I'm testing OpenSeesPy (new to Python btw, but I have time), and I was checking the plotting features and there are two that didn't work, I hope its just me.
I installed Anaconda, and under Spyder I installed Openseespy and updated it to the version 3.2.2. Then on my -simple model script I start with
Code: Select all
from openseespy.opensees import *
from openseespy.postprocessing.Get_Rendering import *
NameError: name 'createODB' is not defined
I reviewed the Get_Rendering script installed in my disk and it doesn't include the functions createODB() or animate_deformedshape(). But they are included in the code of GitHub ( Check here).
How can I properly install the latest version of Get_Rendering to have these functions working, without modifying it locally "by hand"?
Thank you and great work!!