connection between column and quad elements
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
connection between column and quad elements
i cant connect beamcolumn element to quad element. first period is very big that may show unstability. results of column force are zero.
quad elements are built in model -ndm 2 -ndf 2 model and beamcolumn elements are built in -ndm 2 -ndf 3 and i cant connect them properly.
in following cod if i wrote (equalDOF 22 32 1 2 3), it would error.
#this is sample code:
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3;
source Wsection.tcl;
node 32 0 0
node 42 0 1
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 1 23.53e7 200e9 0.03
geomTransf Linear 1 ;
Wsection 27 1 0.27 0.135 0.0102 0.0066 16 2 16 2
element nonlinearBeamColumn 101 32 42 5 27 1 1
mass 42 1000 1000 1.00E-09
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2;
node 21 -1 0
node 22 0 0
node 23 1 0
node 11 -1 -1
node 12 0 -1
node 13 1 -1
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 2 20e9 0.3
element quad 2 21 11 12 22 1 "PlaneStrain" 2 0 0
element quad 3 22 12 13 23 1 "PlaneStrain" 2 0 0
mass 11 1000 1000
mass 12 2000 2000
mass 13 1000 1000
mass 21 1000 1000
mass 22 2000 2000
mass 23 1000 1000
fixY -1 1 1
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3;
set dataDir Data;
file mkdir $dataDir;
constraints Plain;
system BandGeneral;
equalDOF 22 32 1 2
set numModes 2
# perform eigen analysis
set lambda [eigen $numModes];
# calculate frequencies and periods of the structure
set omega {}
set f {}
set T {}
set pi 3.141593
foreach lam $lambda {
lappend omega [expr sqrt($lam)]
lappend f [expr sqrt($lam)/(2*$pi)]
lappend T [expr (2*$pi)/sqrt($lam)]
puts "periods are $T"
# write the output file cosisting of periods
set period "Data/Periods.txt"
set Periods [open $period "w"]
foreach t $T {
puts $Periods " $t"
close $Periods
# Define RECORDERS -------------------------------------------------------------
recorder Element -file $dataDir/colforce.out -time -ele 101 globalForce;
recorder Node -file $dataDir/disp.out -time -node 32 42 -dof 1 2 3 disp;
set fc 9.806;
set ac cape.acc;
set dts 0.02;
set alphaM 0.315504;
set betaKcurr 0.0;
set betaKinit 0.007868;
set betaKcomm 0.0;
set tol 1.0e-6;
set ite 20;
set dt 0.02;
set st 200;
loadConst -time 0.0
# DYNAMIC ground-motion analysis -------------------------------------------------------------
# create load pattern
set accelSeries "Series -dt $dts -filePath $ac -factor $fc"; # define acceleration vector from file (dt=0.01 is associated with the input file gm)
pattern UniformExcitation 2 1 -accel $accelSeries; # define where and how (pattern tag, dof) acceleration is applied
#rayleigh 0. 0. 0. [expr 2*0.02/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]; # set damping based on first eigen mode
rayleigh $alphaM $betaKcurr $betaKinit $betaKcomm; # RAYLEIGH damping
numberer Plain; # renumber dof's to minimize band-width (optimization), if you want to
test NormDispIncr $tol $ite; # determine if convergence has been achieved at the end of an iteration step
algorithm ModifiedNewton; # use Newton's solution algorithm: updates tangent stiffness at every iteration
integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25 ; # determine the next time step for an analysis
analysis Transient; # define type of analysis: time-dependent
analyze $st $dt; # apply 1000 0.02-sec time steps in analysis
puts "Done!"
#some data of ground motion (cape.acc)
-.3796879E-03 .4255504E-02 .4052873E-02 .8586178E-03 .3707899E-02
.8218798E-02 .4969572E-02 -.5254377E-02 .1444530E-02 .1197273E-02
.3349923E-03 .2318547E-02 -.2217702E-02 .1109265E-02 .7489674E-03
-.2087855E-02 -.9857360E-02 -.6751592E-02 .9615523E-03 -.4992248E-02
-.2765613E-02 .3343176E-02 -.4722938E-02 -.1023698E-01 -.9769704E-02
-.5582454E-02 .5250130E-02 .1932289E-02 -.1694868E-01 .1791521E-01
.2591233E-01 -.3946791E-02 -.1763601E-02 -.2027356E-02 .1215683E-02
-.8399364E-02 -.7767457E-02 -.4120397E-02 -.9379942E-02 -.1476899E-01
-.8698314E-02 -.4099458E-02 -.1302883E-01 -.2348307E-01 -.2808451E-01
-.1488387E-01 -.8695685E-02 -.1294309E-01 -.1876534E-01 -.1233430E-01
-.1452121E-01 -.8514425E-02 .7910672E-02 -.3149117E-02 -.1462401E-01
-.2836759E-02 .9184108E-02 -.2004072E-02 .6707980E-02 .5199664E-02
-.1679940E-02 -.7435472E-02 .3936867E-02 -.7473482E-02 -.3738048E-01
-.1535184E-02 -.3435524E-01 -.2653744E-01 .1496997E-01 -.1361801E-01
-.2073904E-01 -.1250394E-01 .3123535E-01 .2391042E-01 .1198327E-01
.2126604E-01 -.1145884E-01 -.1330437E-02 .1196714E-01 -.3316595E-01
-.3107403E-01 -.1422370E-01 -.3989204E-01 -.2811411E-01 -.2217668E-01
-.3883946E-02 .1902329E-01 .8925403E-02 .2614801E-02 -.1109893E-01
-.2341931E-01 -.3217272E-01 -.4655957E-01 -.6245394E-01 -.6116638E-01
