Moderator: Moderators
Thank you,fmk.Another question now,it is about the load .I want to apply a node force,but it shows errors. I find the same problem in this forul, but I could not solve it with that method.
laod commad is :
pattern Plain 1 Constant {
load 447 0 40
error message is :
WARNING bad command - want: load nodeId 3 forces
Input command: load 447 0 40
WARNING - error reading load pattern information in { }
laod commad is :
pattern Plain 1 Constant {
load 447 0 40
error message is :
WARNING bad command - want: load nodeId 3 forces
Input command: load 447 0 40
WARNING - error reading load pattern information in { }
My model contains nodes with 2dofs and 3dofs.I want to apply load to the node with 2dofs.If the command is "load 447 0 40 0",then it shows error message as "Node::addunbalLoad - load to add of incorrect size 3 should be 2" .It is OK during the gravity application stage,do you think is it possible that there is something wrong with my model?
Dear fmk,I have found the problems. If I build model with 2dof first, then the 3dof , I have to apply load to nodes with 3dofs. I build model with 3dofs first, then it is OK to apply load to nodes with 2dof.
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2
source tunnel2.tcl
source viscous2.tcl
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
source soil2.tcl
source couple.tcl
It failed to apply load on node 447(node 447 has 2 dofs)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
source soil2.tcl
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2
source tunnel2.tcl
source viscous2.tcl
source couple.tcl
It is OK to apply load on node 447
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2
source tunnel2.tcl
source viscous2.tcl
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
source soil2.tcl
source couple.tcl
It failed to apply load on node 447(node 447 has 2 dofs)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
source soil2.tcl
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2
source tunnel2.tcl
source viscous2.tcl
source couple.tcl
It is OK to apply load on node 447