wipe; # clear opensees model
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3; # 2 dimensions, 3 dof per node
file mkdir ff; # create data directory
node 1 0 0
node 2 10 10
node 3 20 20
node 4 30 30
node 5 40 40
node 6 50 50
node 7 60 60
node 8 70 70
node 9 80 80
node 10 90 90
node 11 100 100
fix 1 1 1 0;
fix 11 1 1 0; # node DX DY RZ
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 8 1
element truss 1 1 2 1000 8
element truss 2 2 3 1000 8
element truss 3 3 4 1000 8
element truss 4 4 5 1000 8
element truss 5 5 6 1000 8
element truss 6 6 7 1000 8
element truss 7 7 8 1000 8
element truss 8 8 9 1000 8
element truss 9 9 10 1000 8
element truss 10 10 11 1000 8
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
load 1 -50.8480056 -50.8480056 0 ;
load 11 50.8480056 50.8480056 0 ; }
geomTransf PDelta 2 ;
recorder Node -file Data/Dpe.out -time -node 6 -dof 1 2 3 disp;
constraints Plain;
numberer Plain;
system BandGeneral;
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-8 6 ;
algorithm Newton;
integrator LoadControl 1;
analysis Static
analyze 1;
loadConst -time 0.0;
pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 6 0 -52.8374 0; }
integrator LoadControl 0.1;
analysis Static
analyze 10;
puts "Done!"
some thing wrong with my script ,help me?
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:03 am
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:03 am
why are you so busy? You don't have any time to help me solve this problem?
I've already change the your truss examples but it doesn't work
the following is my changing of the examples , something wrong with it I realy need your help.
# OpenSees Example 1.1
# OpenSees Primer
# Units: kips, in, sec
# ------------------------------
# Start of model generation
# ------------------------------
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 2 DOF/node)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2
# Create nodes & add to Domain - command: node nodeId xCrd yCrd
node 1 0.0 0.0
node 2 10.0 10.0
node 3 20.0 20.0
node 4 30.0 30.0
node 5 40.0 40.0
node 6 50.0 50.0
node 7 60.0 60.0
node 8 70.0 70.0
node 9 80.0 80.0
node 10 90.0 90.0
node 11 100.0 100.0
# Set the boundary conditions - command: fix nodeID xResrnt? yRestrnt?
fix 1 1 1
fix 11 1 1
# Define materials for truss elements
# -----------------------------------
# Create Elastic material prototype - command: uniaxialMaterial Elastic matID E
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1 1e7
# Define elements
# ---------------
# Create truss elements - command: element truss trussID node1 node2 A matID
element truss 1 1 2 1e-3 1
element truss 2 2 3 1e-3 1
element truss 3 3 4 1e-3 1
element truss 4 4 5 1e-3 1
element truss 5 5 6 1e-3 1
element truss 6 6 7 1e-3 1
element truss 7 7 8 1e-3 1
element truss 8 8 9 1e-3 1
element truss 9 9 10 1e-3 1
element truss 10 10 11 1e-3 1
# Define loads
# ------------
# Create a Plain load pattern with a linear TimeSeries
pattern Plain 1 "Linear" {
load 6 1 1
# Create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Create the system of equation, a SPD using a band storage scheme
system BandSPD
# Create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
numberer RCM
# Create the constraint handler, a Plain handler is used as homo constraints
constraints Plain
# Create the integration scheme, the LoadControl scheme using steps of 1.0
integrator LoadControl 1.0
# Create the solution algorithm, a Linear algorithm is created
algorithm Linear
# create the analysis object
analysis Static
# ------------------------------
# End of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of recorder generation
# ------------------------------
# create a Recorder object for the nodal displacements at node 4
recorder Node -file example.out -load -node 4 -dof 1 2 disp
# --------------------------------
# End of recorder generation
# ---------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Finally perform the analysis
# ------------------------------
# Perform the analysis
analyze 1
# Print the current state at node 4 and at all elements
print node 4
print ele
I've already change the your truss examples but it doesn't work
the following is my changing of the examples , something wrong with it I realy need your help.
# OpenSees Example 1.1
# OpenSees Primer
# Units: kips, in, sec
# ------------------------------
# Start of model generation
# ------------------------------
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 2 DOF/node)
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2
# Create nodes & add to Domain - command: node nodeId xCrd yCrd
node 1 0.0 0.0
node 2 10.0 10.0
node 3 20.0 20.0
node 4 30.0 30.0
node 5 40.0 40.0
node 6 50.0 50.0
node 7 60.0 60.0
node 8 70.0 70.0
node 9 80.0 80.0
node 10 90.0 90.0
node 11 100.0 100.0
# Set the boundary conditions - command: fix nodeID xResrnt? yRestrnt?
fix 1 1 1
fix 11 1 1
# Define materials for truss elements
# -----------------------------------
# Create Elastic material prototype - command: uniaxialMaterial Elastic matID E
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1 1e7
# Define elements
# ---------------
# Create truss elements - command: element truss trussID node1 node2 A matID
element truss 1 1 2 1e-3 1
element truss 2 2 3 1e-3 1
element truss 3 3 4 1e-3 1
element truss 4 4 5 1e-3 1
element truss 5 5 6 1e-3 1
element truss 6 6 7 1e-3 1
element truss 7 7 8 1e-3 1
element truss 8 8 9 1e-3 1
element truss 9 9 10 1e-3 1
element truss 10 10 11 1e-3 1
# Define loads
# ------------
# Create a Plain load pattern with a linear TimeSeries
pattern Plain 1 "Linear" {
load 6 1 1
# Create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Create the system of equation, a SPD using a band storage scheme
system BandSPD
# Create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
numberer RCM
# Create the constraint handler, a Plain handler is used as homo constraints
constraints Plain
# Create the integration scheme, the LoadControl scheme using steps of 1.0
integrator LoadControl 1.0
# Create the solution algorithm, a Linear algorithm is created
algorithm Linear
# create the analysis object
analysis Static
# ------------------------------
# End of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of recorder generation
# ------------------------------
# create a Recorder object for the nodal displacements at node 4
recorder Node -file example.out -load -node 4 -dof 1 2 disp
# --------------------------------
# End of recorder generation
# ---------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Finally perform the analysis
# ------------------------------
# Perform the analysis
analyze 1
# Print the current state at node 4 and at all elements
print node 4
print ele