section aggregator

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section aggregator

Post by danile »

hi all

i cannot use the section agregator command: opensees says to me:
"ForceBeamColumn3d::ForceBeamColumn3d -- no torsion detected in sections, continuing with element torsional stiffness GJ/L = 1e+010"

i cannot understand what's the problem...
could someone help me!

Here down the script:

set BCol 400
set HCol 400
set BBeam 400
set HBeam 400
set E 30000
set ni 0.2
set G [expr $E/(2*(1+$ni))]
set JCol [expr 1./6*pow($HCol,4)];
set JBeam [expr (1./12*$BBeam*pow($HBeam,3)+1./12*$BBeam*pow($HBeam,3))];
set GJCol [ expr $G*$JCol ]
set GJBeam [ expr $G*$JBeam ]

set IDconcU 1;
set IDconcC 2;
set IDreinf 3;
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 $IDconcU -39 -0.002 -39 -0.004;
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 $IDconcC -43 -0.0022 -43 -0.0128;
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 $IDreinf 495 206000 0.005;

set ColSecTag 1;
set coverCol 30;
set numBars 3;
set barArea 201;
set numBarsInt 1;
set barAreaInt 201;
# RC section:
set coverY [expr $HCol/2.0];
set coverZ [expr $BCol/2.0];
set coreY [expr $coverY-$coverCol]
set coreZ [expr $coverZ-$coverCol]
set nfY 15;
set nfZ 15;
set nfcoverY 3;
set nfcoverZ 3;
section fiberSec $ColSecTag {;
patch rect $IDconcC $nfY $nfZ $coreY $coreZ -$coreY -$coreZ;
patch rect $IDconcU $nfcoverY $nfcoverZ $coverY $coverZ -$coverY $coreZ

patch rect $IDconcU $nfcoverY $nfcoverZ $coverY -$coreZ -$coverY -$coverZ
patch rect $IDconcU $nfcoverY $nfcoverZ $coverY $coreZ $coreY -$coreZ
patch rect $IDconcU $nfcoverY $nfcoverZ -$coreY $coreZ -$coverY -$coreZ
layer straight $IDreinf $numBars $barArea -$coreY $coreZ -$coreY -$coreZ;
layer straight $IDreinf $numBars $barArea $coreY $coreZ $coreY -$coreZ;
layer straight $IDreinf $numBarsInt $barAreaInt $coreY $coreZ -$coreY $coreZ;
layer straight $IDreinf $numBarsInt $barAreaInt $coreY -$coreZ -$coreY -$coreZ;
set SecTagColTorsion 1001;
set ColSecTag3D 1101;
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $SecTagColTorsion $GJCol;
section Aggregator $ColSecTag3D $SecTagColTorsion T $ColSecTag Mz;
set ColTransfTag 1;
geomTransf Linear $ColTransfTag -1 0 0;
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Post by fmk »

make sure you are using ColSec3D and not ColSec in the element definition .. the following works fine for me using your data
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 2 5 $ColSecTag3D $ColTransfTag
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:19 am

Post by danile »


thank you very much for the fast reply
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