Dear All
Here I try to make optimization of RC model with SNOPT, but I get problem "Fatal: can not run tcl file tes.tcl in SNOPTAnalysis toyOptFunction: SNOPTAnalysis -> update wrong!"
I have tried model example from Quangu website (steel framme with BRB) and the analyze was success. Here I attach my script. Would you like to help me...
Thank you
Sincerely yours
# ---------------------------------- optimization part (Optmz.tcl) ----------------
set iteration 1
#designVariable 1 -name sigmaYC -startPt 454.75 -lowerBound 453.75 -upperBound 535.43
#designVariable 1 -name DV_E1 -startPt 1e9 -lowerBound 1.0E5 -upperBound 1.e20
#designVariable 2 -name DV_fy1 -startPt 6e6 -lowerBound 1e3 -upperBound 1e20
#designVariable 3 -name DV_b1 -startPt 2 -lowerBound 0.0 -upperBound 1.e20
#designVariable 4 -name DV_E2 -startPt 5e8 -lowerBound 1.0E5 -upperBound 1.e20
#designVariable 5 -name DV_fy2 -startPt 4e6 -lowerBound 1e3 -upperBound 1e20
#designVariable 6 -name DV_b2 -startPt 4 -lowerBound 0.0 -upperBound 1.e20
designVariable 1 -name DV_eps1 -startPt 1e-3 -lowerBound 1.0E3 -upperBound 1.e20
designVariable 2 -name DV_fc1 -startPt 5e4 -lowerBound 1.0E2 -upperBound 1.e20
designVariable 3 -name DV_eps2 -startPt 1e-3 -lowerBound 1.0E3 -upperBound 1.e20
designVariable 4 -name DV_fc2 -startPt 5e4 -lowerBound 1.0E2 -upperBound 1.e20
designVariable 5 -name DV_Es -startPt 5e8 -lowerBound 1.0E3 -upperBound 1.e20
designVariable 6 -name DV_fy -startPt 5e5 -lowerBound 1.0E2 -upperBound 1.e20
puts "ok kene1"
#for {set i 1} {$i<=4} {incr i 1} {
#designVariablePositioner $i -dvNum 1 -element [expr 700+$i] -material E
#designVariablePositioner [expr 5+$i] -dvNum 1 -element [expr 710+$i] -material E
#designVariablePositioner [expr 10+$i] -dvNum 2 -element [expr 700+$i] -material sigmaY
#designVariablePositioner [expr 15+$i] -dvNum 2 -element [expr 710+$i] -material sigmaY
#designVariablePositioner [expr 20+$i] -dvNum 3 -element [expr 700+$i] -material b
#designVariablePositioner [expr 25+$i] -dvNum 3 -element [expr 710+$i] -material b
#for {set i 1} {$i<=1} {incr i 1} {
#designVariablePositioner [expr 4+$i] -dvNum 4 -element [expr 704+$i] -material E
#designVariablePositioner [expr 9+$i] -dvNum 4 -element [expr 714+$i] -material E
#designVariablePositioner [expr 14+$i] -dvNum 5 -element [expr 704+$i] -material sigmaY
#designVariablePositioner [expr 19+$i] -dvNum 5 -element [expr 714+$i] -material sigmaY
#designVariablePositioner [expr 24+$i] -dvNum 6 -element [expr 704+$i] -material b
#designVariablePositioner [expr 29+$i] -dvNum 6 -element [expr 714+$i] -material b
puts "ok kene2"
#source tclFileToRun.tcl
objectiveFunction 1 -name F -tclFile F.tcl -lowerBound -1.e20 -upperBound 1.e20 ; #-gradientName gradF
#array set uBound {1 4.0 2 5.0}
#array set lBound {1 -1e20 2 -1e20}
#constraintFunction 1 -name G -gradientName gradG -tclFile G.tcl -upperBound uBound -lowerBound lBound
puts "ok kene"
runSNOPTAnalysis -maxNumIter 50 -printOptPointX OptX.out -printFlag 1 -tclFileToRun tes.tcl
# ---------------------------------- FE model part (tes.tcl) ----------------
source rc02.tcl
source Cyclic.tcl
# ---------------------------------- Defining part (rc02.tcl) ----------------
# Design for self-centring column with friction device
# ------------------------
# Reinforced concrete column
# Units: N, mm, sec
# Written: AFS
# Date: June, 2015
# ------------------------------
# Start of model generation
# ------------------------------
# Set constant
# ------------------------------------------
set g 9.81e3; # (mm/sec**2)
set U 1.e15; # really large number
set pi 3.1416; # Constanta
set rhoC 2.5e-9 ; # Weight/volume of concrete (ton/mm3)
set Dfact1 [expr 3^2]
set Dfact2 [expr 5^2]
set Dfact3 [expr 7^2]
set Dfact4 [expr 9^2]
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)
# ------------------------------------------
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3
# set some paramaters
# ------------------------------------------
set DCol 600.0; # Column wide(mm)
set BCol 150.0; # Column depth(mm)
set Cover 32.0; # Clear concrete cover(mm)
set fc 25.0 ; # Concrete compressive characteristic(MPa)
set fcp [expr -$fc]; # (MPa)
set Ec [expr 5000*$fc**0.5] ; # Concrete elastic modulus(MPa)
set ec [expr -2*$fc/$Ec] ; # Concrete strain at peak stress (MPa)
set ecu [expr -0.022676902] ; # Ultimate concrete strain
set db 10.0 ;# Flexural reinforcement diameter (mm)
set ds 6.0 ;# Shear reinforcement diameter (mm)
set ss 50.0 ;# Shear reinforcement distance (mm)
set ft [expr $fc*0.1 ] ;# Maximum concrete tensile force (MPa)
set et [expr $Ec/$ft] ;# Concrete tensile strain at maximum tensile stress
set Acol [expr $BCol*$DCol]; # (mm2)
set Ecol [expr $Ec]; # Concrete elastic modulus(MPa)
set Icol [expr $DCol*$BCol**3/12]; # Moment Inertia of Column(mm4)
set As [expr $pi/4*$db**2]; # area of flexural reinforcement of D10 (m2)
set IDColFlex 10 ;# Column ID number
set IDColFlex2 100 ;# Column ID number
set IDColTors 11
set IDColSec 1
# Foot plate of foundation component dimension
# ------------------------------------------
set Bfp [expr 1450.00]
set Dfp1 [expr $Dfact4*160.]
