I would like to know the best practice to utilize OpenSeesPy to analyze multiple models in parallel, such that I can fully utilize a multi-core CPU or a cluster with multiple nodes. Note: I would like to analyze multiple models in parallel, rather than utilizing multiple cores to speed up a single analysis. Here are the specific details on my issue.
-Goal: I would like to efficiently analyze a number of different structures to locate an optimal structure satisfying some constraints (e.g., safety constraint).
-What I did: To achieve the goal, I tried parallelizing a for-loop involving structural analysis using a library called Dask (https://dask.org/) where each iteration of the loop creates an instance importing OpenSeesPy and performing some analysis.
-Issue: Even though I parallelized the for-loop and it seems to be parallelized, the total CPU usage seems not to increase as the number of parallel workers increases. Also, sometimes I got errors like "node with tag xx already exists in model", which implies that OpenSeesPy interpreters called from different instances interfere with each other. Therefore, I believe even though multiple instances have been created, they are relying on the same OpenSees interpreter under the hood, which is not the intended situation. If possible, I would like to assign a separate OpenSees interpreter to each instance, such that they can analyze multiple models in parallel in a scalable manner.
The simplified version of my scripts is shown below. Script 1 defines a class (MasonryAnalysisModule) importing OpenSeesPy and performing some analysis, and Script 2 creates multiple instances of MasonryAnalysisModule and parallelize the analysis by using Dask with the for-loop. Any comments or suggestions (whether with Dask or other methods for parallelization) are really appreciated. Thank you very much for your time!
# Configuration:
Python 3.8.5
Dask 2021.1.1
# Script 1: masonry_analysis_module.py
Code: Select all
import openseespy.opensees as ops # import OpenSeesPy
import Get_Rendering as opsplt # import OpenSeesPy plotting commands
class MasonryAnalysisModule:
def test(self, input_seed):
self.seed = input_seed
# Initialize OpenSees Model
# Clean previous model
ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 3) # For 'block', ndm and ndf should be 3
print("This instance has seed of ", self.seed)
for node_index in range(10):
x = node_index * self.seed
y = node_index * self.seed
z = node_index * self.seed
ops.node(node_index, x, y, z)
# The result can be some analysis results, but for test, just return the node tags
result = ops.getNodeTags()
print("\t--> complete seed", self.seed)
return result
# Script 2: parallel_openseespy_test.py
Code: Select all
from dask.distributed import Client
from dask import delayed, compute
def ops_test(input_seed):
import masonry_analysis_module as ma
masonry_analysis_module = ma.MasonryAnalysisModule()
analysis_result = masonry_analysis_module.test(input_seed)
return analysis_result
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = Client(n_workers=NUM_FEM_WORKERS)
# For-loop using DASK-delayed
list_result = []
for input_seed in range(10):
result = delayed(ops_test)(input_seed)
list_result.append((input_seed, result))
# Here, initialte the computation of for-loop and retrieve the results
list_result = compute(*list_result)
for result in list_result:
print("X:", result)