when I try to run pushover analysis, the message popped out as below:
OpenSees > source pushover.tcl
Modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler Model with Bilinear Hysteretic Response
domain error: argument not in valid range
I appreciate your help for solving this issue.
Thank you.
pushover Analysis
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: pushover Analysis
i need a little bit more to go on to tell you what the error is .. why don't you post the material command
Re: pushover Analysis
here is the material command for my analysis:
this is for the beam. I have similar code for the column too.
#Modulus of elasticity
set Ec1 6000; #second floor beam
set Ec2 4500; #other floor beams
#beam section
set Abeam1 480; #2nd floor
set Abeam2 360; #3rd-7th floor
set Abeam3 352; #roof
set Ibeam1 22669; #2nd floor
set Ibeam2 9563; #3rd-7th floor
set Ibeam3 8940; #roof
set n 10.0;
#modified moment of inertia
set Ibeammod1 [expr $Ibeam1*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibeammod2 [expr $Ibeam2*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibeammod3 [expr $Ibeam3*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Kbeam1 [expr $n*6.0*$Ec1*$Ibeammod1/$wbay];
set Kbeam2 [expr $n*6.0*$Ec2*$Ibeammod2/$wbay];
set Kbeam3 [expr $n*6.0*$Ec2*$Ibeammod3/$wbay];
#Elastic beam column elements
# eleID convention: "2xy" where 2 = beam, x = Bay #, y = Floor #
#element elasticBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $Iz $transfTag <-mass $massDens> <-cMass>
# nodeID convention: "xya" where x = Pier #, y = Floor #, a = location relative to beam-column joint
# "a" convention: 2 = left; 3 = right;
# "a" convention: 6 = below; 7 = above;
#2nd story
element elasticBeamColumn 212 123 222 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 222 223 322 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 232 323 422 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 242 423 522 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 252 523 622 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 262 623 722 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 272 723 822 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 282 823 922 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
#3rd story
element elasticBeamColumn 213 133 232 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 223 233 332 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 233 333 432 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 243 433 532 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 253 533 632 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 263 633 732 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 273 733 832 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 283 833 932 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#4th story
element elasticBeamColumn 214 143 242 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 224 243 342 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 234 343 442 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 244 443 542 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 254 543 642 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 264 643 742 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 274 743 842 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 284 843 942 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#5th story
element elasticBeamColumn 215 153 252 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 225 253 352 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 235 353 452 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 245 453 552 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 255 553 652 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 265 653 752 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 275 753 852 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 285 853 952 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#6th story
element elasticBeamColumn 216 163 262 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 226 263 362 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 236 363 462 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 246 463 562 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 256 563 662 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 266 663 762 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 276 763 862 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 286 863 962 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#7th story
