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Post by cyw »

My model consist a tunnel under the ground, subjected to cyclic load.The soil material is PressureIndependMultiYield Material,element is quadUP;for the tunnel,Elastic Beam Column Element is used;and for the lateral boundaries, viscous damper is used.There may be some problems in gravity applications: during the elastic gravity application, the displacement of the node are small, but when update the materialstage,they become very large.

analysis command:
updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 0

# create the SOE, ConstraintHandler, Integrator, Algorithm and Numberer
numberer RCM
system ProfileSPD
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-5 25 1
algorithm KrylovNewton
constraints Transformation
integrator Newmark 1.6 1.1025
analysis Transient

analyze 100 50

updateMaterialStage -material 1 -stage 1

analyze 1000 0.5

the result is:
5 0.000160216 -0.0754566 0.000160393 -0.0754589
55 0.000346637 -0.0890193 0.00034676 -0.089021
105 0.000282743 -0.0891919 0.000282939 -0.0891944
155 0.000243499 -0.0893017 0.000243733 -0.0893048
205 0.000221158 -0.0893799 0.000221412 -0.0893832
255 0.000209123 -0.08944 0.000209383 -0.0894434
305 0.000203021 -0.0894888 0.000203281 -0.0894922
355 0.000200199 -0.0895299 0.000200456 -0.0895333
405 0.000199124 -0.0895656 0.000199376 -0.0895689
455 0.00019894 -0.0895972 0.000199187 -0.0896004
505.2 0.00755713 -0.76719 0.00766371 -0.768552
555.6 0.227641 -5.3444 0.230152 -5.37648
606 0.512776 -8.04528 0.51777 -8.10907
656.4 0.786996 -10.0547 0.793998 -10.1441
706.8 1.01013 -11.6581 1.01867 -11.7672
757.2 1.19122 -12.9858 1.20097 -13.1103
807.6 1.34813 -14.1025 1.3589 -14.2402
858 1.49057 -15.0615 1.50229 -15.2111