-.6111504E-01 -.4028116E-01 -.4810260E-02 .5334072E-02 .1532237E-01
-.3378836E-02 -.2337917E-02 .3507521E-01 .4076535E-01 .4838739E-01
.2818489E-01 -.2688221E-01 -.2965592E-01 -.1814450E-01 -.3826121E-01
-.1767990E-01 .2339324E-01 .2322883E-01 .4082775E-01 .3383858E-01
.2154645E-01 .4741969E-01 .1742858E-01 .4871342E-02 .4882212E-01
.2437786E-01 -.2175260E-01 -.2305404E-01 -.2949722E-02 -.8077121E-02
-.9480474E-02 .3762944E-01 .3989202E-01 .1016641E-01 .7092405E-02
.5333207E-02 .5383515E-02 -.3015803E-01 -.8718075E-01 -.1081158E+00
-.1224270E+00 -.1427256E+00 -.1479659E+00 -.1469627E+00 -.1586534E+00
-.1645270E+00 -.1456238E+00 -.1397806E+00 -.1009506E+00 .9505225E-01
.2019540E+00 .2766708E+00 .4267084E+00 .5858128E+00 .4718501E+00
.1598166E+00 .1739975E+00 .2577648E+00 .2599444E+00 .2997835E+00
.3023487E+00 .1880373E+00 .1453533E+00 .1459806E+00 .1330950E+00
.1311448E+00 .8762450E-01 -.1908985E-01 -.2105345E+00 -.2544607E+00
-.1154366E+00 -.6019420E-01 -.1673083E+00 -.2856199E+00 -.3490065E+00
-.4605646E+00 -.5896300E+00 -.5786116E+00 -.3583882E+00 -.1889688E+00
-.1689265E+00 -.1872881E+00 -.1371658E+00 -.4754000E-01 .7187699E-01
.1907973E+00 .3023654E+00 .3660262E+00 .8514330E-01 .7694923E-01
.2938702E+00 .3532145E+00 .4513249E+00 .3445795E+00 .1901186E+00
.2566141E+00 .3148018E+00 .2692464E+00 .1738486E+00 .5632201E-01
-.2776593E-01 -.1696032E+00 -.2886036E+00 -.3913840E+00 -.1285791E+00
.1616864E+00 -.6652031E-01 -.1286842E+00 -.1319776E-01 -.1513369E-01
-.7344193E-01 -.1569564E+00 -.1869137E+00 -.1900154E+00 -.2035149E+00
-.1725404E+00 -.1786001E+00 -.2000433E+00 -.1506527E+00 -.1581719E+00
-.1731952E+00 -.5315415E-01 .8656121E-02 .2911809E-02 .6125718E-01
.7746841E-01 .1990905E+00 .2940397E+00 .4257690E+00 .3295427E+00
-.1237652E+00 -.1285097E-01 .9002266E-01 -.2307950E-01 -.5028235E-01
-.8490160E-01 -.7637075E-01 .2193949E-01 .1156832E+00 .1085969E+00
.1251277E+00 .8459564E-01 -.2441412E-01 -.1527416E+00 -.1797964E+00
-.1241903E+00 -.1574171E+00 -.1649551E+00 -.1338718E+00 -.1889224E+00
-.2298613E+00 -.2278398E+00 -.2590031E-01 .6931658E-01 .2288221E-02
.7122077E-01 .1385703E+00 .8255800E-01 .6484364E-01 .1087383E+00
.8725103E-01 .9714406E-01 .1244883E+00 .1627067E+00 .1462695E+00
.8377322E-01 .6978608E-01 .1176251E-01 .9178002E-02 -.8655495E-02
-.1122383E+00 -.7420333E-01 -.2467802E-01 -.8377554E-01 -.1189418E+00
-.1266293E+00 -.1328612E+00 -.2880859E-01 -.2791116E-02 -.1282246E-01
.4647765E-01 .8950062E-01 .1111403E+00 .1232206E+00 .1089574E+00
.8236032E-01 .2410128E-02 -.8374165E-01 -.8486926E-01 .4376169E-02
.5538283E-01 -.4237035E-01 -.7253832E-01 -.7019989E-01 -.4851919E-01
-.2941091E-01 -.3845155E-01 .1338346E-01 .3012845E-01 .1057879E-01
.4226987E-01 .1122548E+00 .1075493E+00 .1096645E+00 .7702932E-01
-.6640638E-01 -.9403534E-01 -.6581215E-01 .5088177E-01 .1845352E+00
.1425886E+00 .4453483E-01 -.2604780E-04 .9120264E-01 .1357806E+00
.5637453E-01 .6946717E-01 .1166105E+00 .1178640E+00 .1048223E+00
.7357762E-01 .7197825E-01 .6667324E-01 -.1948511E-01 -.8738953E-01
-.1143460E+00 -.1652419E+00 -.2285512E+00 -.2570744E+00 -.2345160E+00
-.1567816E+00 -.1201400E+00 -.9499484E-01 .1036789E+00 .1543527E+00
.1708595E+00 .2881536E+00 .3317741E+00 .2321153E+00 .7200101E-01
.1680499E-01 -.5696521E-01 -.7609604E-01 -.1371999E+00 -.1869470E+00
-.1216197E+00 -.9375505E-01 -.5196529E-01 .1934634E-01 .9064779E-01
.1186900E+00 .5811976E-01 .1424080E-01 .5125295E-01 -.1697237E-01
-.1105528E+00 -.1270162E+00 -.7919606E-01 .8825069E-01 .9634695E-01
.4719060E-01 -.2287267E-01 -.8399766E-01 -.9462450E-01 -.1300730E+00
-.1439628E+00 -.1548803E+00 -.1450928E+00 -.1225134E+00 -.7835802E-01
-.6895910E-01 -.8331802E-01 -.1252485E+00 -.1509315E+00 -.1437234E+00
-.6890269E-01 -.3986054E-01 -.3918050E-01 .1058206E-02 .7192854E-01
.9592786E-01 .1132900E+00 .1340274E+00 .2073519E+00 .1029700E+00
-.1279092E+00 -.5999273E-01 -.6094254E-01 -.9992712E-01 -.9754457E-01
-.1123388E+00 -.8165633E-01 -.2546160E-01 .3095447E-01 -.4040382E-01
-.1496327E+00 -.1236839E+00 -.1168011E+00 -.3155362E-01 .2412301E-01
.1669226E-01 .4365796E-01 .2987263E-01 .3228287E-01 .6922726E-01
.9403775E-01 .1310586E+00 .8516276E-01 -.2019404E-01 .5225864E-01
.1232874E+00 .1391260E+00 .1464426E+00 .1745630E+00 .1950753E+00
.1723559E+00 .1681363E+00 .1374242E+00 .9115406E-01 .5550928E-01
.9366665E-02 -.7782442E-02 -.2877100E-02 -.7993248E-02 -.3691721E-01
-.9178997E-01 -.1390290E+00 -.1819983E+00 -.5845675E-01 .1875449E-02
-.1179305E+00 -.1474204E+00 -.1439226E+00 -.1595794E+00 -.2045101E+00
-.1640036E+00 .1800755E-01 .5002972E-01 -.1174730E-01 -.1652058E-01
-.3324418E-01 -.1110884E-01 .1297370E-01 .3891060E-01 .5303999E-01
.1170249E+00 .1836558E+00 .2755265E+00 .1294038E+00 -.1036454E+00
-.1873207E-01 .2731930E-01 -.1163409E-01 -.4043438E-01 -.2992795E-01