element elasticBeamColumn 217 173 272 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 227 273 372 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 237 373 472 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 247 473 572 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 257 573 672 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 267 673 772 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 277 773 872 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 287 873 972 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 218 183 282 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 228 283 382 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 238 383 482 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 248 483 582 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 258 583 682 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 268 683 782 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 278 783 882 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 288 883 982 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
#rotational springs
set LS 76.0;
set LK 105.0;
set LA 102;
set LD 168;
set cS 1.0;
set cK 1.0;
set cA 1.0;
set cD 1.0;
set DP 1.0;
set DN 1.0;
#2nd story
set Mybeamw21p 2125;
set McMybeamw21p 1.25
set th_pw21p 0.0198;
set th_pcw21p 0.0125;
set resw21p 0.2000;
set th_puw21p 0.0306;
set Mybeamw21n 5946;
set McMybeamw21n 1.08
set th_pw21n 0.0167;
set th_pcw21n 0.0103;
set resw21n 0.2000;
set th_puw21n 0.0271;
set amemw21p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw21p*($McMybeamw21p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw21p)];
set bw21p [expr ($amemw21p)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw21p)];
set amemw21n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw21n*($McMybeamw21n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw21n)];
set bw21n [expr ($amemw21n)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw21n)];
set Mybeame21p 2125;
set McMybeame21p 1.25
set th_pe21p 0.0198;
set th_pce21p 0.0125;
set rese21p 0.2000;
set th_pue21p 0.0306;
set Mybeame21n 6690;
set McMybeame21n 1.07
set th_pe21n 0.0163;
set th_pce21n 0.0099;
set rese21n 0.2000;
set th_pue21n 0.0266;
set ameme21p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame21p*($McMybeame21p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe21p)];
set be21p [expr ($ameme21p)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme21p)];
set ameme21n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame21n*($McMybeame21n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe21n)];
set be21n [expr ($ameme21n)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme21n)];
set Mybeamw22p 1193;
set McMybeamw22p 1.45
set th_pw22p 0.0198;
set th_pcw22p 0.0125;
set resw22p 0.2000;
set th_puw22p 0.0303;
set Mybeamw22n 6420;
set McMybeamw22n 1.07;
set th_pw22n 0.0159;
set th_pcw22n 0.0096;
set resw22n 0.2000;
set th_puw22n 0.0259;
set amemw22p [expr ($n+2.0)*($Mybeamw22p*($McMybeamw22p-2.0))/($Kbeam2*$th_pw22p)];
set bw22p [expr ($amemw22p)/($n+2.0-$n*$amemw22p)];
set amemw22n [expr ($n+2.0)*($Mybeamw22n*($McMybeamw22n-2.0))/($Kbeam2*$th_pw22n)];
set bw22n [expr ($amemw22n)/($n+2.0-$n*$amemw22n)];
set Mybeame22p 1193;
set McMybeame22p 1.45
set th_pe22p 0.0198;
set th_pce22p 0.0125;
set rese22p 0.2000;
set th_pue22p 0.0303;
set Mybeame22n 7465;
set McMybeame22n 1.05
set th_pe22n 0.0151;
set th_pce22n 0.0092;
set rese22n 0.2000;
set th_pue22n 0.0251;
set ameme22p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame22p*($McMybeame22p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe22p)];
set be22p [expr ($ameme22p)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme22p)];
set ameme22n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame22n*($McMybeame22n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe22n)];
set be22n [expr ($ameme22n)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme22n)];
set Mybeamw23p 1193;
set McMybeamw23p 1.45
set th_pw23p 0.0198;
set th_pcw23p 0.0125;
set resw23p 0.2000;
set th_puw23p 0.0303;
set Mybeamw23n 7022;
set McMybeamw23n 1.06
set th_pw23n 0.0154;
set th_pcw23n 0.0094;
set resw23n 0.2000;
set th_puw23n 0.0254;
set amemw23p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw23p*($McMybeamw23p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw23p)];
set bw23p [expr ($amemw23p)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw23p)];
set amemw23n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw23n*($McMybeamw23n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw23n)];
set bw23n [expr ($amemw23n)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw23n)];
set Mybeame23p 1193;
set McMybeame23p 1.45
set th_pe23p 0.0198;
set th_pce23p 0.0125;
set rese23p 0.2000;
set th_pue23p 0.0303;
set Mybeame23n 6188;
set McMybeame23n 1.10
set th_pe23n 0.0230;
set th_pce23n 0.0121;
set rese23n 0.2000;
set th_pue23n 0.0447;
set ameme23p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame23p*($McMybeame23p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe23p)];
set be23p [expr ($ameme23p)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme23p)];
