Hi All
i want to model an exterior beam-column joint,
i defined material and element for beams and columns
i replaced left beam materials tag by zero to ignore the left beam in defult command (element beamColumnJoint 7 2 5 7 4 41 42 1 21 31 1 43 44 1 0 0 0 5) and got message
'check online for a solution and close the program'
'close the program'
how can i omit one of the beams in the beamColumnJoint ?
Thanks in advance
element beamColumnJoint
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: element beamColumnJoint
Hello javed I am also modelling the exterior joint of an exterior beam column subassemblage so that i can compare the analytical results with experimental results conducted in my university-----I would be grateful to you if if you can help me by giving the calculations you made for assigning the spring properties