-.4037129E-01 -.5045559E-01 -.6416495E-01 -.7160947E-01 .5018919E-01
.1485024E+00 .1745169E+00 .2500545E+00 .2265461E+00 .5699912E-01
.1247969E-01 .4022371E-02 .6226097E-02 .5665951E-01 .2243497E-01
-.4493956E-01 -.3956463E-01 -.5525779E-01 -.8399471E-01 -.1087383E+00
-.1245426E+00 -.1473574E+00 -.1694245E+00 -.2403873E+00 -.1947387E+00
.1150574E+00 .5835923E-01 .3313118E-01 .7153686E-01 -.1316628E+00
-.1117324E+00 -.1449923E-01 .2942671E-01 .5334971E-02 .1847936E-01
.6965649E-01 .1313223E+00 .4068681E-01 -.3274638E-01 .4525576E-01
.4449147E-01 .4685658E-02 -.3739372E-01 -.2895862E-01 -.8083594E-02
-.9158959E-02 -.6388326E-01 -.8921728E-01 -.9145236E-01 -.1060580E+00
-.3409420E-01 .2057958E-01 .9746935E-02 .3464897E-01 .6085151E-01
.5680800E-01 .5747486E-01 .4103835E-01 .6119460E-02 .2211183E-01
.5959968E-01 .5880490E-01 .6224618E-01 .9285109E-01 .1142056E+00
.8746818E-01 .2998795E-01 .3468283E-01 .4745919E-01 .1845736E-01
.1007179E-01 .1950663E-01 .1874556E-01 -.8545701E-02 -.3600016E-01
-.7715220E-01 -.1058684E+00 -.1284942E+00 -.7191590E-01 .3709138E-01
.1055189E-01 .1068837E-02 .2842207E-01 .3548249E-02 -.1786063E-01
.2926877E-02 .3786791E-01 .4725896E-01 .5122770E-01 .4643260E-01
.2058369E-01 .1681574E-01 .1711509E-02 -.1090901E-01 .1183795E-01
.1726327E-01 .2983370E-01 .5035706E-01 .3964498E-01 -.6564117E-02
-.2661531E-01 -.2221813E-01 -.1926118E-01 -.1597069E-01 -.2188467E-01
-.2401956E-01 -.1123081E-01 -.5659590E-02 -.1250788E-01 -.1079021E-01
.7258684E-02 -.1479984E-01 -.6107928E-01 -.6547852E-01 -.7312853E-01
-.7801024E-01 -.5887503E-01 -.4382083E-01 -.3691235E-01 -.1377465E-01
.1403261E-01 .1674889E-01 .1833808E-01 .3254263E-01 .4234487E-01
.4417988E-01 .3590364E-01 .3183286E-01 .2864847E-01 .2274679E-01
.1696038E-01 .1380251E-01 .8468985E-02 .1143112E-01 .5059577E-03
-.2976656E-01 -.4168214E-01 -.2123312E-01 .1198631E-01 .1159674E-01
.1347667E-01 .1789130E-01 .7736254E-02 -.1994470E-02 .1051328E-02
-.1366413E-01 -.3411811E-01 -.3153335E-01 -.2732984E-01 .2187606E-01
.6298725E-01 .6631152E-01 .7311501E-01 .7654741E-01 .6802948E-01
.5002760E-01 .3868734E-01 .1913380E-02 -.2754922E-01 -.3744822E-01
-.5223403E-01 -.5968095E-01 -.3695218E-01 .2139426E-02 .1617065E-01
.2685832E-01 .2693800E-01 .1530297E-01 .8370142E-02 -.1156258E-01
-.4213391E-01 -.5631689E-01 -.6189923E-01 -.6201029E-01 -.5165003E-01
-.4682123E-01 -.4726481E-01 -.4629263E-01 -.4117925E-01 -.3009274E-01
-.1567186E-01 -.7148613E-02 -.7510587E-02 -.6752601E-02 .1575826E-02
.1975031E-01 .2875092E-01 .3111337E-01 .1629800E-01 -.1060845E-01
-.1831748E-01 .1725652E-02 .1853028E-01 .2267773E-01 .3028808E-01
.3070336E-01 .1932845E-01 -.1295442E-01 -.3447526E-01 -.4305843E-01
-.4877948E-01 -.4362222E-01 -.1784567E-01 .1250354E-01 .1969059E-01
.3046499E-01 .4598544E-01 .4900375E-01 .3806133E-01 .1357942E-01
.1526215E-02 .9245475E-03 -.8786798E-03 .5697392E-02 .2572624E-01
.3240534E-01 .3536857E-01 .4530860E-01 .4732731E-01 .2535358E-01
-.4462928E-02 -.1855104E-01 -.3594701E-01 -.4596124E-01 -.3563259E-01
-.2321804E-01 -.1614320E-01 -.9429431E-02 .2507500E-04 .1003854E-01
.1579350E-01 .2297647E-01 .2657005E-01 .2542879E-01 .5257396E-02
-.4311103E-02 .2214977E-02 -.4649504E-02 -.1183325E-01 -.1300511E-01
-.1411169E-01 -.2399742E-01 -.3253164E-01 -.2881057E-01 .6420442E-03
.2857383E-01 .3934616E-01 .4615681E-01 .4771956E-01 .4447913E-01
.2251252E-01 .8658981E-02 .4200664E-02 -.1410415E-01 -.2519451E-01
-.2367053E-01 .6160484E-02 .3354452E-01 .2857416E-01 .1391073E-01
.5151631E-03 .6713142E-03 .1344604E-02 .2155521E-03 -.4762981E-02
-.2204272E-01 -.2679175E-01 -.2146829E-01 -.1583373E-01 -.1575919E-01
-.2795933E-01 -.2832136E-01 -.1661576E-01 .6141468E-03 .9463737E-02
.1104583E-01 .1681909E-01 .2052380E-01 -.9867039E-02 -.3369826E-01
-.3258130E-01 -.3278932E-01 -.3026069E-01 -.2884997E-01 -.3984552E-01
-.2744023E-01 .1516930E-01 .2544074E-01 .2042544E-01 -.1581014E-02
-.5313154E-02 .4108623E-02 -.2353028E-01 -.4116197E-01 -.3719006E-01
-.2862407E-01 -.3190343E-02 .9498480E-02 .9714742E-02 .1479946E-01
.2001270E-01 .1887031E-01 .1864899E-01 .1671508E-01 .1164160E-01
.1395803E-01 .2152133E-01 .1436399E-01 .8309272E-02 .7851288E-02
-.4644739E-02 -.1440105E-01 -.2357086E-01 -.2785079E-01 -.2759887E-01
-.2130511E-02 .1046749E-01 -.6144258E-02 -.1121267E-01 -.5057557E-03
.1584481E-01 .1172296E-01 -.2004906E-01 -.2405464E-01 -.3547587E-02
-.2387894E-02 .3752368E-03 -.2633353E-03 -.6479303E-03 .9840119E-03
-.6868089E-03 -.1586345E-01 -.8890800E-02 .1266479E-01 .5721579E-02
.7670724E-02 .1792470E-01 .9041445E-02 -.1197064E-01 -.1388119E-01
-.9612578E-02 -.9620832E-02 -.4335288E-02 -.3650967E-02 -.8306351E-02
.3880242E-03 .1146511E-01 .8049024E-02 .7754128E-02 .1464513E-01
