what will happen if we open recorders folder while analysis

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what will happen if we open recorders folder while analysis

Post by sreedharrao144 »

Sir,I'm working in soil structure interaction.I am analyzing an soil domain with structure.Soil and structure are linear.I m performing static gravity analysis for the system.I created recorders for boundary nodes to record reactions at the boundary nodes.My domain is having 1.5lac nodes.In those nodes around 2700 nodes are boundary nodes.Bottom boundary fixed in vertical direction and lateral boundaries fixed in horizontal direction.Recorders are created upto 509 nodes only upto now.Now also analysis is going on.While analyzing I opened the folder which contains recorders.Now new files are not creating.Is there any problem like stopping analysis if we open recorders folder. Analysis is now going on but new files I could not see in that folder.What will be reason behind.Will it be a problem of opening that folder or due to system configuration.I'm using windows vista,Intel dual core,1.73Ghz,2GB Ram.and one more thing I m working in laptop.Please reply me in this regard as early as possible.