Gravity load

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Gravity load

Post by hnsmengyu »

I don not quite understand why there exists transverse displacement under the gravity load(and it's rather big, several mm)
my model is a 2D cantilever column, the load pattern is node load. the element type is nonlinearbeamcolumn and the section is fiber section aggregated with elastic torsion property
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Re: Gravity load

Post by vesna »

What geometric transformation do you use?

If your model is in 2D you do not need to define torsion.
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Re: Gravity load

Post by hnsmengyu »

Hello vesna,
the geometric transformation is linear, the transvese disp under gravity load is -0.00210238,I think it should not be so large. Besides, the strain of concrete do not equal to that of steel at the same section(under vertical load,which actually should be), I don't know the error drive from my model or the software itself.
the following is my script,It is a single pier, 90m heigh, with box section 4.4*4.4m, thickness 0.5m
Sorry to bother you again, but i,m really puzzled
Last edited by hnsmengyu on Fri May 06, 2011 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Gravity load

Post by hnsmengyu »

#define procedure for box fiber section
proc BuildRCrectSection {secID Hsec Bsec dH dB coverH coverB coreID coverID steelID numBarsOuterY BarAreaOuterY numBarsOuterZ\
BarAreaOuterZ numBarsInnerY BarAreaInnerY numBarsInnerZ BarAreaInnerZ } {
set y1 [expr $Hsec/2.0]
set y2 [expr $y1-$coverH]
set y3 [expr $y1-$dH+$coverH]
set y4 [expr $y3-$coverH]
set z1 [expr $Bsec/2.0]
set z2 [expr $z1-$coverB]
set z3 [expr $z1-$dB+$coverB]
set z4 [expr $z3-$coverB]
set n1 [expr int(($Hsec-2*$coverH)/$coverH/5.0)] ;#number of subdivisions of the core concrete -y direction
set n2 [expr int(($Bsec-2*$coverB)/$coverB/5.0)] ;#number of subdivisions of the core concrete -z direction
set n3 [expr int($dH/$coverH)] ;#number of subdivisions of the core concrete -y direction
set n4 [expr int($dB/$coverB)] ;#number of subdivisions of the core concrete -z direction
set n5 [expr int($Hsec/$coverH/5.0)] ;#number of subdivisions of the core concrete -z direction
set n6 [expr int(($Hsec-2*$dH+2*$coverH)/$coverH/5.0)];#number of subdivisions of the cover concrete in the inner patch
set n7 [expr int($Bsec/$coverB/5.0)] ;#number of subdivisions of the cover concrete in the inner patch
set n8 [expr int(($Bsec-2*$dB+2*$coverB)/$coverB/5.0)];#number of subdivisions of the cover concrete in the inner patch
# Define the fiber section
section fiberSec $secID {
# Define the core patch
patch quadr $coreID $n4 $n1 -$y2 $z2 -$y3 $z3 $y3 $z3 $y2 $z2 ;#patch 1
patch quadr $coreID $n4 $n1 -$y3 -$z3 -$y2 -$z2 $y2 -$z2 $y3 -$z3 ;#patch 2
patch quadr $coreID $n3 $n2 -$y3 $z3 -$y2 $z2 -$y2 -$z2 -$y3 -$z3 ;#patch 3
patch quadr $coreID $n3 $n2 $y2 $z2 $y3 $z3 $y3 -$z3 $y2 -$z2 ;#patch 4
# Define the four cover patches
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n5 -$y1 $z1 -$y2 $z2 $y2 $z2 $y1 $z1 ;#patch 5
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n5 -$y2 -$z2 -$y1 -$z1 $y1 -$z1 $y2 -$z2 ;#patch 6
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n7 -$y2 $z2 -$y1 $z1 -$y1 -$z1 -$y2 -$z2 ;#patch 7
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n7 $y1 $z1 $y2 $z2 $y2 -$z2 $y1 -$z1 ;#patch 8
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n6 -$y3 $z3 -$y4 $z4 $y4 $z4 $y3 $z3 ;#patch 9
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n6 -$y4 -$z4 -$y3 -$z3 $y3 -$z3 $y4 -$z4 ;#patch 10
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n8 -$y4 $z4 -$y3 $z3 -$y3 -$z3 -$y4 -$z4 ;#patch 12
patch quadr $coverID 1 $n8 $y3 $z3 $y4 $z4 $y4 -$z4 $y3 -$z3 ;#patch 11

# define reinforcing layers
set numOY [expr $numBarsOuterY-1]
set numOZ [expr $numBarsOuterZ+1]
set y22 [expr $y2-($y2/$numBarsOuterY)]
set z22 [expr $z2-($z2/$numBarsOuterZ)]
layer straight $steelID $numOY $BarAreaOuterY -$y22 $z22 $y22 $z22
layer straight $steelID $numOY $BarAreaOuterY -$y22 -$z22 $y22 -$z22
layer straight $steelID $numOZ $BarAreaOuterZ $y2 $z2 $y2 -$z2
layer straight $steelID $numOZ $BarAreaOuterZ -$y2 $z2 -$y2 -$z2

set numIY [expr $numBarsInnerY-1]
set numIZ [expr $numBarsInnerZ+1]
set y33 [expr $y3-($y3/$numBarsInnerY)]
set z33 [expr $z3-($z3/$numBarsInnerZ)]
layer straight $steelID $numIY $BarAreaInnerY -$y33 $z33 -$y33 -$z33
layer straight $steelID $numIY $BarAreaInnerY -$y33 -$z33 $y33 -$z33
layer straight $steelID $numIZ $BarAreaInnerZ $y3 $z3 $y3 -$z3
layer straight $steelID $numIZ $BarAreaInnerZ -$y3 $z3 -$y3 -$z3
} ;#end of fibersection definition
} ;#end of procedure

