I modeled a RC moment frame 2D using forceBeamColumn2D. I performed nonlinear time history analysis. Also, I use following recorder:
recorder Element -file deformations[expr $j].txt -ele [expr $j] chordDeformation
first column is strain and others columns are chord rotations; results of analysis such as chord rotations and stories displacement and ....
are reasonable but strains are not reasonable. for example, strain in cross section of each end is: (in Column= -0.01 .. -0.2 .. and in Beams=0.0) What is the reason?
Meanwile, I use Concrete01 with Ultimate strain=0.0035 for matrial modeling and equalDof commands.
What's the "eps" in following text?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ElementOutput eleType="ForceBeamColumn2d" eleTag="1" node1="1" node2="2">
-0.258656 -5.26497e-008 -0.000584097
-0.258659 -2.58433e-007 -0.000584226
.............. .............. ...............
I read in previous topic of OpenSees forum that is Strain, I do'nt no realy?
I use OpenSees.exe 2.2.2, does this recorder change in 2.2.2?
If possible for you, please guide me!
the xml description is in error . .i will get the author to fix it for he next release .. you are obtaining the basic deformations of the element, 1 axial 2 rotations.