Much of the debugging code uses opserr as the output stream. It is defined in OPS_globals.h as follows:
#define _USING_OpenSees_STREAMS
#include <OPS_Stream.h>
extern OPS_Stream &opserr;
#define endln "\n"
I just browsed the code listing on the web site but am not able to locate OPS_Stream.h. Is that out of date?
Would there be any problem by just uncommenting _USING_STL_STREAMS for the following code?
// #include <iostream>
// using std::cerr;
// using std::ostream;
// #define opserr cerr
// #define OPS_Stream ostream
// #define endln endl
where is OPS_stream.h?
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
I should have looked up the file list
Thanks for the prompt response.
I realizized that I should have looked up the class interface->File List from browsing upon which a click of the file name showed the folder it lies.
I found class interface to be very useful. For instance I was really curious about where is opserr defined since in OPS_globals.h it is stated as
extern OPS_Stream &opserr;
A check on the Opensees File Members shows that it is defined in command.cpp.
I realizized that I should have looked up the class interface->File List from browsing upon which a click of the file name showed the folder it lies.
I found class interface to be very useful. For instance I was really curious about where is opserr defined since in OPS_globals.h it is stated as
extern OPS_Stream &opserr;
A check on the Opensees File Members shows that it is defined in command.cpp.