set ameme23n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame23n*($McMybeame23n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe23n)];
set be23n [expr ($ameme23n)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme23n)];
#Rotational springs
# Spring ID: "4xya", where 4 = beam spring, x = Bay #, y = Floor #, a = location in bay
# "a" convention: 1 = left end, 2 = right end
#2nd floor beams
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4121 12 123 $Kbeam1 $bw21p $bw21n $Mybeamw21p [expr -$Mybeamw21n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw21p $th_pw21n $th_pcw21p $th_pcw21n $resw21p $resw21n $th_puw21p $th_puw21n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4122 22 222 $Kbeam1 $be21p $be21n $Mybeame21p [expr -$Mybeamw22n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw22p $th_pw22n $th_pcw22p $th_pcw22n $resw22p $resw22n $th_puw22p $th_puw22n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4222 32 322 $Kbeam1 $be22p $be22n $Mybeame22p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4322 42 422 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4421 42 423 $Kbeam1 $bw23p $bw23n $Mybeamw23p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4422 52 522 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4521 52 523 $Kbeam1 $bw23p $bw23n $Mybeamw23p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4522 62 622 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4621 62 623 $Kbeam1 $bw23p $bw23n $Mybeamw23p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4622 72 722 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4721 72 723 $Kbeam1 $bw22p $bw22n $Mybeamw22p [expr -$Mybeamw22n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw22p $th_pw22n $th_pcw22p $th_pcw22n $resw22p $resw22n $th_puw22p $th_puw22n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4722 82 822 $Kbeam1 $be22p $be22n $Mybeame22p [expr -$Mybeame22n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe22p $th_pe22n $th_pce22p $th_pce22n $rese22p $rese22n $th_pue22p $th_pue22n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4821 82 823 $Kbeam1 $bw21p $bw21n $Mybeamw21p [expr -$Mybeamw21n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw21p $th_pw21n $th_pcw21p $th_pcw21n $resw21p $resw21n $th_puw21p $th_puw21n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4822 92 922 $Kbeam1 $be21p $be21n $Mybeame21p [expr -$Mybeame21n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe21p $th_pe21n $th_pce21p $th_pce21n $rese21p $rese21n $th_pue21p $th_pue21n $DP $DN;
Your suggestion is much appreciated.
Thank you
here is the material command for my analysis:
this is for the beam. I have similar code for the column too.
#Modulus of elasticity
set Ec1 6000; #second floor beam
set Ec2 4500; #other floor beams
#beam section
set Abeam1 480; #2nd floor
set Abeam2 360; #3rd-7th floor
set Abeam3 352; #roof
set Ibeam1 22669; #2nd floor
set Ibeam2 9563; #3rd-7th floor
set Ibeam3 8940; #roof
set n 10.0;
#modified moment of inertia
set Ibeammod1 [expr $Ibeam1*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibeammod2 [expr $Ibeam2*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Ibeammod3 [expr $Ibeam3*($n+1.0)/$n];
set Kbeam1 [expr $n*6.0*$Ec1*$Ibeammod1/$wbay];
set Kbeam2 [expr $n*6.0*$Ec2*$Ibeammod2/$wbay];
set Kbeam3 [expr $n*6.0*$Ec2*$Ibeammod3/$wbay];
#Elastic beam column elements
# eleID convention: "2xy" where 2 = beam, x = Bay #, y = Floor #
#element elasticBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $Iz $transfTag <-mass $massDens> <-cMass>
# nodeID convention: "xya" where x = Pier #, y = Floor #, a = location relative to beam-column joint
# "a" convention: 2 = left; 3 = right;
# "a" convention: 6 = below; 7 = above;
#2nd story
element elasticBeamColumn 212 123 222 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 222 223 322 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 232 323 422 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 242 423 522 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 252 523 622 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 262 623 722 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 272 723 822 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 282 823 922 $Abeam1 $Ec1 $Ibeammod1 $LinearTransf;
#3rd story
element elasticBeamColumn 213 133 232 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 223 233 332 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 233 333 432 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 243 433 532 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 253 533 632 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 263 633 732 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 273 733 832 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 283 833 932 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#4th story
