Dear All,
For my previous question on flat-slider element, Vesna sent me the code below for 2-D models.
# element flatSliderBearing eleTag NodeI NodeJ frnMdlTag uy -P matTag -Mz matTag <-orient x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3> <-mass m> <-iter maxIter tol>
element flatSliderBearing 1 1 2 1 0.01 -P 1 -Mz 2 -orient 0 1 0 -1 0 0
However in the command manual, for the place of the parameter of "uy", "Kinit" is written. Which one do I have to consider and what are the exact meanings for the corresponding parameters? I believe that they serve for the same purpose, but there is a confusion. Besides my models are all in 3-D, even I cannot use the 2-D code, so I'd appreciate any answer especially on 3-D models.
Thanks and kind regards,
Flat Slider Element (3-D)
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