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Parallel OpenSees Executables

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:31 am
by mkfotouhi

I'm new to Parallel OpenSees and have tried several times to download the Parallel OpenSees Executables from the link below but all the attemps were unsuccessful. However I see here people are working with it and ask question. Can you tell me where exactly I should find the file for download? ...


Re: Parallel OpenSees Executables

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:12 pm
by Konradduerr

I was/still am having the same problem as you, but I have figured out a sort of fix.

If you go to the URL but change the part "2.3.2" to "2.2.2" it will download. Like this: ...

You will still need the dependencies such as MPICH2. It is an earlier version of OpenSees but not that old so should still work for most things.

Otherwise, we'll just have to wait for someone to update the web server.