.1575681E-01 .7410023E-02 -.6272385E-02 -.1071156E-01 -.3225911E-02
.7463551E-02 .1909855E-01 .2184118E-01 .2348120E-01 .2535887E-01
.2486401E-01 .2712111E-01 .3261467E-01 .4248913E-01 .4193204E-01
.4393515E-01 .2279241E-01 .5006494E-02 .1270833E-01 .4767446E-02
.1649117E-02 .3551225E-02 .9163070E-02 .2015235E-01 .1044991E-01
.6303400E-02 .2605243E-01 .4253133E-01 .5611650E-01 .5896717E-01
.4663107E-01 .5112292E-01 .7353617E-01 .8276489E-01 .6849893E-01
-.5386028E-02 -.4533049E-01 -.6843170E-01 -.1550942E+00 -.2007935E+00
-.2514419E+00 -.2866709E+00 -.3039133E+00 -.1417488E+00 -.7892062E-03
-.8661330E-01 -.5151743E-01 -.1524142E-01 -.1236021E-01 .1760505E-01
.2285163E-01 .8166385E-02 -.3268123E-02 .2314140E-01 .5305974E-01
.1090380E+00 .1700164E+00 .1813595E+00 .1555582E+00 .1110543E+00
.9576516E-01 .1018287E+00 .9115508E-01 .5979278E-01 .2566935E-01
-.1444652E-02 -.2045374E-01 -.2800108E-01 -.3717534E-01 -.4434019E-01
-.6343701E-01 -.9382932E-01 -.1333180E+00 -.1699558E+00 -.1794330E+00
-.1553175E+00 -.1359022E+00 -.1311290E+00 -.8713481E-01 -.5136384E-01
-.4005551E-01 -.1431420E-01 .9841013E-02 .3626980E-01 .7783742E-01
.1038521E+00 .1198269E+00 .1375448E+00 .1386256E+00 .1279059E+00
.1159245E+00 .1158384E+00 .8276138E-01 .4938343E-01 .4680847E-01
.2500752E-01 .2434433E-02 -.6218722E-02 -.1817974E-01 -.3985524E-01
-.6793634E-01 -.8294005E-01 -.9280193E-01 -.1030330E+00 -.1100756E+00
-.7530948E-01 -.2332980E-01 -.9316555E-02 .1563414E-01 .4063379E-01
.6169726E-01 .9070449E-01 .1151921E+00 .1292981E+00 .1520741E+00
.1747165E+00 .1794120E+00 .1042803E+00 .4526558E-01 .4386759E-01
-.7879648E-02 -.5317641E-01 -.8000301E-01 -.1272980E+00 -.1577609E+00
-.1120992E+00 -.8186598E-01 -.8769487E-01 -.9007415E-01 -.1154136E+00
-.1117565E+00 -.5611620E-01 -.3380333E-01 -.2826539E-01 -.1514069E-01
-.1223333E-01 -.2954042E-02 .2255854E-01 .6037742E-01 .1018112E+00
.1207662E+00 .8207892E-01 .8341341E-01 .1051764E+00 .6335165E-01
-.3017400E-02 -.4052555E-01 -.6173411E-01 -.6795072E-01 -.7466815E-01
-.1032758E+00 -.1096199E+00 -.1095850E+00 -.9122368E-01 -.2732245E-01
.2761501E-01 .4796937E-01 .5597254E-01 .4811063E-01 .4100963E-01
.2403503E-01 .1380364E-01 .2104791E-01 .5066588E-01 .7515426E-01
.8281060E-01 .8481102E-01 .3265353E-01 .3221207E-01 .5880877E-01
.6720764E-01 .6330735E-01 .4244547E-01 .2643879E-01 -.1913872E-01
-.7055165E-01 -.1075958E+00 -.1117777E+00 -.1057320E+00 -.1183074E+00
-.1215886E+00 -.6262125E-01 -.2194454E-01 -.3397123E-01 -.1837530E-01
.1442598E-01 .5931731E-01 .9082319E-01 .9827746E-01 .8372726E-01
.4008053E-01 .5403627E-01 .1024333E+00 .9641846E-01 .2099056E-01
-.9815405E-02 .1615692E-01 -.2938703E-01 -.5942189E-01 -.8152830E-01
-.8333467E-01 -.9607748E-01 -.9402112E-01 -.1517327E+00 -.1071291E+00
.1037631E+00 .9793178E-01 .8599781E-01 -.1014302E-02 -.2739761E-01
.9338366E-01 .1338164E+00 .1334880E+00 .1317132E+00 .1432443E+00
.8817344E-01 -.5294281E-02 -.1961409E-01 -.1506186E-01 -.2859934E-01
-.1503542E-01 -.2404105E-01 -.7087950E-01 -.1191521E+00 -.8057473E-01
-.4425768E-01 -.1032780E+00 -.8963049E-01 .8731092E-02 -.8429471E-02
-.6999676E-01 -.5369419E-01 -.2533727E-01 .9445646E-02 .1067668E+00
.1341425E+00 .8998247E-01 .8578709E-01 .3072328E-01 .1427565E-01
.7898330E-01 .1333196E+00 .1227512E+00 .1274308E+00 .6366129E-01
-.2180874E-01 -.3868888E-01 -.8337526E-01 -.9231879E-01 -.4796120E-01
-.3340292E-01 -.5674376E-01 -.8668707E-01 -.1114161E+00 -.1239593E+00
-.1273255E+00 -.1205866E+00 -.8471031E-01 -.2591568E-01 -.8362725E-02
-.9185070E-02 .3033052E-01 .8645986E-01 .1683534E+00 .2342574E+00
.2538523E+00 .1906141E+00 -.4513259E-01 -.5127529E-01 -.2490346E-01
-.1230532E+00 -.9236680E-01 .2680870E-01 -.2558401E-02 -.7753481E-01
-.4177288E-01 -.3219435E-01 -.1987612E-01 .1380092E-01 .1997671E-01
-.5953158E-01 -.2940824E-01 .2734220E-01 -.1832965E-01 -.6914536E-01
-.5124775E-01 -.2030537E-01 .1107458E-01 .6878277E-01 .7670475E-01
.3803723E-01 .2160409E-02 .1938886E-01 .2406417E-01 .1455740E-01
.3062645E-02 -.1021712E-01 -.3852658E-01 -.7050396E-01 -.8266481E-01
-.8289878E-01 -.5795610E-01 -.4917227E-01 -.3556792E-01 -.4508317E-02
.1134716E-01 .2006570E-01 .2636785E-01 .2747616E-01 .2416277E-01
.1435503E-01 .9637086E-02 .5703519E-02 .8533569E-02 .1869741E-01
.3299837E-01 .2733793E-01 -.1342174E-01 -.2101203E-01 -.1300142E-01
-.1120262E-01 -.1099706E-01 -.3211053E-01 -.4313110E-01 -.4322034E-01
-.3984259E-01 -.1625764E-01 .8001536E-02 .2510336E-01 .3565169E-01
i cant connect beamcolumn element to quad element. first period is very big that may show unstability. results of column force are zero.
quad elements are built in model -ndm 2 -ndf 2 model and beamcolumn elements are built in -ndm 2 -ndf 3 and i cant connect them properly.
in following cod if i wrote (equalDOF 22 32 1 2 3), it would error.