set Dfp2 [expr $Dfact4*170.]
set Dfp3 [expr $Dfact4*250.]
set Dfp4 [expr $Dfact4*275.]
set Dfp5 [expr $Dfact4*225.]
set Afp1 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact4*$Dfp1]
set Afp2 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact4*$Dfp2]
set Afp3 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact4*$Dfp3]
set Afp4 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact4*$Dfp4]
set Afp5 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact4*$Dfp5]
set Ifp1 [expr $Bfp*$Dfp1**3/12]
set Ifp2 [expr $Bfp*$Dfp2**3/12]
set Ifp3 [expr $Bfp*$Dfp2**3/12]
set Ifp4 [expr $Bfp*$Dfp4**3/12]
set Ifp5 [expr $Bfp*$Dfp5**3/12]
# Column Head of column
# ------------------------------------------
set Bh [expr 2600.00]
set Dh1 [expr $Dfact3*1400.]
set Dh2 [expr $Dfact3*1400.]
set Dh3 [expr $Dfact3*1400.]
set Ah1 [expr $Bh/$Dfact3*$Dh1]
set Ah2 [expr $Bh/$Dfact3*$Dh2]
set Ah3 [expr $Bh/$Dfact3*$Dh3]
set Ih1 [expr $Bh*$Dh1**3/12/$Dfact3]
set Ih2 [expr $Bh*$Dh2**3/12/$Dfact3]
set Ih3 [expr $Bh*$Dh3**3/12/$Dfact3]
#Beam Head Column section
# ------------------------------------------
set Bhb [expr 2600.00]
set Dhb1 [expr $Dfact2*1000.00]
set Dhb2 [expr $Dfact2*1000.00]
set Ahb1 [expr $Bhb/$Dfact2*$Dhb1]
set Ahb2 [expr $Bhb/$Dfact2*$Dhb2]
set Ihb1 [expr $Bhb*$Dhb1**3/12/$Dfact2]
set Ihb2 [expr $Bhb*$Dhb2**3/12/$Dfact2]
#Beam Foot Plate section
# ------------------------------------------
set Bfp [expr 1450.00]
set Dfpb1 [expr $Dfact1*275.00/2]
set Dfpb2 [expr $Dfact1*550.00/2]
set Afpb1 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact1*$Dfpb1]
set Afpb2 [expr $Bfp/$Dfact1*$Dfpb2]
set Ifpb1 [expr $Bfp*$Dfpb1**3/12]
set Ifpb2 [expr $Bfp*$Dfpb2**3/12]
#anchorage section
# ------------------------------------------
set dachr 44.45
set Aachr [expr 6*$pi/4*$dachr**2]
set Iachr [expr 6*$pi/64*$dachr**4]
# Create nodes
# tag X Y Z
for {set i 1} {$i <= 6} {incr i 1} {
node $i -160.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
#node [expr $i+7] -80.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
#node [expr $i+14] -80.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
node [expr $i+21] 0.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
#node [expr $i+28] 80.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
#node [expr $i+35] 80.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
node [expr $i+42] 160.0 [expr ($i-1)*300.0]
node 7 -160.0 1550.0
#node 14 -80.0 1550.0
#node 21 -80.0 1550.0
node 28 0.0 1550.0
#node 35 80.0 1550.0
#node 42 80.0 1550.0
node 49 160.0 1550.0
node 50 0.0 1800.0
node 51 0.0 2000.0
# Add Mass at nodes of column element
# ------------------------------------------
# Mass of column section
# tag MX MY RZ
for {set i 2} {$i <= 5} {incr i 1} {
mass [expr $i+1] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300*(300+300*$i)**2]
mass [expr $i+21] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300*(300+300*$i)**2];# Adding nodal masses at every nodal in the middle column --> but actually no to be used at static cyclic analysis
mass [expr $i+42] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300] [expr $Acol*$rhoC*300*(300+300*$i)**2]
# Fix DOF for support
# ------------------------------------------
# tag DX DY RZ
fix 1 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
fix 22 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of middle column
fix 43 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of rigth column
# fix 1001 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 1002 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 1003 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 3001 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 3002 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 3003 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 1 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# fix 28 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of middle column
#x fix 55 1 1 1 ; # fix constrain at base of rigth column
# fix 204 1 1 0 ; # fix constrain at base of left column
# Steel Material
# ------------------------------------------
# Reinforcing steel
set IDMatRebar 3
set fys 345.0; # Yield stress of flexural reinforcement (N/mm2)
set fyb 295.0; # Yield stress confinement/shear reinforcement (N/mm2)
set Es 200.0e3; # Young's modulus of reinforcement (N/mm2)
