plasticity and beamwithhinges

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plasticity and beamwithhinges

Post by mpaksoy »

Dear Vesna,

First of all, thanks for your quick replies.
My questions are for 2d and RC element

1-To model the plastification in RC column as lumped plasticity, I think the only way I can do; is using rotational springs. however, to define zerolength element for rotation, which uniaxial material I should use to simulate concrete plasticity and how to assign a correct behaviour?
2-When I use beamwithhinges element with fiber discretization at the hinge regions. The section force recorder at section 1 gives the same amount of moment with the node reaction recorder. Why is that? Where does the section 1 recorder record?
3-Whats the difference between recorders, plasticdeformation and plasticrotation? I believe the multiplication of the hinge length with the curvatures after the yield point (in moment curvature graph), should be very similar to the records of the plasticrotation recorders. Does it make sense?

Thank you ,

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Post by vesna »


Here are the answers to your questions:
1. The simplest way to define zeroLenght element for rotation is to assign bilinear moment-curvature relationship defined using Steel01 or ElasticPP material.
2. Section 1 is at the node i of beamwithhinges element.
3. Plastic deformations are plastic axial strain and plastic curvature. Plastic rotation is what you just described.
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ForcedBeamColumn element

Post by »


You can use the "ForcedBeamColumn2d" for modelling of RCelements. Thereupon, you can recieve plastic rotation in each end of element.

I think that the element with distributed plasticity is better than lumped plasticity for modelling of RC element!!! (considering of crack distribution along element) OR NO?

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