#this is sample code:
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3;
source Wsection.tcl;
node 32 0 0
node 42 0 1
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 1 23.53e7 200e9 0.03
geomTransf Linear 1 ;
Wsection 27 1 0.27 0.135 0.0102 0.0066 16 2 16 2
element nonlinearBeamColumn 101 32 42 5 27 1 1
mass 42 1000 1000 1.00E-09
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2;
node 21 -1 0
node 22 0 0
node 23 1 0
node 11 -1 -1
node 12 0 -1
node 13 1 -1
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 2 20e9 0.3
element quad 2 21 11 12 22 1 "PlaneStrain" 2 0 0
element quad 3 22 12 13 23 1 "PlaneStrain" 2 0 0
mass 11 1000 1000
mass 12 2000 2000
mass 13 1000 1000
mass 21 1000 1000
mass 22 2000 2000
mass 23 1000 1000
fixY -1 1 1
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3;
set dataDir Data;
file mkdir $dataDir;
constraints Plain;
system BandGeneral;
equalDOF 22 32 1 2
set numModes 2
# perform eigen analysis
set lambda [eigen $numModes];
# calculate frequencies and periods of the structure
set omega {}
set f {}
set T {}
set pi 3.141593
foreach lam $lambda {
lappend omega [expr sqrt($lam)]
lappend f [expr sqrt($lam)/(2*$pi)]
lappend T [expr (2*$pi)/sqrt($lam)]
puts "periods are $T"
# write the output file cosisting of periods
set period "Data/Periods.txt"
set Periods [open $period "w"]
foreach t $T {
puts $Periods " $t"
close $Periods
# Define RECORDERS -------------------------------------------------------------
recorder Element -file $dataDir/colforce.out -time -ele 101 globalForce;
recorder Node -file $dataDir/disp.out -time -node 32 42 -dof 1 2 3 disp;
set fc 9.806;
set ac cape.acc;
set dts 0.02;
set alphaM 0.315504;
set betaKcurr 0.0;
set betaKinit 0.007868;
set betaKcomm 0.0;
set tol 1.0e-6;
set ite 20;
set dt 0.02;
set st 200;
loadConst -time 0.0
# DYNAMIC ground-motion analysis -------------------------------------------------------------
# create load pattern
set accelSeries "Series -dt $dts -filePath $ac -factor $fc"; # define acceleration vector from file (dt=0.01 is associated with the input file gm)
pattern UniformExcitation 2 1 -accel $accelSeries; # define where and how (pattern tag, dof) acceleration is applied
#rayleigh 0. 0. 0. [expr 2*0.02/pow([eigen 1],0.5)]; # set damping based on first eigen mode
rayleigh $alphaM $betaKcurr $betaKinit $betaKcomm; # RAYLEIGH damping
numberer Plain; # renumber dof's to minimize band-width (optimization), if you want to
test NormDispIncr $tol $ite; # determine if convergence has been achieved at the end of an iteration step
algorithm ModifiedNewton; # use Newton's solution algorithm: updates tangent stiffness at every iteration
integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25 ; # determine the next time step for an analysis
analysis Transient; # define type of analysis: time-dependent
analyze $st $dt; # apply 1000 0.02-sec time steps in analysis
puts "Done!"
#some data of ground motion (cape.acc)
-.3796879E-03 .4255504E-02 .4052873E-02 .8586178E-03 .3707899E-02
.8218798E-02 .4969572E-02 -.5254377E-02 .1444530E-02 .1197273E-02
.3349923E-03 .2318547E-02 -.2217702E-02 .1109265E-02 .7489674E-03
-.2087855E-02 -.9857360E-02 -.6751592E-02 .9615523E-03 -.4992248E-02
-.2765613E-02 .3343176E-02 -.4722938E-02 -.1023698E-01 -.9769704E-02
-.5582454E-02 .5250130E-02 .1932289E-02 -.1694868E-01 .1791521E-01
.2591233E-01 -.3946791E-02 -.1763601E-02 -.2027356E-02 .1215683E-02
-.8399364E-02 -.7767457E-02 -.4120397E-02 -.9379942E-02 -.1476899E-01
-.8698314E-02 -.4099458E-02 -.1302883E-01 -.2348307E-01 -.2808451E-01
-.1488387E-01 -.8695685E-02 -.1294309E-01 -.1876534E-01 -.1233430E-01
-.1452121E-01 -.8514425E-02 .7910672E-02 -.3149117E-02 -.1462401E-01
-.2836759E-02 .9184108E-02 -.2004072E-02 .6707980E-02 .5199664E-02
-.1679940E-02 -.7435472E-02 .3936867E-02 -.7473482E-02 -.3738048E-01
-.1535184E-02 -.3435524E-01 -.2653744E-01 .1496997E-01 -.1361801E-01
-.2073904E-01 -.1250394E-01 .3123535E-01 .2391042E-01 .1198327E-01
.2126604E-01 -.1145884E-01 -.1330437E-02 .1196714E-01 -.3316595E-01
-.3107403E-01 -.1422370E-01 -.3989204E-01 -.2811411E-01 -.2217668E-01
-.3883946E-02 .1902329E-01 .8925403E-02 .2614801E-02 -.1109893E-01
-.2341931E-01 -.3217272E-01 -.4655957E-01 -.6245394E-01 -.6116638E-01
-.6111504E-01 -.4028116E-01 -.4810260E-02 .5334072E-02 .1532237E-01
-.3378836E-02 -.2337917E-02 .3507521E-01 .4076535E-01 .4838739E-01
.2818489E-01 -.2688221E-01 -.2965592E-01 -.1814450E-01 -.3826121E-01
-.1767990E-01 .2339324E-01 .2322883E-01 .4082775E-01 .3383858E-01
.2154645E-01 .4741969E-01 .1742858E-01 .4871342E-02 .4882212E-01
.2437786E-01 -.2175260E-01 -.2305404E-01 -.2949722E-02 -.8077121E-02
-.9480474E-02 .3762944E-01 .3989202E-01 .1016641E-01 .7092405E-02
.5333207E-02 .5383515E-02 -.3015803E-01 -.8718075E-01 -.1081158E+00
-.1224270E+00 -.1427256E+00 -.1479659E+00 -.1469627E+00 -.1586534E+00
-.1645270E+00 -.1456238E+00 -.1397806E+00 -.1009506E+00 .9505225E-01
.2019540E+00 .2766708E+00 .4267084E+00 .5858128E+00 .4718501E+00
.1598166E+00 .1739975E+00 .2577648E+00 .2599444E+00 .2997835E+00
.3023487E+00 .1880373E+00 .1453533E+00 .1459806E+00 .1330950E+00
.1311448E+00 .8762450E-01 -.1908985E-01 -.2105345E+00 -.2544607E+00
-.1154366E+00 -.6019420E-01 -.1673083E+00 -.2856199E+00 -.3490065E+00