# Define non-linear materials for friction devices
# ------------------------------------------
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $IDMatRebar $DV_fy $DV_Es 0.01 18.0 0.925 0.15 ; # Steel material for flexural reinforcement
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 9 1.5e4 4e5 0.01 ; # Friction material with value 0.5*5tonf, with E=4e5, and hardening slope 0.01
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 10 1e4 5e6 0.01 ; # Friction material with value 0.5*5tonf, with E=4e5, and hardening slope 0.01
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 11 2.5e4 1e6 1e-4 ; # Friction material with value 0.5*10tonf, with E=4e5, and hardening slope 0.01
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 12 5e4 2e6 1e-4 ; # Friction material with value 0.5*5tonf, with E=4e5, and hardening slope 0.01
#uniaxialMaterial Steel01 5 1e4 2e5 0.000001
#uniaxialMaterial Steel01 12 3e4 8e4 0.000001
#uniaxialMaterial Steel01 13 4e4 8e4 0.000001
#uniaxialMaterial Steel01 14 5e4 8e4 0.000001
#uniaxialMaterial Steel01 15 6e4 8e4 0.000001
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 16 2.5e4 10e5 1e-8
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 17 5e4 20e5 1e-8
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 18 7.5e4 30e5 1e-8
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 19 10e4 40e5 1e-8
#uniaxialMaterial Steel02 15 2e4 2e5 0.01 19.5 0.925 0.15
#uniaxialMaterial Steel02 110 4e4 4e5 0.01 19.5 0.925 0.15
#uniaxialMaterial Steel02 120 3e4 4e5 0.000001 19.5 0.925 0.15
#uniaxialMaterial Steel02 130 2e4 8e5 0.000001 19.5 0.925 0.15
#uniaxialMaterial Steel02 140 1e4 4e5 0.01 19.5 0.925 0.15
#uniaxialMaterial Steel02 160 5e4 4e5 0.01 19.5 0.925 0.15
#uniaxialMaterial ElasticPP 150 4e5 1e-1
# Define non-linear concrete materials
# ------------------------------------------
# CONCRETE tag f'c ec0 f'cu ecu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 50 -$DV_fc1 -$DV_eps1 -21.10774509 -0.022677 ; # Confined concrete material
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 60 -$DV_fc2 -$DV_eps2 -19.26616836 -0.01 ; # Cover concrete material
# uniaxialMaterial Concrete04 50 -40.53668 -0.002665676 -0.022677 $Ec
# uniaxialMaterial Concrete04 60 $fcp $ec -0.01 $Ec
# uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 50 -$DV_fc1 -$DV_eps1 -21.10774509 -0.022677 0.1 0.0 [expr 0.1*$Ec]
# uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 60 -$DV_fc2 -$DV_eps2 0.0 -0.01 0.1 0.0 [expr 0.1*$Ec]
#uniaxialMaterial ConfinedConcrete01 100 R $fcp $Ec -epscu $ecu -varUB [expr $DCol-2*$Cover] [expr $BCol-2*$Cover] $ds $ss $fys $Es 0.0 1000.0 $db -stRatio 0.85
uniaxialMaterial Hysteretic 500 345 0.001725 445 0.05 -345 -1.725E-03 -4.45E+02 -50E-03 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
# uniaxialMaterial Bond_SP01 500 345 0.38 431.25 13.31 0.40 0.9 0.0 10.0 40.53668 200.0
puts "OYEEEE"
# Define elastics materials
# ------------------------------------------
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 4 $Ec
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 20 1e1
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 15 1e15
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 75 1e15
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 100 1e15
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1000 16.62e6 0.0 1e15
#uniaxialMaterial Elastic 25 $Ec
#uniaxialMaterial Elastic 30 2e5
#uniaxialMaterial Elastic 35 2e5
# Core concrete (confined)
set IDMatCore 1
# Cover concrete (unconfined)
set IDMatCover 2
# Define cross-section for non-linear columns
# ------------------------------------------
source RCRec.tcl ; # Source in a procedure for generating an RC fiber section
# Call the procedure to generate the column section
# id BCol DCol cover coreMat coverMat steelMat nBarsY barArea nfCoreX nfCoreY nfCoverX1 nfCoverY1 nfCoverX2 nfCoverY2
RCRec1 $IDColFlex $BCol $DCol $Cover $IDMatCore $IDMatCover $IDMatRebar 8 $As 134 22 150 8 8 22 ;# for cover concrete
RCRec2 $IDColFlex2 $BCol $DCol $Cover $IDMatCore $IDMatCover $IDMatRebar 8 $As 134 22 150 8 8 22 ;# for cover concrete
# Define column elements
# ----------------------
# Geometry of column elements
set IDColGeom 1 ; # Define transformation geometry ID
geomTransf PDelta $IDColGeom ; # Geometric transformation
