I have built Opensees from the latest svn (peera) sources (r6059) and after running Opensees I get this header
OpenSees -- Open System For Earthquake Engineering Simulation
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center -- 2.4.6 (rev 6022)
(c) Copyright 1999-2013 The Regents of the University of California
All Rights Reserved
(Copyright and Disclaimer @ http://www.berkeley.edu/OpenSees/copyright.html)
It would be nicer to see the revision number correct ('rev 6059' instead of 'rev 6022'). Now it seems that it is hardcoded?
Revision number in OpenSees program header is inaccurate
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: Revision number in OpenSees program header is inaccurate
edit the OPS_Globals.h file in SRC