Problem in a soil pile interaction problem

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Problem in a soil pile interaction problem

Post by shankartayal »

I am working on soil pile interaction. I wrote this code for a 3d frame supported over a raft pile foundation and assigned horizontal soil springs to the piles and both horizontal as well as vertical springs to raft.I ran the code and got the model but it is giving error in analysis. I revised it several times but could not resolve the problem.
Please help me :
here is the code

#wiping out all previous declarations
#spring nodes created with ndm 3 and ndf 3
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 3
file mkdir output;
#horizontal soil spring nodes of pile 2
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+200] -500 -500 [expr -1000*$a]
node [expr $a+240] -500 -500 [expr -1000*$a]
#horizontal soil spring nodes of pile 2
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+210] 500 -500 [expr -1000*$a]
node [expr $a+250] 500 -500 [expr -1000*$a]
#horizontal soil spring nodes of pile 3
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+220] -500 500 [expr -1000*$a]
node [expr $a+260] -500 500 [expr -1000*$a]
#horizontal soil spring nodes of pile 4
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+230] 500 500 [expr -1000*$a]
node [expr $a+270] 500 500 [expr -1000*$a]
#vertical soil spring nodes for lower portion of the raft
for { set j 1 } { $j <= 6 } { incr j } {
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 6 } { incr i } {
node [expr 300+6*($j-1)+$i] [expr -2500+1000*($i-1)] [expr -2500+1000*($j-1)] 0
node [expr 340+6*($j-1)+$i] [expr -2500+1000*($i-1)] [expr -2500+1000*($j-1)] 0
#soil spring nodes for the upper portion of raft for corner nodes
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 6} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+380] 2500 [expr -2500+1000*($a-1)] 300
node [expr $a+400] 2500 [expr -2500+1000*($a-1)] 300
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 6} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+390] -2500 [expr -2500+1000*($a-1)] 300
node [expr $a+410] -2500 [expr -2500+1000*($a-1)] 300

#soil spring nodes coneected with piles
for { set a 201 } { $a <= 240 } { incr a } {
fix $a 0 1 1
for { set a 241 } { $a <= 280 } { incr a } {
fix $a 1 1 1
#raft spring nodes
for { set a 301 } { $a <= 336 } { incr a } {
fix $a 1 1 0
for { set a 341 } { $a <= 376 } { incr a } {
fix $a 1 1 1
#soil spring nodes coneected with piles
for { set a 381 } { $a <= 400 } { incr a } {
fix $a 0 1 1
for { set a 401 } { $a <= 420 } { incr a } {
fix $a 1 1 1

#soil material definition
uniaxialMaterial PySimple1 5 2 10 0.005 0.0 0.0
uniaxialMaterial TzSimple1 6 2 10 0.005 0.0 0.0
uniaxialMaterial QzSimple1 7 2 10 0.005 0.0 0.0

#zerolength elements definition
#zerolength elements at pile tip
element zeroLength 210 210 250 -mat 5 7 -dir 1 3
element zeroLength 220 220 260 -mat 5 7 -dir 1 3
element zeroLength 230 230 270 -mat 5 7 -dir 1 3
element zeroLength 240 240 280 -mat 5 7 -dir 1 3
#other elments
for { set b 1 } { $b <= 4 } { incr b } {
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 9 } { incr a } {
element zeroLength [expr 200+$a+10*($b-1)] [expr 200+$a+10*($b-1)] [expr 240+$a+10*($b-1)] -mat 5 6 -dir 1 3
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 36 } { incr a } {
element zeroLength [expr 240+$a] [expr 300+$a] [expr 340+$a] -mat 5 7 -dir 1 3
#zerolength elements for corners
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 6 } { incr a } {
element zeroLength [expr 280+$a] [expr 380+$a] [expr 400+$a] -mat 5 6 -dir 1 3
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 6 } { incr a } {
element zeroLength [expr 290+$a] [expr 390+$a] [expr 410+$a] -mat 5 6 -dir 1 3