set np 4;# Number of integration points along length of element
# Create the columns using displacement Beam-column elements
# ------------------------------------------
# tag ndI ndJ nsecs secID transfTag
# element dispBeamColumn 1 1 2 $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn 9 28 29 $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn 17 55 56 $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn 2 2 3 $Acol $Ec [expr 0.065*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn 10 29 30 $Acol $Ec [expr 0.065*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn 18 56 57 $Acol $Ec [expr 0.065*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn 8 8 9 $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn 16 35 36 $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn 24 62 63 $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn 7 7 8 $Acol $Ec [expr 0.065*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn 15 34 35 $Acol $Ec [expr 0.065*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn 23 61 62 $Acol $Ec [expr 0.065*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# for {set i 1} {$i <= 8} {incr i 1} {
# element elasticBeamColumn $i $i [expr $i+1] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.12*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element elasticBeamColumn [expr $i+8] [expr $i+27] [expr $i+28] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.12*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define middle column element
# element elasticBeamColumn [expr $i+16] [expr $i+54] [expr $i+55] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.12*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define right column element
# element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+24] $i [expr $i+1] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+32] [expr $i+27] [expr $i+28] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define middle column element
# element elasticBeamColumn [expr $i+40] [expr $i+54] [expr $i+55] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define right column element
# }
for {set i 1} {$i <= 5} {incr i 4} {
element dispBeamColumn $i $i [expr $i+1] $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+5] [expr $i+21] [expr $i+22] $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define middle column element
element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+10] [expr $i+42] [expr $i+43] $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define right column element
# element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+24] $i [expr $i+1] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+32] [expr $i+27] [expr $i+28] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define middle column element
# element elasticBeamColumn [expr $i+40] [expr $i+54] [expr $i+55] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define right column element
for {set i 2} {$i <= 4} {incr i 1} {
element dispBeamColumn $i $i [expr $i+1] $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+5] [expr $i+21] [expr $i+22] $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define middle column element
element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+10] [expr $i+42] [expr $i+43] $np 10 $IDColGeom ; # Define right column element
# element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+24] $i [expr $i+1] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define left column element
# element dispBeamColumn [expr $i+32] [expr $i+27] [expr $i+28] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define middle column element
# element elasticBeamColumn [expr $i+40] [expr $i+54] [expr $i+55] $Acol $Ec [expr 0.2*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define right column element
#Element for middle head column
# ------------------------------------------
element elasticBeamColumn 98 6 7 [expr $Acol] $Ec [expr $Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define head middle element
element elasticBeamColumn 99 48 49 [expr $Acol] $Ec [expr $Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define head middle element
element elasticBeamColumn 101 27 28 [expr 2*$Acol] $Ec [expr 7*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define head middle element
element elasticBeamColumn 102 28 50 [expr 2*$Acol] $Ec [expr 7*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define head middle element