element elasticBeamColumn 214 143 242 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 224 243 342 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 234 343 442 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 244 443 542 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 254 543 642 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 264 643 742 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 274 743 842 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 284 843 942 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#5th story
element elasticBeamColumn 215 153 252 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 225 253 352 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 235 353 452 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 245 453 552 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 255 553 652 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 265 653 752 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 275 753 852 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 285 853 952 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#6th story
element elasticBeamColumn 216 163 262 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 226 263 362 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 236 363 462 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 246 463 562 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 256 563 662 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 266 663 762 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 276 763 862 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 286 863 962 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
#7th story
element elasticBeamColumn 217 173 272 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 227 273 372 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 237 373 472 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 247 473 572 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 257 573 672 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 267 673 772 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 277 773 872 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 287 873 972 $Abeam2 $Ec2 $Ibeammod2 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 218 183 282 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 228 283 382 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 238 383 482 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 248 483 582 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 258 583 682 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 268 683 782 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 278 783 882 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
element elasticBeamColumn 288 883 982 $Abeam3 $Ec2 $Ibeammod3 $LinearTransf;
#rotational springs
set LS 76.0;
set LK 105.0;
set LA 102;
set LD 168;
set cS 1.0;
set cK 1.0;
set cA 1.0;
set cD 1.0;
set DP 1.0;
set DN 1.0;
#2nd story
set Mybeamw21p 2125;
set McMybeamw21p 1.25
set th_pw21p 0.0198;
set th_pcw21p 0.0125;
set resw21p 0.2000;
set th_puw21p 0.0306;
set Mybeamw21n 5946;
set McMybeamw21n 1.08
set th_pw21n 0.0167;
set th_pcw21n 0.0103;
set resw21n 0.2000;
set th_puw21n 0.0271;
set amemw21p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw21p*($McMybeamw21p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw21p)];
set bw21p [expr ($amemw21p)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw21p)];
set amemw21n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw21n*($McMybeamw21n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw21n)];
set bw21n [expr ($amemw21n)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw21n)];
set Mybeame21p 2125;
set McMybeame21p 1.25
set th_pe21p 0.0198;
set th_pce21p 0.0125;
set rese21p 0.2000;
set th_pue21p 0.0306;
set Mybeame21n 6690;
set McMybeame21n 1.07
set th_pe21n 0.0163;
set th_pce21n 0.0099;
set rese21n 0.2000;
set th_pue21n 0.0266;
set ameme21p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame21p*($McMybeame21p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe21p)];
set be21p [expr ($ameme21p)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme21p)];
set ameme21n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame21n*($McMybeame21n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe21n)];
set be21n [expr ($ameme21n)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme21n)];
set Mybeamw22p 1193;
set McMybeamw22p 1.45
set th_pw22p 0.0198;
set th_pcw22p 0.0125;
set resw22p 0.2000;
set th_puw22p 0.0303;
set Mybeamw22n 6420;
set McMybeamw22n 1.07;
set th_pw22n 0.0159;
set th_pcw22n 0.0096;
set resw22n 0.2000;
set th_puw22n 0.0259;
set amemw22p [expr ($n+2.0)*($Mybeamw22p*($McMybeamw22p-2.0))/($Kbeam2*$th_pw22p)];
set bw22p [expr ($amemw22p)/($n+2.0-$n*$amemw22p)];
set amemw22n [expr ($n+2.0)*($Mybeamw22n*($McMybeamw22n-2.0))/($Kbeam2*$th_pw22n)];
