CFRP(carbon-fibre reinforced plastic) modeling

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CFRP(carbon-fibre reinforced plastic) modeling

Post by zhaoning »

Hi, everyone. During a column seismic experiment with the pseudo-static loading pattern, I use the CFRP wrapped the column, to check the improvement of the column's experiment outcome. In opensees modeling I use the nonlinear beam-column element, I am here asking how to model CFRP into the fiber section. I don't want to simulate the CFRP's effect with changing concrete material, how to add the CFRP fiber into the column section as the cover concrete? How to define CFRP material?
If someone can write down some scripts will be helpful to me. I am expecting your help.
Thank you very much.
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Post by stealth_mode »


Sorry for my ignorance, but what do you think about the contribution of CFRP in terms of axial behavior? Will it contribute to the axial stiffness in terms of fiber elements as does the concrete and steel. I am not sure about the contribution of CFRP wrapping. If you were talking about CFRP fibers instead of longitudinal steel reinforcement, it will definitely contribute. But, wrapping the column with CFRP will only confine the RC column and will surely affect the concrete parameters.

Apart from this discussion, you can add a new element which is a hollow section having CFRP material properties at any stage.
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