Hi Vesna and all,
In modelling of a column, I use zerolengthsection element to take care of the strain penetration at the bottom of the column. Its a 3d model. I am confused about constraining the bottom and top of the zerolengthsection element. I use equalDOF 1 2 1 3 5; So I constrained no 2 node to no1 in both transversal direction and in torsional direction.
--- Is it correct conceptually???
---When I check the recorders, with this config. I do get zero transverse force from the nodereaction recorder at node 1 but I get the correct force from the nodereactionrecord of node no:2. And vice versa for the axial load. Why is this happening????
The no:1 is the bottom node of the column.
Look forward to hearing. Thanks in advance.
Equaldof slip and recorder problem
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: Equaldof slip and recorder problem
Make sure to constrain your zeroLenghtSection element in all directions that you did not define by the element. Also make sure to define local axes properly.
Re: Equaldof slip and recorder problem
the reaction do not follow constraints .. in calculating reactions we just take applied nodal loads and add any element forces for any elements framing into that node.