I had the same problem before. The probably reason is the scale factor or units. Check the gm file....
And check the strain or curvature value with nonlinearBeamcolumn element at the beginning of TH analysis. Even thought the displacement is good at the beginning, the deformation of a single integration point may be bad. If so, that means changing element didnt help you and gm file probably have bug.....
[quote="andrewfirst"]Dear Silvia:
I've changed all the element into nonlinearbeamcolumn and defined uniform girder load as many concentrated load.
The TH analysis can obtain reasonable results but can only run for several seconds. Then it display many messages about "can not get compatible forces and deformations for elemtnt...".
I used several numerical methods such as modified Newton, Broyden and so on. But it still couldn't work.
Would you please give me some advice about the set for values of some parameters, such as Tol, maxIternum? Thanks![/quote]
Very large displacement result of timehistory analysis
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