composition two damping in building

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composition two damping in building

Post by solmaz_moradpoor »

dear silvia
i have 2 question.
i have a building with 3 storey.i want to add a storey with different damping from the building.
1-do can i use rayleigh damping again for this composition?

2-when a building with 3 storey inters to nonlinear area and damping to change.does opensees use rayleigh damping again for the building?

very thanks about your attention
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Post by fmk »

use the region command to apply damping to the 3 story.

the damping factors when you use rayleigh are assigned to all nodes and eleents that exist at that time, if you add new nodes or elements after that command they have 0 factors associated with them.

the factors doe not change as the analysis progeresses. how could they, we don't know how you are calculating the factors!!
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