I modified the Wsection script of Remo de Souza in which a W section with bending about strong axis is defined.
This kind of Wsection might be useful for modeling braces or any other system.although it was so easy to change it for bending about weaker axis, I did not want you to go through the complexity of geometry!
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# This file is a Modified version of de Souza's file for bending and buckling over Weaker Axis
# input parameters
# secID - section ID number
# matID - material ID number
# d = nominal depth
# tw = web thickness (BUCKLING OVER WEAKER AXIS)
# bf = flange width
# tf = flange thickness
# nfdw = number of fibers along web depth
# nftw = number of fibers along web thickness
# nfbf = number of fibers along flange width
# nftf = number of fibers along flange thickness
proc Wsection { secID matID d tw bf tf nfdw nftw nfbf nftf} {
set dw [expr $d - 2 * $tf]
set z1 [expr -$d/2]
set z2 [expr -$dw/2]
set z3 [expr $dw/2]
set z4 [expr $d/2]
set y1 [expr -$bf/2]
set y2 [expr -$tw/2]
set y3 [expr $tw/2]
set y4 [expr $bf/2]
section fiberSec $secID {
patch quadr $matID $nfbf $nftf $y1 $z3 $y4 $z3 $y4 $z4 $y1 $z4
patch quadr $matID $nftw $nfdw $y2 $z2 $y3 $z2 $y3 $z3 $y2 $z3
patch quadr $matID $nfbf $nftf $y1 $z1 $y4 $z1 $y4 $z2 $y1 $z2