-.4605646E+00 -.5896300E+00 -.5786116E+00 -.3583882E+00 -.1889688E+00
-.1689265E+00 -.1872881E+00 -.1371658E+00 -.4754000E-01 .7187699E-01
.1907973E+00 .3023654E+00 .3660262E+00 .8514330E-01 .7694923E-01
.2938702E+00 .3532145E+00 .4513249E+00 .3445795E+00 .1901186E+00
.2566141E+00 .3148018E+00 .2692464E+00 .1738486E+00 .5632201E-01
-.2776593E-01 -.1696032E+00 -.2886036E+00 -.3913840E+00 -.1285791E+00
.1616864E+00 -.6652031E-01 -.1286842E+00 -.1319776E-01 -.1513369E-01
-.7344193E-01 -.1569564E+00 -.1869137E+00 -.1900154E+00 -.2035149E+00
-.1725404E+00 -.1786001E+00 -.2000433E+00 -.1506527E+00 -.1581719E+00
-.1731952E+00 -.5315415E-01 .8656121E-02 .2911809E-02 .6125718E-01
.7746841E-01 .1990905E+00 .2940397E+00 .4257690E+00 .3295427E+00
-.1237652E+00 -.1285097E-01 .9002266E-01 -.2307950E-01 -.5028235E-01
-.8490160E-01 -.7637075E-01 .2193949E-01 .1156832E+00 .1085969E+00
.1251277E+00 .8459564E-01 -.2441412E-01 -.1527416E+00 -.1797964E+00
-.1241903E+00 -.1574171E+00 -.1649551E+00 -.1338718E+00 -.1889224E+00
-.2298613E+00 -.2278398E+00 -.2590031E-01 .6931658E-01 .2288221E-02
.7122077E-01 .1385703E+00 .8255800E-01 .6484364E-01 .1087383E+00
.8725103E-01 .9714406E-01 .1244883E+00 .1627067E+00 .1462695E+00
.8377322E-01 .6978608E-01 .1176251E-01 .9178002E-02 -.8655495E-02
-.1122383E+00 -.7420333E-01 -.2467802E-01 -.8377554E-01 -.1189418E+00
-.1266293E+00 -.1328612E+00 -.2880859E-01 -.2791116E-02 -.1282246E-01
.4647765E-01 .8950062E-01 .1111403E+00 .1232206E+00 .1089574E+00
.8236032E-01 .2410128E-02 -.8374165E-01 -.8486926E-01 .4376169E-02
.5538283E-01 -.4237035E-01 -.7253832E-01 -.7019989E-01 -.4851919E-01
-.2941091E-01 -.3845155E-01 .1338346E-01 .3012845E-01 .1057879E-01
.4226987E-01 .1122548E+00 .1075493E+00 .1096645E+00 .7702932E-01
-.6640638E-01 -.9403534E-01 -.6581215E-01 .5088177E-01 .1845352E+00
.1425886E+00 .4453483E-01 -.2604780E-04 .9120264E-01 .1357806E+00
.5637453E-01 .6946717E-01 .1166105E+00 .1178640E+00 .1048223E+00
.7357762E-01 .7197825E-01 .6667324E-01 -.1948511E-01 -.8738953E-01
-.1143460E+00 -.1652419E+00 -.2285512E+00 -.2570744E+00 -.2345160E+00
-.1567816E+00 -.1201400E+00 -.9499484E-01 .1036789E+00 .1543527E+00
.1708595E+00 .2881536E+00 .3317741E+00 .2321153E+00 .7200101E-01
.1680499E-01 -.5696521E-01 -.7609604E-01 -.1371999E+00 -.1869470E+00
-.1216197E+00 -.9375505E-01 -.5196529E-01 .1934634E-01 .9064779E-01
.1186900E+00 .5811976E-01 .1424080E-01 .5125295E-01 -.1697237E-01
-.1105528E+00 -.1270162E+00 -.7919606E-01 .8825069E-01 .9634695E-01
.4719060E-01 -.2287267E-01 -.8399766E-01 -.9462450E-01 -.1300730E+00
-.1439628E+00 -.1548803E+00 -.1450928E+00 -.1225134E+00 -.7835802E-01
-.6895910E-01 -.8331802E-01 -.1252485E+00 -.1509315E+00 -.1437234E+00
-.6890269E-01 -.3986054E-01 -.3918050E-01 .1058206E-02 .7192854E-01
.9592786E-01 .1132900E+00 .1340274E+00 .2073519E+00 .1029700E+00
-.1279092E+00 -.5999273E-01 -.6094254E-01 -.9992712E-01 -.9754457E-01
-.1123388E+00 -.8165633E-01 -.2546160E-01 .3095447E-01 -.4040382E-01
-.1496327E+00 -.1236839E+00 -.1168011E+00 -.3155362E-01 .2412301E-01
.1669226E-01 .4365796E-01 .2987263E-01 .3228287E-01 .6922726E-01
.9403775E-01 .1310586E+00 .8516276E-01 -.2019404E-01 .5225864E-01
.1232874E+00 .1391260E+00 .1464426E+00 .1745630E+00 .1950753E+00
.1723559E+00 .1681363E+00 .1374242E+00 .9115406E-01 .5550928E-01
.9366665E-02 -.7782442E-02 -.2877100E-02 -.7993248E-02 -.3691721E-01
-.9178997E-01 -.1390290E+00 -.1819983E+00 -.5845675E-01 .1875449E-02
-.1179305E+00 -.1474204E+00 -.1439226E+00 -.1595794E+00 -.2045101E+00
-.1640036E+00 .1800755E-01 .5002972E-01 -.1174730E-01 -.1652058E-01
-.3324418E-01 -.1110884E-01 .1297370E-01 .3891060E-01 .5303999E-01
.1170249E+00 .1836558E+00 .2755265E+00 .1294038E+00 -.1036454E+00
-.1873207E-01 .2731930E-01 -.1163409E-01 -.4043438E-01 -.2992795E-01
-.4037129E-01 -.5045559E-01 -.6416495E-01 -.7160947E-01 .5018919E-01
.1485024E+00 .1745169E+00 .2500545E+00 .2265461E+00 .5699912E-01
.1247969E-01 .4022371E-02 .6226097E-02 .5665951E-01 .2243497E-01
-.4493956E-01 -.3956463E-01 -.5525779E-01 -.8399471E-01 -.1087383E+00
-.1245426E+00 -.1473574E+00 -.1694245E+00 -.2403873E+00 -.1947387E+00
.1150574E+00 .5835923E-01 .3313118E-01 .7153686E-01 -.1316628E+00
-.1117324E+00 -.1449923E-01 .2942671E-01 .5334971E-02 .1847936E-01
.6965649E-01 .1313223E+00 .4068681E-01 -.3274638E-01 .4525576E-01
.4449147E-01 .4685658E-02 -.3739372E-01 -.2895862E-01 -.8083594E-02
-.9158959E-02 -.6388326E-01 -.8921728E-01 -.9145236E-01 -.1060580E+00
-.3409420E-01 .2057958E-01 .9746935E-02 .3464897E-01 .6085151E-01
.5680800E-01 .5747486E-01 .4103835E-01 .6119460E-02 .2211183E-01
.5959968E-01 .5880490E-01 .6224618E-01 .9285109E-01 .1142056E+00
.8746818E-01 .2998795E-01 .3468283E-01 .4745919E-01 .1845736E-01
.1007179E-01 .1950663E-01 .1874556E-01 -.8545701E-02 -.3600016E-01
-.7715220E-01 -.1058684E+00 -.1284942E+00 -.7191590E-01 .3709138E-01
.1055189E-01 .1068837E-02 .2842207E-01 .3548249E-02 -.1786063E-01
.2926877E-02 .3786791E-01 .4725896E-01 .5122770E-01 .4643260E-01
.2058369E-01 .1681574E-01 .1711509E-02 -.1090901E-01 .1183795E-01
.1726327E-01 .2983370E-01 .5035706E-01 .3964498E-01 -.6564117E-02
-.2661531E-01 -.2221813E-01 -.1926118E-01 -.1597069E-01 -.2188467E-01
-.2401956E-01 -.1123081E-01 -.5659590E-02 -.1250788E-01 -.1079021E-01