element elasticBeamColumn 103 50 51 [expr 2*$Acol] $Ec [expr 7*$Icol] $IDColGeom ; # Define head middle element
# Friction element
# ------------------------------------------
for {set i 1} {$i <= 5} {incr i 1} {
element twoNodeLink [expr 720+$i] [expr 22+$i] [expr 1+$i] -mat 1000 -dir 1
element twoNodeLink [expr 730+$i] [expr 22+$i] [expr 43+$i] -mat 1000 -dir 1
# element truss 701 23 2 2 12
# element truss 702 24 3 2 12
# element truss 703 25 4 2 12
# element truss 704 26 5 2 12
# element truss 705 27 6 2 11
# element truss 711 23 44 2 12
# element truss 712 24 45 2 12
# element truss 713 25 46 2 12
# element truss 714 26 47 2 12
# element truss 715 27 48 2 11
element twoNodeLink 701 23 2 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 702 24 3 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 703 25 4 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 704 26 5 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 705 27 6 -mat 11 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 711 23 44 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 712 24 45 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 713 25 46 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 714 26 47 -mat 12 -dir 2
element twoNodeLink 715 27 48 -mat 11 -dir 2
# ---------------------------------- Static Cyclic Analysis part (Cyclic.tcl) ----------------
puts "========iteration is: $iteration, DV is E1 fY1 b1 E2 fY2 b2 : $DV_Es $DV_fy $DV_fc1 $DV_eps1 $DV_fc2 $DV_eps2"
set iteration [expr $iteration+1]
remove recorders
recorder Element -file sts_stnBar_1.out -ele 1 section 1 fiber [expr -$BCol/2+32] 0 $IDMatRebar stressStrain;
recorder Element -file sts_stnBar_4.out -ele 4 section 2 fiber [expr -$BCol/2+32] 0 $IDMatRebar stressStrain;
recorder Element -file sts_stnBar_8.out -ele 8 section 4 fiber [expr -$BCol/2+32] 0 $IDMatRebar stressStrain;
# recorder node -file dsp50.out -time -node 50 1 -disp
# wipeAnalysis
# loadConst -time 0.0
recorder display "Deformed shape" 1 100 500 500 -wipe
prp 10000. 50. 10;
vup 0 1 0;
vpn 0 0 1;
display 100 5 40
recorder plot P_D "dsp50.out" 40 40 500 500 -columns 2 1 -wipe
display 2 5 100
recorder plot sts_stnBar_1.out " 1_sts_stnBar_L" 40 40 500 500 -columns 2 1 -wipe
display 3 5 40
# create horizontal load at node 50 in 1 unit load value
pattern Plain 2 Linear {load 50 1.0 0.0 0.0}
constraints Transformation
numberer RCM
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-6 100 0
algorithm Newton
# create recoder for load and displacement value at node 50
set P_D [open P_D2.dat w ];# Make ouput file for P_D --> Force Displacement output
set ForceOut [open ForceOut.dat w ] ; #Make ouput file for ForceOut--> Force output
set DispOut [open DispOut.dat w ] ; #Make ouput file for DispOut--> Force displacement
# foreach numIter {20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 300 200 150 100 75 50 35 20 15 8 5 2} dU {1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 -1e-1} { ;# for static cyclic
recorder Node -file dsp50.out -time -node 50 -dof 1 disp;
foreach numIter {180 360 180} dU {1e-1 -1e-1 1e-1 } {
integrator DisplacementControl 50 1 $dU
analysis Static
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numIter} {incr i 1} {
analyze 1
set factor [getTime]
set dp [nodeDisp 50 1]
puts $P_D "$factor"
puts $ForceOut "$factor"
puts $DispOut "$dp"
puts "hallllo"
close $P_D
close $ForceOut
close $DispOut
# ---------------------------------- Define RC section (RCRec.tcl.tcl) ----------------
proc RCRec1 {id BCol DCol Cover coreID coverID steelID numBarsY barArea nfCoreZ nfCoreY nfCoverZ1 nfCoverY1 nfCoverZ2 nfCoverY2} {
# Define the fiber section
section fiberSec $id {
# Core dimension
set BCo [expr $BCol-2*$Cover]
set DCo [expr $DCol-2*$Cover]
# Define the core patch
patch rect 50 $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ [expr -$BCo/2] [expr -$DCo/2] [expr $BCo/2] [expr $DCo/2]
# Define the cover patch
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY1 $nfCoverZ1 [expr -$BCol/2] [expr -$DCol/2] [expr -$BCo/2] [expr $DCol/2]
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY1 $nfCoverZ1 [expr $BCo/2] [expr -$DCol/2] [expr $BCol/2] [expr $DCol/2]
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY2 $nfCoverZ2 [expr -$BCo/2] [expr -$DCol/2] [expr $BCo/2] [expr -$DCo/2]
