Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

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Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by aodonne1 »

Hello everybody,

I was just wondering if there was a limit on the maximum number of recorder objects that can be used during an analysis. I have a script that creates a large number of recorder objects but after creating about half of them it appears that OpenSEES just gives up on creating the rest. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

I have a rather large model and I am trying to output a lot of data (element forces/deformations, node displacements, fiber stress strains, etc.) for almost every element and node in my model. I need to do this because I am discritizing a masonry continuum into finite panels so I would like to be able to localize the the different failure mechanisms.

Thanks for any help and insight,
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by fmk »

the limit is coming from the operaiting system, 512 or so windows, 1024 linux. you can up them a bit, but not by more than about 2.

i presume you are storing the results of all nodes and elements with similar responses in a single file.
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by aodonne1 »

Yes, I am trying to combine them as best as possible but I need to have many of the nodes and elements separated for post processing purposes. I'll try moving to a linux machine.

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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by fmk »

if not too large, try setMaxOpenFiles command ... es_Command
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by cxc08 »

When I use "setMaxOpenFiles" command, OpenSEES.tcl returned "invalid command name". What's the problem? My computer OS is Windows 64.
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by brag006 »

Works fine for me. Post the code
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by cxc08 »

wipe all;

# Start of model generation
# =========================

# Create ModelBuilder
# -------------------
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6
setMaxOpenFiles 610
# Define geometry
# ---------------
source NodeCoord.tcl
puts "nodecoord"

# Define Single Point Constraints
# -------------------------------
source SPConstraint.tcl
puts "spConstraint"

source MPConstraint.tcl
puts "mpConstraint"

# Define nodal masses
# -------------------
source NodeMass.tcl

# Define material(s)
# ------------------
source Materials.tcl
puts "materials"

# Define section(s)
# -----------------
source Sections.tcl
puts "sections"

# Define geometric transformation(s)
# ----------------------------------
source GeoTran.tcl
puts "geotran"

# Define element(s)
# -----------------
source Elements.tcl
puts "elements"

# Define recorder(s)
# --------------------
source Recorder.tcl
# source Recorder2.tcl
puts "recorder"

# Define time series
# ------------------
source TimeSeries.tcl

# Start of anaysis generation
# ===========================

# Get Initial Stiffness
# ---------------------

# Analysis: Gravity
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++

# Define load pattern
# -------------------
source LoadPatternGravity.tcl
puts "loadpatternGravity"

# Define analysis options
# -----------------------
source AnalysisOptnGravity.tcl
puts "analysisoptnGravity"
analyze 10

# maintain constant gravity loads and reset time to zero
# -----------------------
loadConst -time 0.0
puts "Model Built"

set Tol 1e-6
set lambda [eigen 1]
set lam $lambda
lappend f [expr sqrt($lam)/(2*3.1415)]
lappend T [expr (2*3.1415)/sqrt($lam)]
set period "Periods.txt"
set Periods [open $period "w"]
puts $Periods "$T"
close $Periods

source AnalysisEQ.Uniform.tcl
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by fmk »

works fine .. what version of the code are you using?
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by xiell »

Dear frank, I also did some tests, it worked in the new version 2.4.2. I just wonder in which version you have implemented this command because I have checked the change log, but i can't find corresponding information. Thank you!
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by cxc08 »

Sorry it didn't work because I used the old version. After I updated it works well.
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Re: Limit on Maximum Number of Recorders

Post by fmk »

that went into source code version 5414
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