I am trying to define concrete material with nDMaterial Template3Dep, OS 2.0.0 and tcleditor are used.
After i finished the script and click the button "Run opensees", it says "ElasticIsotropicMaterial::getCopy -- subclass responsibility"
what's that mean??
I'm confused that nDMaterial Template3Dep command in examples is not same as in OpenSeesCommandLanguageManual.chm, why???
Sorry for my schlock English, I'm just a new guy!!
Here is my tcl script,looking for help!!
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 3;
set ElmatTag 1; set matTag 2;
set fc -41; set E [expr 5000*pow(-$fc,0.5)]; set v 0.2;
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic $ElmatTag $E $v;
set ys "-VM"
set ps "-RMC01"
set stressp "-0.10 0 0 0 -0.10 0 0 0 -0.10"
set eps "-NOD 1 -NOS 2 0.315 0.0 -stressp $stressp"
nDMaterial Template3Dep $matTag $ElmatTag -YS $ys -PS $ps -EPS $eps;
HELP!!! What's wrong with nDMaterial Template3Dep
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