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY2 $nfCoverZ2 [expr -$BCo/2] [expr $DCo/2] [expr $BCo/2] [expr $DCol/2]
# Define reinforcement layer patch
layer straight $steelID 8 $barArea [expr -($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr $DCo/2-8.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
layer straight $steelID 8 $barArea [expr ($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr ($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr $DCo/2-8.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-5.0)] [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
proc RCRec2 {id BCol DCol Cover coreID coverID steelID numBarsY barArea nfCoreZ nfCoreY nfCoverZ1 nfCoverY1 nfCoverZ2 nfCoverY2} {
# Define the fiber section
section fiberSec $id {
# Core dimension
set BCo [expr $BCol-2*$Cover]
set DCo [expr $DCol-2*$Cover]
# Define the core patch
patch rect 50 $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ [expr -$BCo/2] [expr -$DCo/2] [expr $BCo/2] [expr $DCo/2]
# Define the cover patch
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY1 $nfCoverZ1 [expr -$BCol/2] [expr -$DCol/2] [expr -$BCo/2] [expr $DCol/2]
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY1 $nfCoverZ1 [expr $BCo/2] [expr -$DCol/2] [expr $BCol/2] [expr $DCol/2]
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY2 $nfCoverZ2 [expr -$BCo/2] [expr -$DCol/2] [expr $BCo/2] [expr -$DCo/2]
patch rect 60 $nfCoverY2 $nfCoverZ2 [expr -$BCo/2] [expr $DCo/2] [expr $BCo/2] [expr $DCol/2]
# Define reinforcement layer patch
layer straight $steelID 8 $barArea [expr -($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr $DCo/2-8.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
layer straight $steelID 8 $barArea [expr ($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr ($BCo/2-8.0)] [expr $DCo/2-8.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-8.0)] [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
# layer straight $steelID 2 $barArea [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr -($DCo/2-5.0)] [expr ($BCo/2-5.0-70.0-80.0)] [expr $DCo/2-5.0]
section Elastic 500 4e4 [expr 600*150] [expr 600*150**3/12]
#------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment data (dsp50_exp.out)--------------------------------------
1367.5 0.1
2734.34 0.2
4100.5 0.3
5465.98 0.4
6830.79 0.5
8194.92 0.6
9558.37 0.7
10921.1 0.8
12283.2 0.9
13644.6 1
15005.3 1.1
16365.3 1.2
17724.6 1.3
19060 1.4
20322.6 1.5
21584.8 1.6
22660.5 1.7
23717.9 1.8
24767.3 1.9
25806.3 2
26845.1 2.1
27882.3 2.2
28918.9 2.3
29954.1 2.4
30988.4 2.5
32021 2.6
33052.3 2.7
34082.8 2.8
35113.4 2.9
36142.9 3
37029.8 3.1
37883.1 3.2
38655.3 3.3
39308.8 3.4
39963.1 3.5
40488.2 3.6
41001.2 3.7
41518 3.8
42033.3 3.9
42527.5 4
42932.4 4.1
43337.3 4.2
43745.5 4.3
44152.8 4.4
44463.1 4.5
44762.6 4.6
45068.4 4.7
45377.2 4.8
45687.9 4.9
45999.8 5
46313.6 5.1
46630.7 5.2
46948 5.3
47265.6 5.4
47584 5.5
47892.6 5.6
48131.7 5.7
48369.9 5.8
48606.1 5.9
48844.4 6
49086.3 6.1
49331.8 6.2
49582.1 6.3
49833.8 6.4
50086.9 6.5
50340.2 6.6
50596.3 6.7
50852.9 6.8
51109.5 6.9
51367.5 7
51626.5 7.1
51885.7 7.2
52147 7.3
52408.5 7.4
52612 7.5
52793.5 7.6
52975 7.7
53156.6 7.8
53338 7.9
53519.2 8
53699.8 8.1
53880 8.2
54061.6 8.3
54245.2 8.4
54428.8 8.5
54612.3 8.6
54795.8 8.7
54980.7 8.8
55165.5 8.9
55350.2 9
55534.6 9.1
55719.1 9.2
55893.5 9.3
56030.8 9.4
56168 9.5
56305.3 9.6
56442.5 9.7
56579.3 9.8
56715.8 9.9
56852 10
56987.9 10.1
57123.8 10.2
57259.6 10.3
57395.4 10.4
57531 10.5
57666.5 10.6
57802.1 10.7
57937.6 10.8
58072.9 10.9
58208.1 11
58343.3 11.1
58478.2 11.2
58613 11.3
58747.6 11.4
58882.2 11.5
59016.8 11.6
59151.3 11.7
59285.7 11.8
59420 11.9
59554.2 12
59688.4 12.1
59822.5 12.2
59956.5 12.3
60090.4 12.4
60224.4 12.5
60358.3 12.6
60492.6 12.7
60627.1 12.8
60761.3 12.9
60895.5 13
61029.7 13.1
61163.7 13.2
61297.6 13.3
61431.4 13.4
61565.1 13.5
61698.7 13.6
61832.2 13.7
61965.7 13.8
62099.2 13.9
62232.9 14
62366.7 14.1
62500.4 14.2
62634.3 14.3
62768.9 14.4
62903.3 14.5
63037.7 14.6
63172.2 14.7
63306.6 14.8
63440.9 14.9
63575.2 15
63709.6 15.1
63844.3 15.2
63978.9 15.3
64114 15.4
64249 15.5
64384.1 15.6
64519.1 15.7
64654.3 15.8
64789.5 15.9
64924.5 16
65059.6 16.1
65194.5 16.2
65329.4 16.3
65464.5 16.4
65599.6 16.5
65734.7 16.6
65870.1 16.7
66005.5 16.8
66140.8 16.9