set bw22n [expr ($amemw22n)/($n+2.0-$n*$amemw22n)];
set Mybeame22p 1193;
set McMybeame22p 1.45
set th_pe22p 0.0198;
set th_pce22p 0.0125;
set rese22p 0.2000;
set th_pue22p 0.0303;
set Mybeame22n 7465;
set McMybeame22n 1.05
set th_pe22n 0.0151;
set th_pce22n 0.0092;
set rese22n 0.2000;
set th_pue22n 0.0251;
set ameme22p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame22p*($McMybeame22p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe22p)];
set be22p [expr ($ameme22p)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme22p)];
set ameme22n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame22n*($McMybeame22n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe22n)];
set be22n [expr ($ameme22n)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme22n)];
set Mybeamw23p 1193;
set McMybeamw23p 1.45
set th_pw23p 0.0198;
set th_pcw23p 0.0125;
set resw23p 0.2000;
set th_puw23p 0.0303;
set Mybeamw23n 7022;
set McMybeamw23n 1.06
set th_pw23n 0.0154;
set th_pcw23n 0.0094;
set resw23n 0.2000;
set th_puw23n 0.0254;
set amemw23p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw23p*($McMybeamw23p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw23p)];
set bw23p [expr ($amemw23p)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw23p)];
set amemw23n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeamw23n*($McMybeamw23n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pw23n)];
set bw23n [expr ($amemw23n)/($n+1.0-$n*$amemw23n)];
set Mybeame23p 1193;
set McMybeame23p 1.45
set th_pe23p 0.0198;
set th_pce23p 0.0125;
set rese23p 0.2000;
set th_pue23p 0.0303;
set Mybeame23n 6188;
set McMybeame23n 1.10
set th_pe23n 0.0230;
set th_pce23n 0.0121;
set rese23n 0.2000;
set th_pue23n 0.0447;
set ameme23p [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame23p*($McMybeame23p-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe23p)];
set be23p [expr ($ameme23p)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme23p)];
set ameme23n [expr ($n+1.0)*($Mybeame23n*($McMybeame23n-1.0))/($Kbeam1*$th_pe23n)];
set be23n [expr ($ameme23n)/($n+1.0-$n*$ameme23n)];
#Rotational springs
# Spring ID: "4xya", where 4 = beam spring, x = Bay #, y = Floor #, a = location in bay
# "a" convention: 1 = left end, 2 = right end
#2nd floor beams
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4121 12 123 $Kbeam1 $bw21p $bw21n $Mybeamw21p [expr -$Mybeamw21n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw21p $th_pw21n $th_pcw21p $th_pcw21n $resw21p $resw21n $th_puw21p $th_puw21n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4122 22 222 $Kbeam1 $be21p $be21n $Mybeame21p [expr -$Mybeamw22n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw22p $th_pw22n $th_pcw22p $th_pcw22n $resw22p $resw22n $th_puw22p $th_puw22n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4222 32 322 $Kbeam1 $be22p $be22n $Mybeame22p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4322 42 422 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4421 42 423 $Kbeam1 $bw23p $bw23n $Mybeamw23p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4422 52 522 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4521 52 523 $Kbeam1 $bw23p $bw23n $Mybeamw23p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4522 62 622 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4621 62 623 $Kbeam1 $bw23p $bw23n $Mybeamw23p [expr -$Mybeamw23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw23p $th_pw23n $th_pcw23p $th_pcw23n $resw23p $resw23n $th_puw23p $th_puw23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4622 72 722 $Kbeam1 $be23p $be23n $Mybeame23p [expr -$Mybeame23n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe23p $th_pe23n $th_pce23p $th_pce23n $rese23p $rese23n $th_pue23p $th_pue23n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4721 72 723 $Kbeam1 $bw22p $bw22n $Mybeamw22p [expr -$Mybeamw22n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw22p $th_pw22n $th_pcw22p $th_pcw22n $resw22p $resw22n $th_puw22p $th_puw22n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4722 82 822 $Kbeam1 $be22p $be22n $Mybeame22p [expr -$Mybeame22n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe22p $th_pe22n $th_pce22p $th_pce22n $rese22p $rese22n $th_pue22p $th_pue22n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4821 82 823 $Kbeam1 $bw21p $bw21n $Mybeamw21p [expr -$Mybeamw21n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pw21p $th_pw21n $th_pcw21p $th_pcw21n $resw21p $resw21n $th_puw21p $th_puw21n $DP $DN;
rotSpring2DModIKModel 4822 92 922 $Kbeam1 $be21p $be21n $Mybeame21p [expr -$Mybeame21n] $LS $LK $LA $LD $cS $cK $cA $cD $th_pe21p $th_pe21n $th_pce21p $th_pce21n $rese21p $rese21n $th_pue21p $th_pue21n $DP $DN;
Your suggestion is much appreciated.
Thank you
Re: pushover Analysis
any suggestion for my material command
Re: pushover Analysis
Dear fmk,
any reply
any reply