#Create Pile nodes
model basic -ndm 3 -ndf 6
#make output directory
#first pile nodes
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+80] -500 -500 [expr -1000*$a]
#second pile nodes
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+90] 500 -500 [expr -1000*$a]
#third pile nodes
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+100] -500 500 [expr -1000*$a]
#forth pile nodes
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10} { incr a } {
node [expr $a+110] 500 500 [expr -1000*$a]
#superstructur nodes definition
node 121 -1500 -1500 3300
node 122 1500 -1500 3300
node 123 -1500 1500 3300
node 124 1500 1500 3300
#boundary conditions for pile and raft nodes
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 72 } { incr a } {
fix $a 0 1 0 1 0 1
#pile nodes constraints
for { set b 1 } { $b <= 4 } { incr b } {
for { set a 81 } { $a <= 90 } { incr a } {
fix [expr $a+10*($b-1)] 0 1 0 1 0 1
#equal dof between pile nodes and soil nodes
for { set b 1 } { $b <= 4 } { incr b } {
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 10 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 80+$a+10*($b-1)] [expr 200+$a+10*($b-1)] 1 3
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 14 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 0+$a] [expr 300+$a] 1 3
for { set a 17 } { $a <= 20 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 0+$a] [expr 300+$a] 1 3
for { set a 23 } { $a <= 36 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 0+$a] [expr 300+$a] 1 3
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 36 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 0+$a] [expr 36+$a] 1 2 3 4 5 6
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 6 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 6*$a] [expr 380+$a] 1 3
for { set a 1 } { $a <= 6 } { incr a } {
equalDOF [expr 1+6*($a-1)] [expr 390+$a] 1 3

#raft material definition for raft
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic 1 2000 .25

#material definition for the reinforced concrete pile section
#pile section is assumed to be circular
#there are 4 steel bars put longitudinally across the pile at equal angular spacing
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 2 -15.0 0.002 -13.0 0.06
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 3 250 100000 0.01
#pile section definition
section Fiber 1 {
patch circ 2 4 4 0 0 0.0 150.0 0 360
layer circ 3 4 615.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0 360
#defining torsional stiffness for the pile section
uniaxialMaterial Elastic 4 2000
#aggregating the section for flexural as well as torsional stiffness
section Aggregator 2 4 T -section 1
#meshing of raft supported over the piles
set eleArgs "1"
set element bbarBrick
block3D 5 5 1 1 1 $element $eleArgs {
1 -2500 -2500 0
2 2500 -2500 0
3 2500 2500 0
4 -2500 2500 0
5 -2500 -2500 300
6 2500 -2500 300
7 2500 2500 300
8 -2500 2500 300

#transformation matrix
geomTransf Linear 1 -1 0 0
geomTransf Linear 2 0 1 0
geomTransf Linear 3 0 0 1

# superstructure modelling
element elasticBeamColumn 101 44 121 9000 30000 12000 675000000 675000000 1350000000 1
element elasticBeamColumn 102 47 122 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 1
element elasticBeamColumn 103 62 123 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 1
element elasticBeamColumn 104 65 124 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 1
element elasticBeamColumn 105 121 122 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 2
element elasticBeamColumn 106 121 123 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 3
element elasticBeamColumn 107 122 124 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 3
element elasticBeamColumn 108 123 124 9000 30000 12000 1350000000 675000000 1350000000 2
# pile modelling
element dispBeamColumn 111 15 81 5 2 1
element dispBeamColumn 121 16 91 5 2 1
element dispBeamColumn 131 21 101 5 2 1
element dispBeamColumn 141 22 111 5 2 1
for {set l 0} { $l <= 3 } { incr l } {
for { set k 1 } { $k <= 9 } { incr k } {
element dispBeamColumn [ expr 111+(10*$l)+$k ] [ expr 80+(10*$l)+$k ] [ expr 81+(10*$l)+$k ] 5 2 1

#taking nodes and elements information as output
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 420} { incr i } {
print output/nodes.txt -node $i
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 300} { incr i } {
print output/elements.txt -ele $i

#defining recorders
recorder Node -file output/pileDisp.out -time -nodeRange 81 120 -dof 1 3 5 -dT 0.5 disp
recorder display "model" 0 0 1000 800 -wipe
prp 10000 6000 1000
vup 0 0 1
display 2 3 100
#some load application on superstructure nodes
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
load 121 20000 0 0 0 0 0
#analysis strategies definition
integrator LoadControl 0.05
numberer RCM
system SparseGeneral
constraints Transformation
test NormDispIncr 1e-5 20
algorithm Newton
analysis Static
analyze 6000
Shankar Tayal
Undergraduate Student
School of Infrastructure
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar