assign commands to c++-files

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assign commands to c++-files

Post by maxguendel »

I want to identify the parameters of several uniaxial material laws based on test data. For this purpose I want to use the c++-files in a Matlab Skript. For me it is difficult to assign material law commands to the c++-files. May you help with:

uniaxialMaterial Bilin --> Bilinear.cpp
uniaxialMaterial ModIMKPeakOriented --> ?
uniaxialMaterial ModIMKPinching --> Pinching.cpp or PinchingDamage.cpp ?
uniaxialMaterial SAWS --> ?
uniaxialMaterial BoucWen --> BoucWenMaterial.cpp
uniaxialMaterial BWBN -->?
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Re: assign commands to c++-files

Post by fmk »

ModIMKPeakOriented - SRC/material/unixaial/ModIMKPeakOriented.cpp
SAWS - SRC/material/unixial/SAWSMaterial.cpp
BWBN - SRC/material/uniaxial/BWBN.cpp

instead of compilingand linking these into matlab (which is possible) it migh tbe easier to just create a script and run it from matlab.
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