IDA by parallel process (OpenSeesMP)

This forum is for issues related to parallel processing
and OpenSees using the new interpreters OpenSeesSP and OpenSeesMP

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IDA by parallel process (OpenSeesMP)

Post by gorica »

i want to do IDA analysis for my structures by parallel processing .
you can see my (parallel.tcl) code in below .
the (i) parameter works as scaling factor in (model.tcl) file .
it starts to run but the speed drops down how you can find out easily that the parallel processing is not happening .
each core has a 4 GHz frequency .

for runnung , first i open the command prompt as admin and change the directory to the (parallel.tcl) adress .
then i enter the (mpiexec -n 4 OpenSeesMP.exe parallel.tcl ) command .

i don't know how to use ( send , receive , barrier ) commands .
by the way , is it neccesery to have the OpenSeesMP.exe file beside the (parallel.tcl) ?

how should i change the below code ?

#parallel.tcl code :

set pid [getPID]
set np [getNP]

if { $pid==0 } {
set i 10
source model.tcl

if { $pid==1 } {
set i 11
source model.tcl

if { $pid==2 } {
set i 12
source model.tcl

if { $pid==3 } {
set i 13
source model.tcl

thanks alot
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Re: IDA by parallel process (OpenSeesMP)

Post by fmk »

to see if parallel processing is happening i suggest you monitor your system resoures .. this is not an OpenSees feature, but an operating system feature you should learn to use.
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