Read Domain Values

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Read Domain Values

Post by ingLuca »

I post here abaut a question I previously discussed in the User section, beacuse probably is a matter more concerning the software than the engineering.

After creating DOMAIN element (e.g. a Node) there is a Node object of the class "Node" that has the following structure:

- idTag

Now, how can I read from the DOMAIN the value of a parameter of a specified object?

Searching in the "Code" section I found the method "getCrds()" but I think It's internal to the OpenSEES program, to be invoked by other parts of the software, like the Analyzer and so on... but there is no method to get these informations from the OpenSEES consolle? There isn't a TCL command to get the y-coord of the node J?

Please, tell me something... :)

Thank you!
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Post by fmk »

the question probably belongs in the user section .. you can get the disp, vel, accel and coords of a node using the commands provided
in the interpreter.

nodeDisp nodeTag dim
nodeVel nodeTag dim
nodeAccel nodeTag dim
nodeCoord nodeTag dim
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Post by ingLuca »

GREAT :lol:
nodeCoord is not referenced in User Manual, so I didn't know how to get rid of the problem.

And for other parameters of other objects? Nodes of a Shell? Section tag of a beam? J of an Elastic Section? There is not a common syntax rule? After some experience in programming VisualBasic I were expecting something like:


Thank you very very much!!!
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