I recently compiled OpenSees under Suse Linux 9.3.
If you follow the next steps it should work:
1. Download the tar ball with latest version of OpenSees: http://opensees.berkeley.edu/OpenSees/download.html
2. Untar to the OpenSees directory
3. CVS to make sure you are using the latest version with fmk's minor changes (I would say also VERY IMPORTANT)
4. Download the following Makefile.def to the OpenSees Directory:
http://www.dec.fct.unl.pt/~andre/pub/Op ... kefile.def
5. Follow the general instructions in: http://opensees.berkeley.edu/OpenSees/build.html
Here are things I had to take special care with:
5.1. “…latest version tcl/tk8.4.x. It is important you install the appropriate tcl/tk version. It is also VERY important”
i.e., make sure this line in the Makefile is referring to the right libraries and that these are in the right place:
TCL_LIBRARY = /usr/lib/libtk8.4.so \
5.2. I had to install the following libraries:
a. Mysql : mysql 4.1.10A comes with Suse 9.3, either installation cds or any ftp server, just make sure it is installed
b. BerkeleyDB4.0:
- Download the tar ball:
http://dev.sleepycat.com/downloads/optr ... &prod=core
- Then install using the following steps:
- Make sure that the include command in the Makefile is referring to the location where you installed it (in my case)
= -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/include
Good Luck!
Compiling under Linux Suse 9.3.
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