Hi, all
I am working on a bridge modeling.
For a 5% damping ratio, I used 'region' command with parameters following.. for all elements.
# RAYLEIGH damping parameters,
# D=$alphaM*M + $betaKcurr*Kcurrent + $betaKcomm*KlastCommit + $beatKinit*$Kinitial
set xDamp 0.05; # damping ratio
set MpropSwitch 1.0;
set KcurrSwitch 0.0;
set KcommSwitch 1.0;
set KinitSwitch 0.0;
set nEigenI 1; # mode 1
set nEigenJ 3; # mode 3
set lambdaN [eigen [expr $nEigenJ]]; # eigenvalue analysis for nEigenJ modes
set lambdaI [lindex $lambdaN [expr $nEigenI-1]]; # eigenvalue mode i
set lambdaJ [lindex $lambdaN [expr $nEigenJ-1]]; # eigenvalue mode j
set omegaI [expr pow($lambdaI,0.5)];
set omegaJ [expr pow($lambdaJ,0.5)];
set alphaM [expr $MpropSwitch*$xDamp*(2*$omegaI*$omegaJ)/($omegaI+$omegaJ)]; # M-prop. damping; D = alphaM*M
set betaKcurr [expr $KcurrSwitch*2.*$xDamp/($omegaI+$omegaJ)]; # current-K; +beatKcurr*KCurrent
set betaKcomm [expr $KcommSwitch*2.*$xDamp/($omegaI+$omegaJ)]; # last-committed K; +betaKcomm*KlastCommitt
set betaKinit [expr $KinitSwitch*2.*$xDamp/($omegaI+$omegaJ)]; # initial-K; +beatKinit*Kini
rayleigh $alphaM $betaKcurr $betaKinit $betaKcomm; # RAYLEIGH damping
However, I would like to assign a different damping ratio, for example, of 2% to some of zerolength elements with keeping the 5% damping for other elements.
For this control, do I need to change only 'set xDamp 0.05' into 'set xDamp 0.02'?
Then, assign new parameters obtained the above into zerolength elements using 'region' command?
Is it a right way?
Otherwise, I will appreciate any suggestion on this work.
All the best,
Control damping
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
it is the way to assign different damping factors to different elements .. the properties you calculate are based on the entire system, not individual element contributions .. you cannot say 5% damping for some elements and 2% for others .. the terms you calculate are 5% for the whole system and 2% for the whole system.