Dear fmk
I modeled a RC moment frame 2D using forceBeamColumn2D. I performed nonlinear time history analysis. Also, I use following recorder:
recorder Element -file deformations[expr $j].txt -ele [expr $j] chordDeformation
first column is strain and others columns are chord rotations; results of analysis such as chord rotations and stories displacement and ....
are reasonable but strains are not reasonable. for example, strain in cross section of each end is: (in Column= -0.01 .. -0.2 .. and in Beams=0.0) What is the reason?
Meanwile, I use Concrete01 with Ultimate strain=0.0035 for matrial modeling and equalDof commands.
Sadjad. Gh
strain is'nt reasonable
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Dear fmk
Thanks for your attention;
What's the "eps" in following text?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ElementOutput eleType="ForceBeamColumn2d" eleTag="1" node1="1" node2="2">
-0.258656 -5.26497e-008 -0.000584097
-0.258659 -2.58433e-007 -0.000584226
.............. .............. ...............
I read in previous topic of OpenSees forum that is Strain, I do'nt no realy?
I use OpenSees.exe 2.2.2, does this recorder change in 2.2.2?
If possible for you, please guide me!
Sadjad. Gh
Thanks for your attention;
What's the "eps" in following text?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ElementOutput eleType="ForceBeamColumn2d" eleTag="1" node1="1" node2="2">
-0.258656 -5.26497e-008 -0.000584097
-0.258659 -2.58433e-007 -0.000584226
.............. .............. ...............
I read in previous topic of OpenSees forum that is Strain, I do'nt no realy?
I use OpenSees.exe 2.2.2, does this recorder change in 2.2.2?
If possible for you, please guide me!
Sadjad. Gh
strain is'nt reasonable
Dear fmk
Thanks for your attention.
University of Kerman, Iran
Thanks for your attention.
University of Kerman, Iran