.7258684E-02 -.1479984E-01 -.6107928E-01 -.6547852E-01 -.7312853E-01
-.7801024E-01 -.5887503E-01 -.4382083E-01 -.3691235E-01 -.1377465E-01
.1403261E-01 .1674889E-01 .1833808E-01 .3254263E-01 .4234487E-01
.4417988E-01 .3590364E-01 .3183286E-01 .2864847E-01 .2274679E-01
.1696038E-01 .1380251E-01 .8468985E-02 .1143112E-01 .5059577E-03
-.2976656E-01 -.4168214E-01 -.2123312E-01 .1198631E-01 .1159674E-01
.1347667E-01 .1789130E-01 .7736254E-02 -.1994470E-02 .1051328E-02
-.1366413E-01 -.3411811E-01 -.3153335E-01 -.2732984E-01 .2187606E-01
.6298725E-01 .6631152E-01 .7311501E-01 .7654741E-01 .6802948E-01
.5002760E-01 .3868734E-01 .1913380E-02 -.2754922E-01 -.3744822E-01
-.5223403E-01 -.5968095E-01 -.3695218E-01 .2139426E-02 .1617065E-01
.2685832E-01 .2693800E-01 .1530297E-01 .8370142E-02 -.1156258E-01
-.4213391E-01 -.5631689E-01 -.6189923E-01 -.6201029E-01 -.5165003E-01
-.4682123E-01 -.4726481E-01 -.4629263E-01 -.4117925E-01 -.3009274E-01
-.1567186E-01 -.7148613E-02 -.7510587E-02 -.6752601E-02 .1575826E-02
.1975031E-01 .2875092E-01 .3111337E-01 .1629800E-01 -.1060845E-01
-.1831748E-01 .1725652E-02 .1853028E-01 .2267773E-01 .3028808E-01
.3070336E-01 .1932845E-01 -.1295442E-01 -.3447526E-01 -.4305843E-01
-.4877948E-01 -.4362222E-01 -.1784567E-01 .1250354E-01 .1969059E-01
.3046499E-01 .4598544E-01 .4900375E-01 .3806133E-01 .1357942E-01
.1526215E-02 .9245475E-03 -.8786798E-03 .5697392E-02 .2572624E-01
.3240534E-01 .3536857E-01 .4530860E-01 .4732731E-01 .2535358E-01
-.4462928E-02 -.1855104E-01 -.3594701E-01 -.4596124E-01 -.3563259E-01
-.2321804E-01 -.1614320E-01 -.9429431E-02 .2507500E-04 .1003854E-01
.1579350E-01 .2297647E-01 .2657005E-01 .2542879E-01 .5257396E-02
-.4311103E-02 .2214977E-02 -.4649504E-02 -.1183325E-01 -.1300511E-01
-.1411169E-01 -.2399742E-01 -.3253164E-01 -.2881057E-01 .6420442E-03
.2857383E-01 .3934616E-01 .4615681E-01 .4771956E-01 .4447913E-01
.2251252E-01 .8658981E-02 .4200664E-02 -.1410415E-01 -.2519451E-01
-.2367053E-01 .6160484E-02 .3354452E-01 .2857416E-01 .1391073E-01
.5151631E-03 .6713142E-03 .1344604E-02 .2155521E-03 -.4762981E-02
-.2204272E-01 -.2679175E-01 -.2146829E-01 -.1583373E-01 -.1575919E-01
-.2795933E-01 -.2832136E-01 -.1661576E-01 .6141468E-03 .9463737E-02
.1104583E-01 .1681909E-01 .2052380E-01 -.9867039E-02 -.3369826E-01
-.3258130E-01 -.3278932E-01 -.3026069E-01 -.2884997E-01 -.3984552E-01
-.2744023E-01 .1516930E-01 .2544074E-01 .2042544E-01 -.1581014E-02
-.5313154E-02 .4108623E-02 -.2353028E-01 -.4116197E-01 -.3719006E-01
-.2862407E-01 -.3190343E-02 .9498480E-02 .9714742E-02 .1479946E-01
.2001270E-01 .1887031E-01 .1864899E-01 .1671508E-01 .1164160E-01
.1395803E-01 .2152133E-01 .1436399E-01 .8309272E-02 .7851288E-02
-.4644739E-02 -.1440105E-01 -.2357086E-01 -.2785079E-01 -.2759887E-01
-.2130511E-02 .1046749E-01 -.6144258E-02 -.1121267E-01 -.5057557E-03
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.2285163E-01 .8166385E-02 -.3268123E-02 .2314140E-01 .5305974E-01
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.9576516E-01 .1018287E+00 .9115508E-01 .5979278E-01 .2566935E-01
-.1444652E-02 -.2045374E-01 -.2800108E-01 -.3717534E-01 -.4434019E-01
-.6343701E-01 -.9382932E-01 -.1333180E+00 -.1699558E+00 -.1794330E+00
-.1553175E+00 -.1359022E+00 -.1311290E+00 -.8713481E-01 -.5136384E-01
-.4005551E-01 -.1431420E-01 .9841013E-02 .3626980E-01 .7783742E-01
.1038521E+00 .1198269E+00 .1375448E+00 .1386256E+00 .1279059E+00
.1159245E+00 .1158384E+00 .8276138E-01 .4938343E-01 .4680847E-01
.2500752E-01 .2434433E-02 -.6218722E-02 -.1817974E-01 -.3985524E-01
-.6793634E-01 -.8294005E-01 -.9280193E-01 -.1030330E+00 -.1100756E+00
-.7530948E-01 -.2332980E-01 -.9316555E-02 .1563414E-01 .4063379E-01
.6169726E-01 .9070449E-01 .1151921E+00 .1292981E+00 .1520741E+00
.1747165E+00 .1794120E+00 .1042803E+00 .4526558E-01 .4386759E-01
-.7879648E-02 -.5317641E-01 -.8000301E-01 -.1272980E+00 -.1577609E+00
-.1120992E+00 -.8186598E-01 -.8769487E-01 -.9007415E-01 -.1154136E+00
-.1117565E+00 -.5611620E-01 -.3380333E-01 -.2826539E-01 -.1514069E-01
-.1223333E-01 -.2954042E-02 .2255854E-01 .6037742E-01 .1018112E+00
.1207662E+00 .8207892E-01 .8341341E-01 .1051764E+00 .6335165E-01
-.3017400E-02 -.4052555E-01 -.6173411E-01 -.6795072E-01 -.7466815E-01
-.1032758E+00 -.1096199E+00 -.1095850E+00 -.9122368E-01 -.2732245E-01
.2761501E-01 .4796937E-01 .5597254E-01 .4811063E-01 .4100963E-01
.2403503E-01 .1380364E-01 .2104791E-01 .5066588E-01 .7515426E-01
.8281060E-01 .8481102E-01 .3265353E-01 .3221207E-01 .5880877E-01
.6720764E-01 .6330735E-01 .4244547E-01 .2643879E-01 -.1913872E-01
-.7055165E-01 -.1075958E+00 -.1117777E+00 -.1057320E+00 -.1183074E+00
-.1215886E+00 -.6262125E-01 -.2194454E-01 -.3397123E-01 -.1837530E-01
.1442598E-01 .5931731E-01 .9082319E-01 .9827746E-01 .8372726E-01
.4008053E-01 .5403627E-01 .1024333E+00 .9641846E-01 .2099056E-01
-.9815405E-02 .1615692E-01 -.2938703E-01 -.5942189E-01 -.8152830E-01
-.8333467E-01 -.9607748E-01 -.9402112E-01 -.1517327E+00 -.1071291E+00
.1037631E+00 .9793178E-01 .8599781E-01 -.1014302E-02 -.2739761E-01
.9338366E-01 .1338164E+00 .1334880E+00 .1317132E+00 .1432443E+00
.8817344E-01 -.5294281E-02 -.1961409E-01 -.1506186E-01 -.2859934E-01
-.1503542E-01 -.2404105E-01 -.7087950E-01 -.1191521E+00 -.8057473E-01
