beamColumnJoint problem!
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
beamColumnJoint problem!
Dear all proffessionals
I`ve created a steel moment frame and used beamColumnJoint element for the connections, but the program sees the model as an unstable. When i omit the beamColumnJoint element and use simple connection the program has no problem. may anyone please help me?!
I`ve created a steel moment frame and used beamColumnJoint element for the connections, but the program sees the model as an unstable. When i omit the beamColumnJoint element and use simple connection the program has no problem. may anyone please help me?!
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
What is the error message that you get?
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
the error is:
CTestNormDispIncr::test<>-failed to converge after:1000 iterations
NewtonLineSearch::solveCurrentStep<>-the ConvergenceTest object failed in test<>
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze<>-the Algorithm failed at time 0.02
Opensees>analyze failed, returned:-3error flag
CTestNormDispIncr::test<>-failed to converge after:1000 iterations
NewtonLineSearch::solveCurrentStep<>-the ConvergenceTest object failed in test<>
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze<>-the Algorithm failed at time 0.02
Opensees>analyze failed, returned:-3error flag
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
I never used BeamColumnJoint element but many users of OpenSees used it successfully.
There is also an example: ... intExample that may help you in solving your problem.
There is also an example: ... intExample that may help you in solving your problem.
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
Dear Vesna
tnx for your answer.....
another question......can the beamcolumnjoin element be used in sttel models? or this is just for RC models?
tnx for your answer.....
another question......can the beamcolumnjoin element be used in sttel models? or this is just for RC models?
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
The joint element is developed for RC frame systems.
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
@vesna---Can we use beamcolumnjoint element for RC exterior joint??? thanx
Re: beamColumnJoint problem!
@ fmk---thank you very much for your response---- I am thinking of giving very very stiff bar-slip and and interface-shear uniaxial material at the node 4 while modelling for exterior joint. Will it work?---Thanx