websites but still got nothing.
I tried the following codes based on my understanding, but the output files contain nothing. It will be greatly appreciated if you could give me some suggestions here. Thanks a lot.
recorder Element -file spring_force_1.out –time -ele $eleSpring force
recorder Element -file spring_force_2.out –time -ele $eleSpring material $matSpring force
recorder Element -file spring_force_3.out –time -ele $eleSpring material $matSpring stress
Recorder for ZeroLength Element
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