-.4425768E-01 -.1032780E+00 -.8963049E-01 .8731092E-02 -.8429471E-02
-.6999676E-01 -.5369419E-01 -.2533727E-01 .9445646E-02 .1067668E+00
.1341425E+00 .8998247E-01 .8578709E-01 .3072328E-01 .1427565E-01
.7898330E-01 .1333196E+00 .1227512E+00 .1274308E+00 .6366129E-01
-.2180874E-01 -.3868888E-01 -.8337526E-01 -.9231879E-01 -.4796120E-01
-.3340292E-01 -.5674376E-01 -.8668707E-01 -.1114161E+00 -.1239593E+00
-.1273255E+00 -.1205866E+00 -.8471031E-01 -.2591568E-01 -.8362725E-02
-.9185070E-02 .3033052E-01 .8645986E-01 .1683534E+00 .2342574E+00
.2538523E+00 .1906141E+00 -.4513259E-01 -.5127529E-01 -.2490346E-01
-.1230532E+00 -.9236680E-01 .2680870E-01 -.2558401E-02 -.7753481E-01
-.4177288E-01 -.3219435E-01 -.1987612E-01 .1380092E-01 .1997671E-01
-.5953158E-01 -.2940824E-01 .2734220E-01 -.1832965E-01 -.6914536E-01
-.5124775E-01 -.2030537E-01 .1107458E-01 .6878277E-01 .7670475E-01
.3803723E-01 .2160409E-02 .1938886E-01 .2406417E-01 .1455740E-01
.3062645E-02 -.1021712E-01 -.3852658E-01 -.7050396E-01 -.8266481E-01
-.8289878E-01 -.5795610E-01 -.4917227E-01 -.3556792E-01 -.4508317E-02
.1134716E-01 .2006570E-01 .2636785E-01 .2747616E-01 .2416277E-01
.1435503E-01 .9637086E-02 .5703519E-02 .8533569E-02 .1869741E-01
.3299837E-01 .2733793E-01 -.1342174E-01 -.2101203E-01 -.1300142E-01
-.1120262E-01 -.1099706E-01 -.3211053E-01 -.4313110E-01 -.4322034E-01
-.3984259E-01 -.1625764E-01 .8001536E-02 .2510336E-01 .3565169E-01
Re: connection between column and quad elements
you need to tie the column and quad element using equalDOF command, but you need to tie them only in 2 DOFs.
Re: connection between column and quad elements
hello and thanks vesna
i used equalDOF command in 2 DOFs and it has error.
i guess i should add element between column and quad elements, for example (base plate), and then use equalDOF command in 2 DOFs that creates rigid connection between them.
is it right?
is there any better or easier way?
i used equalDOF command in 2 DOFs and it has error.
i guess i should add element between column and quad elements, for example (base plate), and then use equalDOF command in 2 DOFs that creates rigid connection between them.
is it right?
is there any better or easier way?
Re: connection between column and quad elements
I also encountered this error, anyone have the solution?
Re: connection between column and quad elements
in your original post your column is unstable .. you need to fix the rotation at the bottom!
Re: connection between column and quad elements
hi and thanks frank
i know that. but i don't know how can i connect it in model -ndm 2 -ndf 2. rotation is not fixed and column is unstable.
in other my model, i created smaller quad elements and define rigid link below the column then use new equal DOF between nodes of rigid link and nodes of quad elements in -ndm 2 -ndf 2. it responses.
i searched for simpler way.
are there other suggestions.
i know that. but i don't know how can i connect it in model -ndm 2 -ndf 2. rotation is not fixed and column is unstable.
in other my model, i created smaller quad elements and define rigid link below the column then use new equal DOF between nodes of rigid link and nodes of quad elements in -ndm 2 -ndf 2. it responses.
i searched for simpler way.
are there other suggestions.
Re: connection between column and quad elements
fix the node 32 with a 0 0 1 condition right after you define it.
Re: connection between column and quad elements
but it results zero rotation at bottom the column.
i want the rotation equals to rotation of quad node.
i want the rotation equals to rotation of quad node.
Re: connection between column and quad elements
the quad node has no rotation .. it has only translational dof.
if you mean you want the end rotation based on the of 1 side of the quad you would have to:
1) model it (that is how people model piles in soil, whee they either use an equalDOF or insert springs)
2) do it in the script (calculate the rotation, and then put it in as a sp constraint at each step (removing old one) .. could only be done after a committed step.
3) write some c++ code to do the above at every trial step.
if you mean you want the end rotation based on the of 1 side of the quad you would have to:
1) model it (that is how people model piles in soil, whee they either use an equalDOF or insert springs)
2) do it in the script (calculate the rotation, and then put it in as a sp constraint at each step (removing old one) .. could only be done after a committed step.
3) write some c++ code to do the above at every trial step.
Re: connection between column and quad elements
thanks a lot dear frank
i want to consider soil foundation structure interaction. and i don't have any pile under column. i know about them.
thanks, i didn't attend that quad elements with have 2 DOFs in every nodes, don't result rotation.
i modeled the base plate under columns as rigid, and got reasonable results.
best regards.
i want to consider soil foundation structure interaction. and i don't have any pile under column. i know about them.
thanks, i didn't attend that quad elements with have 2 DOFs in every nodes, don't result rotation.
i modeled the base plate under columns as rigid, and got reasonable results.
best regards.