Interface problem in adding new material (moment-rotation)

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Interface problem in adding new material (moment-rotation)

Post by yuqing »

Hi everyone, i am trying to adding a new kind of uniaxial material into OS, and I want to add its hysteretic properties like rule of hysteretic loop, backbone curve and soon. However, all of these are presented by moment-rotation relationship which are different with the interface like (stress, tangent, strain). So I make efforts to change M to stress and rotation to strain; however, I do not know how to deal with tangent. Would u interpret me with how tangent works?

Moreover, the MK-bilin model (Modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler Deterioration Model with Bilinear Hysteretic Response (Bilin Material)) is so similar to my model which is presented by moment-rotation. However, I saw its code and found that in this code, the developer just use moment to getstress(),and rotation to getstrain() so I would not understand why he could do this and whether the results of calculation are right? (The developer does not reply me)

In addition, I have the accurate hysteretic relationship of moment and rotation, would u give me some advice about how to link it into opensees. Thanks a lot !
Senior student
Civil Engineering
Tongji University, Shanghai
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