Modify and Compile the Source Code

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Modify and Compile the Source Code

Post by sattar »

Hi Frank,
I want to modify the equation of the shear limit curve in the limit state material source code. To do so, I need to introduce some new arguments to the “limitCurve shear” command. I went through the following steps. But when I run my input file in the generated executable file, it gives me this error message: WARNING insufficient arguments Want: limitCurve Shear tag? Eletag? Rho? Fc? B? h? d? Fsw? Kdeg? Fres? defType? forType? <ndI? ndJ? Dof? perpDirn? Delta?>
It seems that the executable file doesn’t recognize my new input arguments. Could you please direct me what I should do?

1)In shearcurve.h file: Define the type of the new arguments and add them to the shearcurve (….) arguments.
2)In shearcurve cpp file: Add the new arguments in the shearcurve function as follow:
ShearCurve::ShearCurve(int tag, int eTag, Domain *theDom,
double r, double f, double B, double H, double D, double Fsw, double Kd, double Fr, int dType, int fType, int ni, int nj, int df, int dirn, double dd, double E_in, double Lin_in, double Hin_in, double Em_in, double tin_in, double s_in, double Fyw_in, double ftp_in):/

3) Do the same thing for limitcurve function:
LimitCurve(tag, TAG_ShearCurve), eleTag(eTag), theDomain(theDom), theElement(0),
Kdeg(Kd), Fres(Fr), defType(dType), forType(fType), rho(r), fc(f), b(B), h(H), d(D), Fsw(Fsw), ndI(ni), ndJ(nj), dof(df), perpDirn(dirn), delta(dd),E(E_in), Lin(Lin_in), Hin(Hin_in), Em(Em_in), tin(tin_in), s(s_in), Fyw(Fyw_in), ftp(ftp_in)

5) Modify the equation in the findLimit function. (ShearCurve::findLimit(double DR)

6) Rcl on the material in solution explorer in VS2010-> build
7) Build the opensees
8) get the exe file from bin folder

I also tried it in both versions 2.2.2 and 2.2.1.

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Location: University of Colorado-Boulder

Re: Modify and Compile the Source Code

Post by sattar »

I solved my problem.
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Re: Modify and Compile the Source Code

Post by 2015James »

sattar wrote:
> I solved my problem.
could you tell me how to solve the problem? Thanks.
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新建 文本文档 (21)

Post by jshdu109 »

Wow tats really very informative, hope to get more informations.
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Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:35 am

Re: Modify and Compile the Source Code

Post by ksn9409 »

2015James wrote:
> sattar wrote:
> > I solved my problem.
> could you tell me how to solve the problem? Thanks.

Can you show us the complete code you've written to make this work? Thanks.
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