#unit SI: m s Kg
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
set Hc 90.0 ;#Height of pier
set He 2.0 ;#Height of pier element
set B 4.4 ;#Dimension of cross section, box section
set d 0.5 ;#Thickness of box section
set LTM 700.0e3 ;#Lump mass at top of the pier
set Nc [expr int($Hc/$He+1)] ;#Numbers of node
set GamaConc 2.5E4 ;#volume-weight of concrete
set g 9.8 ;#Gravity accel
set pi 3.14 ;#Constant
set UBig 1.0E10 ;#A really big number
set USmall [expr 1.0/$UBig] ;#A really small number
#box section, fiber

#Define nodes and mass
for {set i 1} {$i<=$Nc} {incr i 1} {
set nodeID $i
set CoordX 0.0
set CoordY [expr ($i-1)*$He]
set massD1 [expr ( $B*$B-($B-2.0*$d)*($B-2.0*$d) )*$He*$GamaConc/$g]
set massD2 0.0
set massD3 0.0
if {$i==1} {
node $nodeID $CoordX $CoordY -mass [expr $massD1/2.0] $massD2 $massD3
} elseif {$i==$Nc} {
node $nodeID $CoordX $CoordY -mass [expr $massD1/2.0+$LTM] $massD2 $massD3
} else {
node $nodeID $CoordX $CoordY -mass $massD1 $massD2 $massD3

#Define constraints
fix 1 1 1 1

#Define materials
#concrete Kent-Scott-Park model
#cover concrete
set coverID 1
set fps1 -26.8E6
set epsc011 -0.002
set fpcu1 -5.36E6
set epsu1 -0.004
#core concrete
set coreID 2
set fps2 -28.0E6;
set epsc012 -0.00216;
set fpcu2 -5.752E6;
set epsu2 -0.0089;
#steel:Giuffre Mentgotto Pinto model
set steelID 3
set Fy 335E6;
set Es 2.0E11;
set Bs 1e-8;
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 $coverID $fps1 $epsc011 $fpcu1 $epsu1
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 $coreID $fps2 $epsc012 $fpcu2 $epsu2
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 $steelID $Fy $Es $Bs

#Define sections-fiber section
set cover 0.04
set coverH $cover
set coverB $cover
set secID 100
set numBarsOuterY 26
set numBarsOuterZ 26
set numBarsInnerY 26
set numBarsInnerZ 26
set dOuter 0.028
set dInner 0.025
set BarAreaOuterY [expr $pi*$dOuter**2.0/4.0]
set BarAreaOuterZ [expr $pi*$dOuter**2.0/4.0]
set BarAreaInnerY [expr $pi*$dInner**2.0/4.0]
set BarAreaInnerZ [expr $pi*$dInner**2.0/4.0]
BuildRCrectSection $secID $B $B $d $d $coverH $coverB $coreID $coverID $steelID\
$numBarsOuterY $BarAreaOuterY $numBarsOuterZ $BarAreaOuterZ $numBarsInnerY $BarAreaInnerY $numBarsInnerZ $BarAreaInnerZ

#Define elements
set IDtransf 1
set numIntP 5
geomTransf Linear $IDtransf
for {set i 1} {$i<=[expr $Nc-1]} {incr i 1} {
set eleID $i
set nodeI $i
set nodeJ [expr $i+1]
element forceBeamColumn $eleID $nodeI $nodeJ $numIntP $secID $IDtransf
recorder Node -file Roofdisp.txt -time -node $Nc -dof 1 disp

#Define gravity load
set GravityLoadID 100
pattern Plain $GravityLoadID Linear {
for {set i 1} {$i<=[expr $Nc-1]} {incr i 1} {
set elemID $i
set Qpier [expr $massD1*$g/$He]
eleLoad -ele $elemID -type -beamUniform 0.0 -$Qpier

pattern Plain 101 Linear {
set cF [expr $LTM*$g]
load $Nc 0.0 -$cF 0.0

#Gravity analysis
set LoadFactor 0.1
constraints Plain
numberer Plain
system BandGeneral
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-8 10
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl $LoadFactor
analysis Static
analyze 10
loadConst -time 0.0
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Re: Gravity load

Post by vesna »

Due to round-off error you can get extremely small horizontal displacement (at the order of 1e-15) but what you are getting indicates the error in your model. I would think that your section is not well defined. Most probably it is not symmetric and that is what causes the horizontal displacement.
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Re: Gravity load

Post by hnsmengyu »

Thank you, Vesna
The problem lays that the reinforced steel does not symmetric, and now the result is OK!
nobody love
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