66276.7 17
66414.6 17.1
66552.7 17.2
66690.7 17.3
66828.7 17.4
66966.5 17.5
67104.4 17.6
67242.2 17.7
67379.9 17.8
67517.6 17.9
67655.6 18
66171.6 17.9
64674.6 17.8
63156.5 17.7
61625.3 17.6
60077.2 17.5
58514.9 17.4
56933.5 17.3
55341.7 17.2
53728.1 17.1
52098 17
50452.3 16.9
48786.2 16.8
47097.4 16.7
45402.7 16.6
43685.7 16.5
41956.5 16.4
40226.8 16.3
38480.6 16.2
36720.2 16.1
34959.7 16
33183.6 15.9
31502.3 15.8
30019.3 15.7
28530.2 15.6
27043.1 15.5
25549.7 15.4
24073.7 15.3
22840.1 15.2
21606.9 15.1
20374.9 15
19141.4 14.9
17907.5 14.8
16673.6 14.7
15440.8 14.6
14214 14.5
12986.4 14.4
11761.2 14.3
10541 14.2
9324.86 14.1
8115.41 14
6906.75 13.9
5700.23 13.8
4498.35 13.7
3314.99 13.6
2143.65 13.5
986.389 13.4
-144.073 13.3
-1098.55 13.2
-2045.75 13.1
-2975.99 13
-3895.89 12.9
-4797.96 12.8
-5689.07 12.7
-6514.46 12.6
-7135.48 12.5
-7747.68 12.4
-8352.82 12.3
-8956.2 12.2
-9547.94 12.1
-10131.3 12
-10697.7 11.9
-11268.5 11.8
-11826.5 11.7
-12361.8 11.6
-12924 11.5
-13491 11.4
-14050.3 11.3
-14493.9 11.2
-14898.3 11.1
-15300.4 11
-15641.8 10.9
-15962 10.8
-16280.8 10.7
-16599.8 10.6
-16919.9 10.5
-17241.6 10.4
-17563.1 10.3
-17884.4 10.2
-18205.7 10.1
-18526.9 10
-18848.5 9.9
-19168.5 9.8
-19488.3 9.7
-19808.8 9.6
-20130.3 9.5
-20449.7 9.4
-20767.7 9.3
-21084.5 9.2
-21399.9 9.1
-21706.4 9
-21936.4 8.9
-22167.5 8.8
-22400.1 8.7
-22634 8.6
-22869 8.5
-23105.2 8.4
-23342.6 8.3
-23581.5 8.2
-23806.1 8.1
-24004.9 8
-24205.6 7.9
-24407.1 7.8
-24609.2 7.7
-24811.3 7.6
-25013.7 7.5
-25217.3 7.4
-25422.9 7.3
-25630 7.2
-25838 7.1
-26046.2 7
-26255.4 6.9
-26444 6.8
-26608.3 6.7
-26772.6 6.6
-26937 6.5
-27101.4 6.4
-27266.4 6.3
-27432.1 6.2
-27597.9 6.1
-27763.9 6
-27930.6 5.9
-28097.9 5.8
-28264.5 5.7
-28430.4 5.6
-28596.6 5.5
-28762.5 5.4
-28927 5.3
-29092.6 5.2
-29260 5.1
-29427.5 5
-29595.7 4.9
-29764.2 4.8
-29932.1 4.7
-30102.4 4.6
-30273.5 4.5
-30446.3 4.4
-30602.6 4.3
-30747.8 4.2
-30894.3 4.1
-31041.8 4
-31189.8 3.9
-31338.7 3.8
-31490.2 3.7
-31645.6 3.6
-31801 3.5
-31956.3 3.4
-32112.1 3.3
-32268.9 3.2
-32426.1 3.1
-32583.5 3
-32742.4 2.9
-32902.2 2.8
-33063 2.7
-33226.8 2.6
-33392.1 2.5
-33557.5 2.4
-33725.4 2.3
-33895.6 2.2
-34068.4 2.1
-34242.8 2
-34420.3 1.9
-34599.8 1.8
-34781.7 1.7
-34964.5 1.6
-35149.8 1.5
-35337.9 1.4
-35533.1 1.3
-35734 1.2
-35938.8 1.1
-36147.1 1
-36362.4 0.9
-36583.3 0.8
-36810.2 0.7
-37044.2 0.6
-37285.1 0.5
-37533.8 0.4
-37788.5 0.3
-38048.2 0.2
-38312.5 0.1
-38581.2 -6.38E-16
-38850.8 -0.1
-39122.5 -0.2
-39394.9 -0.3
-39666.3 -0.4
-39936.7 -0.5
-40205.3 -0.6
-40472.4 -0.7
-40738.4 -0.8
-41001.6 -0.9
-41259.5 -1
-41515 -1.1
-41771.7 -1.2
-42029.3 -1.3
-42286.1 -1.4
-42542 -1.5
-42796.8 -1.6
-43049.2 -1.7
-43299.7 -1.8
-43547.8 -1.9
-43793.3 -2
-44035.7 -2.1
-44276.5 -2.2
-44513.1 -2.3
-44748.3 -2.4
-44980.2 -2.5
-45208.1 -2.6
-45432.9 -2.7
-45656 -2.8
-45877.3 -2.9
-46096.6 -3
-46313.3 -3.1
-46527.6 -3.2
-46738.8 -3.3
-46946.5 -3.4
-47150.4 -3.5
-47348.6 -3.6
-47541.5 -3.7
-47730.8 -3.8
-47917.5 -3.9
-48101.4 -4
-48279.7 -4.1
-48452.9 -4.2
-48620.4 -4.3
-48786.7 -4.4
-48949.8 -4.5
-49111.5 -4.6
-49271.5 -4.7
-49429.7 -4.8
-49587 -4.9
-49741.7 -5
-49895 -5.1
-50046.9 -5.2
-50197.3 -5.3
-50346.3 -5.4
-50494.3 -5.5
-50642.4 -5.6
-50791.6 -5.7
-50940.9 -5.8
-51089.2 -5.9
-51237.9 -6
-51385.5 -6.1
-51533 -6.2
-51679.8 -6.3
-51825.5 -6.4
-51970.5 -6.5
-52115.1 -6.6
-52259.6 -6.7
-52403.2 -6.8
-52546.7 -6.9
-52689.7 -7
-52832 -7.1
-52973.7 -7.2
-53115 -7.3
-53256.3 -7.4
-53397.4 -7.5
-53538.5 -7.6
-53679.2 -7.7
-53819.3 -7.8
-53958.8 -7.9
-54098.5 -8
-54237.7 -8.1
-54377.1 -8.2
-54516.1 -8.3
-54654.9 -8.4
-54793.7 -8.5
-54932.4 -8.6
-55071 -8.7
-55209.3 -8.8
-55347 -8.9
-55484.1 -9
-55621.1 -9.1
-55758 -9.2
-55895 -9.3
-56032.2 -9.4
-56169.5 -9.5
-56306.8 -9.6
-56443.9 -9.7
-56580.5 -9.8
-56716.9 -9.9
-56852.9 -10
-56988.9 -10.1
-57124.8 -10.2
-57260.6 -10.3
-57396.3 -10.4
-57532 -10.5
-57667.4 -10.6
-57803 -10.7
-57938.4 -10.8
-58073.6 -10.9
-58208.9 -11
-58344 -11.1
-58478.8 -11.2
-58613.6 -11.3
-58748.2 -11.4
-58882.7 -11.5
-59017.3 -11.6
-59151.9 -11.7
-59286.2 -11.8
-59420.5 -11.9
-59554.7 -12
-59688.9 -12.1
-59822.9 -12.2
-59956.8 -12.3
-60090.7 -12.4
-60224.8 -12.5
-60358.6 -12.6
-60492.9 -12.7
-60627.3 -12.8
-60761.6 -12.9
-60895.7 -13
-61029.9 -13.1
-61163.9 -13.2
-61297.7 -13.3
-61431.5 -13.4
-61565.1 -13.5
-61698.7 -13.6
-61832.2 -13.7
