As S.K.Kunnath pointed out that : the damage of a beam or column is
φm is the maximum rotation during the seism, and
φr is the max elastic rotation ,
φu is the ultimate rotation during monotonic loading.
My is the yield moment during monotonic loading.
Eh is the hysteretic energy during the seism.
My model is a 10 story regular structure .It is a three dimision model.
so, those parameters in the damage model should be calculated in the three division.
It is quite difficult to calculate φu,My and Eh, because there are two main aix moment in a recutangular section and the composed moment will have varous directions with the two main aix moment changing relatively.
Is there anyone has the experience to calculate the 3D damage of a beam or column?
Beg for your help.And any replies will be highly appreciated.
How to Calculate 3D Damage of a Beam or Column. in Opensees
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