please help me out with this error

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please help me out with this error

Post by pimkkk »

i would like to have a rotation spring as my bottom boundary condition, the following is my code, but i got an error said" erroe 126 returned in factorization dgstrf()", i have no idea what it means, and i have already tried every methods that i think they may help, but unlucky, they are not help at all, please help me with that, thank you sooooo much!!!

for { set runnum 1 } { $runnum <= 17} { incr runnum } {
model basic -ndm 3 -ndf 6;
file mkdir Trial_20elespring;

source Units&Constants.tcl;

set alpha [expr 0.01+2.0*($runnum-1)];

puts $alpha

set LCol [expr 0.1*$m];

set E [expr 30*$GPa];

set u [expr 0.2];

set ACol 1.0;

set ICol 1.0;

set G [expr $E*$ICol*$alpha*$alpha/$ACol/$LCol/$LCol] ;

set lCol [expr $LCol/2.0];

set xCol [expr $LCol/100.0];

node 1 0 0 [expr 0*$lCol];
node 101 0 0 [expr 1*$lCol];
node 102 0 0 [expr 2*$lCol];
node 121 0 0 [expr 0*$lCol];

node 2 $xCol 0 [expr 0*$lCol];
node 201 $xCol 0 [expr 1*$lCol];
node 202 $xCol 0 [expr 2*$lCol];
node 221 $xCol 0 [expr 0*$lCol];

fix 1 1 1 1 0 0 0;
fix 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 ;

equalDOF 101 201 1 ;

equalDOF 102 202 1 ;

set gamma [expr 2000000.00*$N/pow($m,3)];

set mass1 [expr $gamma/$g];

set mass2 [expr $mass1*$ACol*$lCol];

set weight2 [expr $mass2*$g]

mass 201 $mass2 1.e-9 0 0 0 0 ;

mass 202 $mass2 1.e-9 0 0 0 0 ;

set ShearmatTag 1;

set ShearmatTagDUMMY 2;

uniaxialMaterial Elastic $ShearmatTag [expr $G*1];

uniaxialMaterial Elastic $ShearmatTagDUMMY [expr $G*0.0000001];

set ColTransfTag 5;
set ColTransfTagPD 6; # Column geometric transformation tag

set numIntgrPts 6; # Number of integration points

geomTransf Linear $ColTransfTag 0.0 1.0 0.0;

set ColShearSecTagDUMMY 3;

set ColMomentSecTagDUMMY 4;

set ColShearSecTag 5;

set ColMomentSecTag 6;

section Elastic $ColShearSecTagDUMMY [expr 0.0000001*$E] [expr 1.0*$ACol] [expr 1.0*$ICol] [expr 1.0*$ICol] [expr 1.0*$G] 1000000.0;

section Elastic $ColMomentSecTagDUMMY [expr 1.0*$E] [expr 1.0*$ACol] [expr 1.0*$ICol] [expr 1.0*$ICol] [expr 0.0000001*$G] 1000000.0;

section Aggregator $ColMomentSecTag $ShearmatTagDUMMY Vy $ShearmatTagDUMMY Vz -section $ColMomentSecTagDUMMY ;

section Aggregator $ColShearSecTag $ShearmatTag Vy $ShearmatTag Vz -section $ColShearSecTagDUMMY ;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 101 1 101 $numIntgrPts $ColMomentSecTag $ColTransfTag;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 102 101 102 $numIntgrPts $ColMomentSecTag $ColTransfTag;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 201 2 201 $numIntgrPts $ColShearSecTag $ColTransfTag;

element nonlinearBeamColumn 202 201 202 $numIntgrPts $ColShearSecTag $ColTransfTag;

element zeroLength 121 1 121 -mat 1 -dir 4 5 6;
element zeroLength 221 2 221 -mat 1 -dir 4 5 6;

set w 10000;

pattern Plain 1 Linear {

eleLoad -ele 101 -type -beamUniform [expr 1*$w] 0

eleLoad -ele 102 -type -beamUniform [expr 2*$w] 0

recorder Node -file Trial_20elespring/Displacements_20$runnum.out -node 1 101 102 -dof 1 disp;

set Tol 1.0e-8;

constraints Plain;

numberer Plain;

#system BandGeneral;

#test NormDispIncr $Tol 2000;

#algorithm Newton;

#set Nstep 10;

#set D [expr 1./$Nstep];

#integrator LoadControl $D;
#analysis Static;
#analyze $Nstep;

#loadConst -time 0.0
constraints Transformation 1.0
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-6 10 1
system SparseGeneral
algorithm Newton;

integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1;
analysis Static
analyze 5
puts "done";
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