-61965.7 -13.8
-62099.2 -13.9
-62232.8 -14
-62366.5 -14.1
-62500.2 -14.2
-62634.1 -14.3
-62768.6 -14.4
-62903 -14.5
-63037.4 -14.6
-63171.8 -14.7
-63306.2 -14.8
-63440.5 -14.9
-63574.8 -15
-63709.1 -15.1
-63843.7 -15.2
-63978.2 -15.3
-64113.2 -15.4
-64248.2 -15.5
-64383.2 -15.6
-64518.2 -15.7
-64653.4 -15.8
-64788.5 -15.9
-64923.5 -16
-65058.5 -16.1
-65193.3 -16.2
-65328.2 -16.3
-65463.3 -16.4
-65598.3 -16.5
-65733.3 -16.6
-65868.6 -16.7
-66003.9 -16.8
-66139.1 -16.9
-66274.9 -17
-66412.5 -17.1
-66550.5 -17.2
-66688.4 -17.3
-66826.3 -17.4
-66964.1 -17.5
-67101.8 -17.6
-67239.4 -17.7
-67377.1 -17.8
-67514.7 -17.9
-67652.5 -18
-66168.9 -17.9
-64672.3 -17.8
-63154.5 -17.7
-61623.4 -17.6
-60075.4 -17.5
-58514.8 -17.4
-56933.6 -17.3
-55341.6 -17.2
-53729 -17.1
-52100.4 -17
-50454.7 -16.9
-48791.5 -16.8
-47102.9 -16.7
-45409.1 -16.6
-43693.8 -16.5
-41965.4 -16.4
-40235.8 -16.3
-38491.2 -16.2
-36730.9 -16.1
-34970.3 -16
-33194.8 -15.9
-31514.5 -15.8
-30031.5 -15.7
-28541.6 -15.6
-27054.7 -15.5
-25561.2 -15.4
-24081.3 -15.3
-22847.8 -15.2
-21614.5 -15.1
-20382.5 -15
-19149.4 -14.9
-17915.9 -14.8
-16681.9 -14.7
-15449.3 -14.6
-14222.6 -14.5
-12995.5 -14.4
-11770.7 -14.3
-10550.8 -14.2
-9334.99 -14.1
-8125.8 -14
-6917.59 -13.9
-5711.36 -13.8
-4509.9 -13.7
-3326.76 -13.6
-2156.15 -13.5
-999.536 -13.4
133.011 -13.3
1087.07 -13.2
2033.82 -13.1
2963.57 -13
3882.84 -12.9
4784.55 -12.8
5675.74 -12.7
6505.21 -12.6
7126.1 -12.5
7738 -12.4
8342.93 -12.3
8945.83 -12.2
9537.59 -12.1
10121.2 -12
10687.8 -11.9
11251.9 -11.8
11809.1 -11.7
12327 -11.6
12856.9 -11.5
13393.1 -11.4
13935.6 -11.3
14405.9 -11.2
14810.2 -11.1
15212.1 -11
15569.8 -10.9
15890.5 -10.8
16209.9 -10.7
16529.2 -10.6
16848.4 -10.5
17168.5 -10.4
17488.9 -10.3
17808.6 -10.2
18128.3 -10.1
18448 -10
18767.6 -9.9
19086.1 -9.8
19403.5 -9.7
19721.9 -9.6
20041.9 -9.5
20360.4 -9.4
20677.8 -9.3
20994.2 -9.2
21309 -9.1
21624.1 -9
21870.3 -8.9
22100.6 -8.8
22332.4 -8.7
22565.8 -8.6
22800.1 -8.5
23035.7 -8.4
23272.3 -8.3
23510.5 -8.2
23748.3 -8.1
23945.9 -8
24145.2 -7.9
24345.5 -7.8
24546.3 -7.7
24747.3 -7.6
24948.4 -7.5
25148.9 -7.4
25349.8 -7.3
25551.8 -7.2
25754.3 -7.1
25956.6 -7
26158.5 -6.9
26361 -6.8
26528.4 -6.7
26691.7 -6.6
26855.4 -6.5
27019.2 -6.4
27183.1 -6.3
27348 -6.2
27513.1 -6.1
27678.3 -6
27843.6 -5.9
28010 -5.8
28176.3 -5.7
28341.9 -5.6
28507.3 -5.5
28673.2 -5.4
28837.3 -5.3
29001.6 -5.2
29167.7 -5.1
29334.6 -5
29501.5 -4.9
29669.6 -4.8
29837.5 -4.7
30005.5 -4.6
30175.7 -4.5
30346.7 -4.4
30519.5 -4.3
30666.1 -4.2
30811.3 -4.1
30957.7 -4
31104.9 -3.9
31252.7 -3.8
31400.5 -3.7
31549.1 -3.6
31700.1 -3.5
31850.1 -3.4
32000.1 -3.3
32152.6 -3.2
32308.2 -3.1
32463.4 -3
32619.6 -2.9
32777.2 -2.8
32935.4 -2.7
33094.1 -2.6
33255.1 -2.5
33418 -2.4
33580.7 -2.3
33744.4 -2.2
33910.6 -2.1
34079 -2
34248.7 -1.9
34420.2 -1.8
34594.3 -1.7
34769 -1.6
34945.3 -1.5
35122.7 -1.4
35301.5 -1.3
35482.4 -1.2
35665.4 -1.1
35849.4 -1
36034.3 -0.9
36226.7 -0.8
36429.3 -0.7
36636 -0.6
36845.7 -0.5
37059.3 -0.4
37275.6 -0.3
37494 -0.2
37717.5 -0.1
37942.9 -2.80E-15
Problem Structure Optimization with SNOPT
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, mhscott, Moderators
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:17 pm
- Location: Kyoto University
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:27 pm
Re: Problem Structure Optimization with SNOPT
look at this:
"Fatal: can not run tcl file tes.tcl in SNOPTAnalysis toyOptFunction: SNOPTAnalysis -> update wrong!"
It looks like problem with .tcl archives, the optimization file exactly, you can find them inside SNOPT, check it. We can talk in facebook if you need more info
"Fatal: can not run tcl file tes.tcl in SNOPTAnalysis toyOptFunction: SNOPTAnalysis -> update wrong!"
It looks like problem with .tcl archives, the optimization file exactly, you can find them inside SNOPT, check it. We can talk in facebook if you need more info

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Re: Problem Structure Optimization with SNOPT
I have encountered the same problem:
Fatal: can not run tcl file tclFileToRun.tcl in SNOPTAnalysis
toyOptFunction: SNOPTAnalysis -> update wrong!
could you paste how you deal with this problem?
Fatal: can not run tcl file tclFileToRun.tcl in SNOPTAnalysis
toyOptFunction: SNOPTAnalysis -> update wrong!
could you paste how you deal with this problem?