access mpirun instead mpiexec
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:06 am
hello everybody
According to the documentation on the web for using Opensees parallel executable (i.e. OpenSeesSP) it is necessary to install MPICH2 to have mpirun .it is done but i have mpiexec on my computer instead of mpirun so it is not possible for me to run openseessp . is there somebody to tell me how can i have mpirun instead of mpiexec?
it is worthy noted i use windows 7 -64 bit operating system
According to the documentation on the web for using Opensees parallel executable (i.e. OpenSeesSP) it is necessary to install MPICH2 to have mpirun .it is done but i have mpiexec on my computer instead of mpirun so it is not possible for me to run openseessp . is there somebody to tell me how can i have mpirun instead of mpiexec?
it is worthy noted i use windows 7 -64 bit operating system