Thanks Frank.
Would something like is described in the following link work? Would OpenSeesMP have to be compiled with mpich2?
For now, I tried the following "mpiexec -l -np 3 OpenSeesMP runAll.tcl > logFile.out 2>&1" where the "-l" option prints a prefix output with the process at the beginning of each line. Example of the output is below.
For the stdout it looks fine, but for some lines coming from the stderr, it does not write the prefix, which would be nice to have if I wanted to parse through the logFile for all stderr coming from one process, which in my case corresponds to some stderr from one analysis with one specific eqke record.
[0] -----------------------------------------
[1] -----------------------------------------
[0]Gravity load analysis: starting
[1]Gravity load analysis: starting
[2] -----------------------------------------
[2]Gravity load analysis: starting
[2]Entering Model.Build.tcl
[0]Entering Model.Build.tcl
[1]Entering Model.Build.tcl
[1]Gravity Analysis: starting
[2]Gravity Analysis: starting
[0]Gravity Analysis: starting
[2]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 1 current EnergyIncr: 2973.19 (max: 1e-012)
[1]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration:
1 current EnergyIncr: 2973.19 (max: 1e-012)
[0] OpenSees -- Open System For Earthquake Engineering Simulation
[0] Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center -- 2.2.2
[0] (c) Copyright 1999,2000 The Regents of the University of California
[0] All Rights Reserved
[0] (Copyright and Disclaimer @
[0]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 1 current EnergyIncr: 2973.19 (max: 1e-012)
[2]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 2 current EnergyIncr: 4.50689 (max: 1e-012)
[1]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 2 current EnergyIncr: 4.50689 (max: 1e-012)
[0]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 2 current EnergyIncr: 4.50689 (max: 1e-012)
[2]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 3 current EnergyIncr: 0.0677937 (max: 1e-012)
[1]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 3 current EnergyIncr: 0.0677937 (max: 1e-012)
[0]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration:
3 current EnergyIncr: 0.0677937 (max: 1e-012)
[2]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 4 current EnergyIncr: 3.85188e-006 (max: 1e-012)
[1]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration:
4 current EnergyIncr: 3.85188e-006 (max: 1e-012)
[0]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 4 current EnergyIncr: 3.85188e-006 (max: 1e-012)
[2]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 5 current EnergyIncr: 2.5565e-013 (max: 1e-012)
[1]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration: 5 current EnergyIncr: 2.5565e-013 (max: 1e-012)
[2]Gravity analysis: done - Model.Build.tcl
[2] -----------------------------------------
[2]Sylmar_OV - Gravity load analysis: 10 seconds
[2] -----------------------------------------
[2]Sylmar_OV - AnalysisType analysis: starting...
[2]Sylmar_OV - Dynamic.EQ.bidirect analysis: complete...
[2]$Sylmar_OV - AnalysisType analysis: 0 seconds
[2] --------------- End Analysis -----------------
[1]Gravity analysis: done - Model.Build.tcl
[1] -----------------------------------------
[1]LGPC - Gravity load analysis: 10 seconds
[1] -----------------------------------------
[1]LGPC - AnalysisType analysis: starting...
[1]LGPC - Dynamic.EQ.bidirect analysis: complete...
[1]$LGPC - AnalysisType analysis: 0 seconds
[1] --------------- End Analysis -----------------
[0]CTestEnergyIncr::test() - iteration:
5 current EnergyIncr: 2.5565e-013 (max: 1e-012)
[0]Gravity analysis: done - Model.Build.tcl
[0] -----------------------------------------
[0]Tabas - Gravity load analysis: 11 seconds
[0] -----------------------------------------
[0]Tabas - AnalysisType analysis: starting...
[0]Tabas - Dynamic.EQ.bidirect analysis: complete...
[0]$Tabas - AnalysisType analysis: 0 seconds
[0] --------------- End Analysis -----------------
[1]Process Terminating 1
[0]Process Terminating 0
[2]Process Terminating 2