about 1.5 meter displacement in vertical direction!!?

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about 1.5 meter displacement in vertical direction!!?

Post by ebe79442114 »

my model is like to below :


10 story building that lies on the base plate and base plate lies on the soil (The display of tk has an error, I constraint base plate and soil nodes). When I add load pattern for structure or base plate, top node of structure or base plate nodes have about 1.5 meter displacement in vertical direction.


My code is (ssi.tcl):

# unit ton-m-sec-kN

wipe all

source parameters.tcl
# ################################
# create the modelbuilder
# #################################
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2

source soilMaterials.tcl # define soil materials

source soilNodes.tcl # define soil nodes

source soilElements.tcl # define soil elements

source tie.tcl # tie lateral nodes of soil

fixY 0.0 1 1

model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3

geomTransf Linear 1

source bPNodes1.tcl # base plate nodes

source bPElements1.tcl # base plate elements

source loadPatBP1.tcl # gravity load for base plate

source eqDof1.tcl # constraint base plate nodes to soil nodes

source structure1.tcl # define structure and put it on base plate

source loadPat1.tcl # gravity load for structure

source topNodeRec1.tcl # recorder for top node of structure

updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0

# GRAVITY APPLICATION (elastic behavior)
system ProfileSPD
test NormDispIncr 1.e-5 10 0
algorithm ModifiedNewton
constraints Transformation
integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1
numberer RCM
analysis Static
analyze 10

# after 100000


loadPatBP1.tcl file:

# unit ton-m-sec-kN

pattern Plain 4 Linear {
load 526 0.0 -6886.62 0.0
load 527 0.0 -11477.7 0.0
load 528 0.0 -11477.7 0.0
load 529 0.0 -11477.7 0.0
load 530 0.0 -6886.62 0.0


1- why analyze shows about 1.5 meter displacement in vertical direction?
2- Is the sequence of input command line true?
3- In burry analyze, display output of TK is true but in surface analyze it's not true?
4- In the initial of surface analyze, acceleration is very high, but in burry analyze it's not. Why?
5- Can or Should I use py simple elements between soil and base plate?

The question 4 is more essential for me.

Surface analyze all files include input,output and pictures:

MD5: F22CC98EB5A9A8D569C87BE8333CAF2A

Burry analyze all files:
MD5: DF53FBD0BB15441DD6771D480DCA8773
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email : e.roknabadi (AT) iiees.ac.ir