How to incorporate new material models into OpenSees

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Krisda Piyawat
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:05 am

How to incorporate new material models into OpenSees

Post by Krisda Piyawat »

:twisted: I got a problem about defining a new material model into OpenSees. I can incorporate material models into OpenSees but they are just in the forms stress = function( strain, strainRate). Now I need to define stress = function( stress,strain,strainRate). I can used ODE solver in matlab to simulate these models, but for OpenSees I am still lost.
Thank you so much, Krisda
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Post by fmk »

the material can themselves keep track of their previous stress state ..
remember this is an object-oriented code and not a procedural one .. objects can keep track of whatever other info they need themselves.
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