Help failed to converge simply model

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Help failed to converge simply model

Post by Oreste »

I have the follow code:
# Definizione dei materiali per il problema piano (muro)
# Unità di misura N, mm, s

wipe; # clear opensees model
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 2; # 2 dimensions, 3 dof per node
set RisDir Ris; # set up name for Ris directory
file mkdir $RisDir/; # create Ris directory

# Modello costitutivo del calcetruzzo elementi quad
# UniaxialMaterial: steelZ01
# uniaxialMaterial SteelZ01 tag? fy? E0? fpc? rou? <ac?> <rc?>
set rou1 0.0025;
set rou2 0.0025;
uniaxialMaterial SteelZ01 1 430 205000 37.35 $rou1
uniaxialMaterial SteelZ01 2 430 205000 37.35 $rou2

# UniaxialMaterial: concreteL01 and concreteZ01
# uniaxialMaterial ConcreteL01 tag? fpc? epsc0?
# uniaxialMaterial ConcreteZ01 tag? fpc? epsc0?
uniaxialMaterial ConcreteL01 3 -37.35 -0.0025
uniaxialMaterial ConcreteZ01 4 -37.35 -0.0025

# NDMaterial: ReinforceConcretePlaneStress
# This command is used to construct a Reinforced Concrete Plane Stress material object based on Fixed Angle theory with steel along two directions.
# nDMaterial FAReinforcedConcretePlaneStress matTag? rho? s1? s2? c1? c2? angle1? angle2? rou1? rou2? fpc? fy? E0? epsc0?
set TagCls 5;
set E 188000;
nDMaterial ReinforcedConcretePlaneStress $TagCls 0.0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.0 $rou1 $rou2 37.35 430 $E 0.0025

# Definione della geometria del modello
# Coordinate dei nodi
node 1 0.0 0.0
node 2 500 0.0
node 3 500 500
node 4 0.0 500

# Element: eleTag NodeI NodeJ NodeK NodeL thick type matTag
element quad 1 1 2 3 4 10 "PlaneStress" $TagCls

# Definizione dei vincoli dei nodi
fix 1 0 1 ; # node DX DY
fix 2 1 1 ; # node DX DY
fix 3 0 0 ; # node DX DY
fix 4 0 0 ; # node DX DY

# Definizione storia di carico
set F1 90000;
set F2 90000;

pattern Plain 1 Linear {

load 3 0 -$F1 0
load 4 0 -$F2 0

# Define analysis parameters
integrator LoadControl 1
system SparseSYM
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-10 50 1
numberer Plain
constraints Transformation
algorithm KrylovNewton
analysis Static

# Apply the 1 points in the files.
analyze 1

# create the display
recorder display g3 10 10 1000 200 -wipe
prp 0 0 100.0
vup 0 1 0
vpn 0 0 1
viewWindow -1000 1000 -500 500
projection 0
display 1 0 10

recorder Node -file Ris/RBase1.txt -time -node 1 -dof 1 2 reaction; # support reaction
recorder Node -file Ris/RBase2.txt -time -node 2 -dof 1 2 reaction; # support reaction

recorder Node -file Ris/Dispnode1.txt -time -node 1 -dof 1 2 disp; # spostamenti
recorder Node -file Ris/Dispnode2.txt -time -node 2 -dof 1 2 disp; # spostamenti
recorder Node -file Ris/Dispnode3.txt -time -node 3 -dof 1 2 disp; # spostamenti
recorder Node -file Ris/Dispnode4.txt -time -node 4 -dof 1 2 disp; # spostamenti

Opensees says:

WARNING: CTestNormDispIncr:: test <> - Failed to converge
after 50 iterations
AcceleratedNewton: solveCurrentStep <> - The object ConvergenceTest failed in tests
StaticAnalysis: analyze <> - the Algorithm failed at iteration: 0 with domain at load factor of 0.1
Opensees> analyze failed, Returned: -3 error flag 6

Help me
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Post by fmk »

as i have mentioned to you before, those materials do not converge .. it is why they cannot be found easily in the manual.

contact the authors of the code for help.
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